The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Clementine the Cream Mandarine (1stGrow)

Approved by Sweet Seeds
4 years ago
Week G. Germination
4 years ago
6 cm
17 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
70 %
21 °C
11 L
20.32 cm
So this is my first ever grow! I started off with a 50W full spectrum sun-like lamp from amazon that I had left over from wintering my lemon tree last year. I started off with it at around 12 inches above the seedling but then the little guy seemed to be stretched so I moved it to about 8 inches above. I realize this light is probably not going to be enough so I ordered the Mars Hydro ts600, which will be here next week. There is no tent so airflow is fine, though that probably means that there is light leakage. What can ya do! Drilled holes on the bottom and around a 3gal IKEA trash can, used BioBizz Light soil mix. I have been keeping the humidity up by misting half a coke bottle on the inside and keeping it over the seedling, with a hole in it for airflow. As of Day 4, I have not watered yet (soil is still moist). I'm pretty clueless as I've only ever raised orchids and a few other houseplants, so any advice is gladly accepted. :)
Grow Questions
pinkdragonstarted grow question 4 years ago
This is my first grow! How close should my 50W LED light be to my seedling while I wait for the MarsHydro TS600 to arrive next week? I have this light from amazon :
Setup. Lighting
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
you need to have your light set at between 16-18 inches away from seed. with your new light you will have it set at 28 inches until flower where the new one will be at 16-22 inches, hope this helps
pinkdragonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Is my 6cm tall seedling getting too much light? I downloaded a luxmeter app and for front/back cameras, it reads 4000-6000 lux. I'm worried about the light green veins. Is this normal? First grow so super unsure what everything is supposed to look like. Light is 18cm from plant.
Leaves. Veins - yellow between
1 like
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey So looking at photo 5, having a seedling this young that's 6 inches stretching for light. Versus excessive light. I usually raise these itty bitty babies under a couple cfl twisty bulbs(low heat and can be 4 inch from the plant). I think the mars light is going to be better in the end. Right now id just be mindful of watering practice (over or under), and keeping the room as comfortable as can be. If it's decent soil you should only need to give it water right now and survive. Ive had some bright growth on young veg plants and it be totally normal, watch for cupping leaves, burning leaves, etc. And maybe support the seedling if it wants to tip over. When the mars comes definitely keep it like 30 inches away at first and then slowly adjust. Happy growing. ✌️
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
7 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
55 %
22 °C
11 L
40 cm
(DAY 7) Switched to the Mars-Hydro TS600 this week and have been keeping it 40cm above since. (DAY 9) Got a fan! Been keeping it on her just enough to make her dance the tiniest bit :) (DAY 10) Watered for the first time today in a circle around the little gal, going from the outer edges of the leaves to the rim, let drain all the way. I pHed it to about 6.1 with fresh lemon juice (~80 drops). I've had an issue with fungus gnats in my other plants but I applied Diatomaceous Earth and neem oil on those and have just the yellow stickers on this girl as a precaution.
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
12 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
40 %
25 °C
11 L
40 cm
(DAY 16) Big update this week was moving the lil gal to a 40x40cm grow box. The light was annoying me and I couldn't regulate humidity well so it was a must. Furthermore, the fungus gnats have invaded (just a few), so I lightly covered the soil with some washed coarse aquarium sand and a little diatomaceous earth on top. I put the pot in a humidity tray (same sand with water level below the pot so it doesn't soak in) and sprayed the drain holes with neem oil. I think that'll be it for the gnats as there weren't that many to begin with. (DAY 17) Despite the box, I've been having issues keeping my humidity up, it's been consistently at 40% even though I've put in a mini humidifier, a wet towel, and a cup of water. I think this is due to me only having an intake fan (that has a bit too high of a speed), but that will be remedied in a couple of days when two new fans get here. Until then we'll make do. Will be updating the week's entry as I go. (DAY 19) Still having issues keeping humidity up... I put wet sponges, towels, and cups of water in the little tent and it still stays around 30% relative humidity. If anyone has any tips please let me know! The intake fan is at the lowest setting. Other than the twisted new growths, presumably where the original two leaves were, and the sliiight clawing, things are looking great! She's really exploding. Will start LST today as she looks ready. :) (DAY 21) She's really exploding now, can't even keep up with the new growth. She doesn't seem particularly upset by the 30% humidity (still actively trying to keep it up, oh well), and I've still only watered her twice total - once on Day 0, and once again on Day 10. I figure she'll tell me when she's thirsty. :) I did end up doing LST on Day 19, readjusted today. Did a bit of leaf tucking too to get more light to the other developing branches. Also, another positive note, fungus gnats are all gone. Woohoo! Cheers to the end of week 3!
