Hi buddz and buddettez how is it growing?😁👍
The Shogun is doing great! Transplanted her at day 10 and she doesnt seem to notice it😁🤙
Every day i spray the soil surface as my "watering", usually i drown those little bushes, but this time im going to be consequent about it and keep the soil moist but not wet.
No signs of any trouble, RH around 65- 75, temps around 25 celsius. Im quit happy with this, although i have to set my humidifier at 55 RH to have 65RH in the room🤣, but ye i finally got that set right now.
Turned on the second mars hydro ts1000 aswell, all the plants are out of the dome and seedling fase + i can use a little extra heath during the cold months aswell😁👍
Made some infused COCO butter with my trimmings of the previous round and boy it makes some great cakes🤣🤙 love it, hope you all enjoy your meds aswell!!
End of week update: she grew great this week, her stem is very curly so i have to keep her up straight with some sticks, but she will be fine!
Happy growing all and stay healthy!😁👍