Used techniques
Grow Questions
pinkdragonstarted grow question 4 years ago
I've noticed that there are new leaves towards the base of the plant that are growing strangely. Could this be from low humidity? I've been having a hard time keeping it up. I also noticed that some of the leaves are clawing down (see week pics). Perhaps related? Haven't fed yet!
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Twisted
Leaves. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Just pull the twisted bottom new growth off, everything else looks good so far. Dont feed to early in soil, wait till you see they need food. The little bit of curling downwards is just the new growth growing out, unless you already added nutes, then it could possibly be the N claw. Cheers
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
19 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
30 %
25 °C
25 °C
11 L
1 L
38 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 6 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
(DAY 24) Well, she didn't look particularly thirsty, but she was not growing very vigorously anymore, so today I gave her 2L water (pHed to 6.1 with Biobizz pH down) with some food. I also LSTed and branch tucked a lot so that the developing branches could get as much light as possible. As usual, will update the week as I go :) (DAY 25) Wow! She really loved her little energy drink! She's happier than ever 😍 I redid the LST today and tucked some more leaves. Had to cut off one big leaf that was blocking too much and couldn't be tucked, but I think it should be fine. I did see one fungus gnat today so I sprayed the drainage holes with neem oil, will add more DE on top of the sand later when I'm sure it's completely dry. (DAY 27) Found the first signs of deficiency today! The affected leaves were down at the bottom, and they were the very first and second set of leaves she shot up, so I guess it's to be expected. Looked like calcium deficiency, so I pHed 4 total liters of water containing 4mL of Biobizz Grow and 4mL of Biobizz Bloom. I also washed and crushed up an eggshell to sprinkle on top of the soil before I watered. We'll see how she looks tomorrow. (DAY 28) Well we're into flower now. She's still growing, shall we say, like a weed! Been another lovely week 😊
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
19 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
30 %
25 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
32 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1 mll
(DAY 29) Been leaf tucking and plucking off blooms that for sure won't get enough light, as well as fan leaves that are blocking bud sites that can't be tucked. Minimal pruning! (DAY 30) She seemed a little dry so I just gave her 2L of water pHed to 6.5 with 4mL total of Biobizz Bloom. (DAY 31) Found a spot on one of the leaves today, she maybe looks a bit overwatered but good overall. Perhaps a bit too neon though? Maybe a N deficiency? Also, some of the uppermost leaf tips are bleached, but I think that's just a tiny bit of light burn from them growing too close to the light. Correct me if I'm wrong though! (DAY 33) The leaves, especially the new ones, have gone yellow. On SweetSeeds recommendation, I went out and bought CalMag and mixed 0.5mL in 750mL water, pHed to 6.5. Hopefully she looks better tomorrow. (DAY 34) Alright well yesterday was a big day! Well she looked worse today, and judging by the Biobizz feeding schedule, she was suuuper hungry. So I mixed the recommended amount of 6mL BioGrow, 4mL of BioBloom, 2mL of Topmax, and 2mL of CalMag into 2L water. The pH of that was naturally 6.25. I also tested the runoff, which was between 5.5 and 5.7 (after nutes), so I'm not sure whether or not to be alarmed by that. Later update: my friend the weed guru came by with his nice pH meter and EC/PPM meter. We tested the ppm of the older runoff in my humidity drip tray (which collects a lot since it's filled with sand) and even the most concentrated reading gave 795 PPM (my regular tap is 396). So I first made a sort of tea consisting of spinach (for iron), banana peel (potassium, etc), and coffee grounds (nitrogen) and boiled that for about 15-20 min. I cooled it, added about 0.5L into another 1.5L of regular water with another dose of BioBloom, TopMax, BioGrow, and CalMag with the same measurements as the above, and pHed to about 6.4. I took the risk of her being a bit overwatered and fed her with that, but the runoff was still 5.8-5.9. Will water with slightly raised pH over the next few waterings. My friend also gave her a serious haircut! (DAY 35) Ok well she's still a bit pale but she looks good today! Apparently BioBizz products take a little bit longer to work since they feed the soil and not the plant directly, so I hope she'll continue to improve. :)
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
20 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
1752 PPM
40 %
25 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
32 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1 mll
Like always, will update the week as I go! (DAY 38) Fed today again! Just with 2L of water pHed to 6.5. Since the mix of the above nutrients are naturally pHed to 6.2, I added diatomaceous earth to bring the pH up. (DAY 39) Always impressed by this plant - she absolutely loved her feeding once again. Exploding with growth. (DAY 40) Well, not much to say the last few days! With feeding regularly, I haven't run into any more issues, and she's retained her beautiful green color! At first I was super careful not to overfeed, but now I know that I was nowhere near that issue haha. Will be sure to carry this knowledge to my next grow. I'm also trimming off any leaves that block light to the buds :) (DAY 41) Fed again today, pHed to 6.4 (close as I could get it to 6.5) with DE. Added the same nutes as above, using 3L of water, except I added an extra mL per L of BioBloom. (DAY 42) She always loves her feeding <3 Defol'ed a little today but other than that, just watching!
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
21 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
1752 PPM
40 %
25 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
32 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1 mll
Will update as the week goes on! (DAY 43) She's really starting to smell heavenly now - "cream mandarine" is an excellent name for the strain based on the scent, though maybe I'd call it "cream mango" instead. 😇 Though surprisingly, the smell doesn't reach outside of the tent, which I am thankful for. (DAY 46) Treated with some beneficial nematodes along with a normal watering/fert with 2L water. Those little fungus gnats are hardcore 😅 still aren't so many in total though so I'm not very worried. (DAY 47) Little bit of nute burn perhaps, some of the leaves are clawed a bit upwards with the tips a tiny bit burnt. But she looks happy overall, buds keep growing!
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
25 cm
16 hrs
29 °C
1752 PPM
25 %
25 °C
25 °C
11 L
1 L
32 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1 mll
Will update the week as I go! (DAY 52) Watered today with the increased nutes! Water was pHed to 6.5 with pH+, and she got 2L. She got some burnt tips last time but it's alright overall. She's also showing some canoe-ing of her leaves presumably due to excess heat, so I've opened a window to let some cool air in. Hopefully this helps some! (DAY 54) Well I'm starting to see why people need filters for smell hahaha. She's really starting to stink! But pistils are starting to turn brown so I'm excited :) Hoping the burnt edges of the leaves aren't a big issue. Watered a bit, 2L with only 2mL of CalMag. (DAY 56) I'm not sure if I'm inexperienced or what, but it seems that she's growing hermie features? But the 'sacs' all have pistols.. maybe they're just buds and I'm paranoid 😅
Grow Questions
pinkdragonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Burnt edges, tips curled up, canoeing. I've been having trouble balancing airflow and heat in such a small tent, and as a result the tent is on average about 28 degrees celcius daytime and the plants still get a lot of wind. Looking for whatever advice you can give! :)
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Burmeseanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there,I can’t explain to you scientifically.All I know is Plants are less defensive during flowering stage and they are using all the energies for bud production.They will show heat stress( mostly if temp is above 25C or intense heat at buds,hot spot heat stress)and leaves discoloration(may be different from strain to strain.As long as I can keep my substrate pH in proper range,I will not worry a bit about those discoloration).All I would do is making her as comfortable as I can until harvest and focus on buds for pests, mold or rot.Happy growing... ✌️
pinkdragonstarted grow question 4 years ago
I'm still inexperienced (this is my first grow) so I'm not sure what I'm looking at here. Is this plant turning hermie? If so, what can I do? Thanks in advance!
Buds. Other
Burmeseanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there, They are called female calyx where your pre flower (pistils) started.Not a hermie.Happy Growing... ✌️
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
29 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
1752 PPM
30 %
25 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
22 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 2 mll
Will update the week as I go! (DAY 57) I switched the day-night cycle to bring down temperatures during the 'day' since it was so hot in the box. It's a lot more stable now! (DAY 58) Watered again with nutes, just 2L. Leaves are not looking so hot but the buds look great. It's hard to see whether trichomes are clear or cloudy... but I'm hoping more cloudy than not cause I'm itching to harvest. (DAY 60) She seems to be drying out more often now so I watered 2L again with half nutes. Trying not to burn/overload her in the final stretch~ (DAY 64) Fed again today, doubled the amount of CalMag as she keeps getting spots on her leaves. Found a couple of little white bugs crawling around the topsoil, so I naturally freaked out, but they turned out to be hyposasis miles (a good guy!) so we're alright. On to week 10!
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
33 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
1752 PPM
30 %
25 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
22 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 2 mll
Will as always update the week as I go! (DAY 65) Starting to see some amber trichomes on the leaves, so that gives me hope that her life is coming to an end. Still got a little while for the buds themselves, but I'm hoping to chop in a week or so. On another note, while she does smell a bit, I'm still not having to use a filter for the smell. (DAY 67) Well I just learned today about foxtailing haha. Looks like we might have a little bit of that going on, but not too much. since my canopy is slanted I slanted my light to accompany it 😁 (DAY 68) Fed again today at 'sunrise,' the usual 2L with nutes, pHed to 6.5. She's really starting to stink now, I take back what I said a few days ago 😅
Grow Questions
pinkdragonstarted grow question 4 years ago
So I'm noticing on my leaves, many of the trichomes are amber - perhaps 20-30% average, and up to 50% on some. However, the buds have not gotten there yet. Approximately how long before the buds catch up? PS: are these trichomes cloudy or clear? I have an inexperienced eye. 😇
Buds. Other
Frigaultanswered grow question 4 years ago
Its cant take a month easy.. trychome develloping in sugar leaf tend to be more expose to light and mature much quick. And juging trichome on the colors of the sugar leaf will result in a very low quality bud. The trim will be better.. but would have been trimed away.. always wait till calyxes have swollen and the hair have mainly turned on most of the buds before thing about harvest point as sugar leafs rippened weeks and weeks before. When the seeds sacks (buds) have got almost no clear crystal and mainky all cloudy like a drop of milk in.l a glass of water and a few are amber like a coffe drop in a glass if water. And the overl all clear to amber exceeds by over 90% of the clear trichomes your ine the harvest zone there will always be a few clears heads. So time it to the milkiness to amber ration one you are around that point
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
33 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
1752 PPM
30 %
25 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
22 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 2 mll
(DAY 73) Well, I will be leaving town soon for a week, so I will have to harvest in 4 days. Very much hoping it's ready by then! The buds closest to the light are throwing out new pistils, so I raised the light and will try to keep the tent cooler to speed up the ripening. Trichs are looking pretty good though I must say! If the trichs are not great on the lower buds by the time I leave town, I will just harvest the large ones, water the remaining, and harvest the rest directly when I am back 7 days later. Also, fed for the last time last night. hoping for the best! (DAY 76) Sugar leaves are starting to turn yellow and foxtailing is setting in, beginning to see some amber, but it looks like most of the trichomes are still clear. Quite confused on what to do: I can either harvest entirely tomorrow, partial harvest tomorrow and leave the rest to fend for itself while I'm gone for 7 days, or just leave the whole plant without monitoring for 7 days and harvest when I'm back. It's quite hard to tell... I did take off a small foxtail from the bottom of the main cola 6 days ago, quick dried it, and got such a pleasant, happy high. However, my partner smoked the same amount and he barely felt anything, so I'm not sure what that means. Perhaps I got a more potent part? Or maybe I was just very glad to be smoking my first home-grow! (DAY 78) So with the help of the community and SweetSeeds, I decided to water one last time (half nutes, 4L) and I will leave her to fend for herself over the next 7 days. My normal watering schedule is every 4 days so I guess she'll be okay. That being said, no more pics before the harvest I think!
Grow Questions
pinkdragonstarted grow question 4 years ago
So let me preface this by saying that I'd LOVE to come home to some dried weed, ready for curing, but I don't want a subpar bud. My original plan was to chop tomorrow before I leave town, but many trichs still look clear (I think), w/ a few amber. Advice? More pix/info in diary!
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
Doesn't look mostly cloudy for me in the first picture, maybe a third cristal, 2 thirds cloudy at most, second and third one is the same, and fourth one is still what i would guess to be 15 to 20% clear cristals. i would chop her too if i was in your shoes, even tho i know i shouldn't at this point but i possibly would do it. well good luck on your decision growmie :) stay lit and merry Christmas.
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
33 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
1752 PPM
30 %
25 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
22 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1 mll
(DAY 85) Well she's still alive! Got back into town today and she looks frosty. Leaving her in the dark for 24 hours and then I'll go ahead and harvest! Absolutely thrilled.
1 comment
Week 12. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Super lovely smoke, even though it was over-dried before the cure, it had no harshness. It's suitable for day or night! Such an easy strain to grow, was an absolute pleasure.
Show more
Spent 79 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
443 g
Bud wet weight per plant
110 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Cream, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
So the buds came out a bit airy, but I think it's because this strain likes temps to be a bit cooler overall (never above 28C), and I couldn't provide that for her many times. Still got a LOT off this, so I'm really proud of my first grow! It was sticky as all hell and took me and my partner nearly 3 hours to trim it all - but smoking the scissor hash was an amazing reward. I dried for 7 days, but it turned out to be a bit too long, so I'm not sure if the cure will provide that much more potency/taste. But to be honest, it doesn't need it so much - the smoke is already very smooth. Tastes incredible!
Equipment Reviews


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Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 124 years ago
Congratulations! 👏 Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience. And thank you very much again for the score of 9 out of 10!! OHHHH YEAAAH!! 👏😍❤️ We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌 ✔️✔️✔️ If you are going to start a new diary, send us a message and maybe we can help you by sending some seeds. Sweet smokes! -Apolo
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, Thanks SweetSeeds! You guys are awesome <3
Ferenccommentedweek 94 years ago
Happy Growing! @pinkdragon
Ferenccommentedweek 64 years ago
Happy Growing! @pinkdragon
Ferenccommentedweek 24 years ago
Good Luck! @pinkdragon
growdoctordccommentedweek 14 years ago
You’re a novice with cannabis, but an experienced gardener. You’ll do well. @experimentgreen advised you wisely. A speedy wet/dry cycle is preferred over a soaking. But one must watch for too dry. Even experienced growers cannot accurately tell anyone else precisely how far to keep lights. Each situation is custom. If they stretch as babies, not enough light. Starting out far isn’t a terrible thing, you can always get closer. And fix it also by adding soil or repotting to add stability. Keep humidity high during veg, and low during flower. enjoy the process and your harvest
Experimentgreencommented4 years ago
@growdoctordc, oh my gosh amen! I was really bad about giving a few plants in the past just enough water and then they had chronic drought and it was soooo bad! I was seriously screwing them up and making them so mad at me. Every grow, grower, and environment are totally different...just adapt and modify and plants usually tell me what they need, even if i don't listen sometimes.
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@growdoctordc, Thanks! The Mars arrived today and I've set it up 24 inches away, as per the instructions. We'll see how she does! I've already gotten my fair share of joy and excitement out of this little experiment so anything more that comes from it is a bonus 😄
LordSatyroscommentedweek 124 years ago
no1 newbie for me from the top 3 congrats anyway and happy smoking
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@LordSatyros, Thank you so much!!! <3
Dr_Boomcommentedweek 124 years ago
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@Dr_Boom, Thank you!!
Canamatoescommentedweek 44 years ago
Good luck Pinkdragon with your grow💕 Make sure you have lots of air flow, fans are key. Have a great day my friend ☮️❤️
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@@Canamatoes, Thank you love!! 😇
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 14 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, I realize that I'm only 4 weeks in, but as a beginner, this was an amazing strain to grow so far. It honestly just grew itself - today marks only the third time I've watered it, and it's still so happy with no signs of any distress whatsoever. Thanks for creating such a sturdy plant!
Garreweedlovercommentedweek 84 years ago
No amigo no son hermies esos son los sacos donde generaria semillas si fuese polenizada , saludos linda planta
iHateSativacommentedweek 124 years ago
Happy Smoking Friend
Ferenccommentedweek 124 years ago
ozzyycommentedweek 94 years ago
rock on!!!🤘🏻🔥
DreamITcommentedweek 84 years ago
Enjoy Growth 😁👽🤟🍀
DreamOncommentedweek 54 years ago
Nice job, looks great! Good luck further and have fun! 🌱😎
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 114 years ago
Harvest time 😎
Sweet_Seedscommented4 years ago
@pinkdragon, Wait 7 days, and during the last days before harvesting, do a root flush. 😉 Sweet smokes! - Apolo
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, You guys think so? I can either harvest tomorrow, or I will have to leave the plant unattended for 7 days over Christmas. Looking at the trichomes, I do see some amber here and there, but there are still a lot of clear ones (I think, it's my first grow so it's hard for me to tell). I'm going for a sort of balanced high, but certainly leaning towards a sativa/non couch-locked feel - something that leaves me still feeling productive if need be. I've added a bunch of pics of the trichomes, taken from random locations around the plant. Would you mind telling me if I should chop tomorrow or leave it be for a week? Thank you!! 😇
heizencommentedweek 114 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@heizen, thanks! She's almost at her end, I'm very excited 😍
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 54 years ago
I personally believe, that it may be due to a lack of magnesium. Does it appear on all the leaves? On the lower leaves? I would personally add an extra magnesium, which even if the reason is not a deficiency, always comes in handy. Use CalMag.. But I recommend, that you try to measure the EC. This way you can get better results. Sweet smokes! - Apolo
pinkdragoncommented4 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, thanks Apolo, will give it a go!
Kekkecommentedweek 124 years ago
Happy Smoking
Smokwiricommentedweek 124 years ago
Plant looks sweet, keep up the good worx👌
the end.
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