Tolta qualche foglia (2/3 per pianta) per favorire il passaggio di luce ed aria. Fertirrigato. Vpd=1. 0 Ppfd=1100 mM/m2/s.
Valori per inizio fioritura (prefiori da 3 giorni) e adesso Le lascio tranquille...
Hey Folks, cosa ne pensate?
Grazie a chi vorrà dirmi la sua opinione. (vedi foto).
Le nuove foglioline sono un pò arricciato... mi devo preoccupare? 🤔
Hey Folks, come vi sembrano: le foglioline nuove sono un pò arricciato e quelle a ventaglio un pò floscie... ho irrigato stamattina. Consigli, opinioni? A great day for all 🙏
@Herbie, I will see the effedts on your diary. In this time I use PK 13/14 like booster but it's too soon for to judge... Delta 9 is interesting, I'm curious... Sweet smoke, bro 🤟
@Spider, I've just started using Delta 9 on two girls, with a third to follow soon.
I've got to say "Fucking WOW!" 😮
Unless it's a coincidence, this shit has sent one girl into Beast mode!! (Bruce banner #3 - uploading an update later today)
I've had to LST / mainline / Just pull her down, as she was getting too close to the lights!
happy growing
Thank @Herbie,
Little whores! 😂
Very fucked bonsai (35/45cm.) but full of sticky buds!
Waiting, anxious, the harvest I taste a little fresh flower turned out from lollypopping... 😛😛😛
Happy and sweet smokes, bro!
Bonitas plantas!!! Aunque parece que tienes un exceso de nutrientes dale una semana libre de abono a ver si esas hojas se ponen mas naturales.
Un saludo !!! 💪
You've done well so far. Just remember to keep the grow out of the feed now and all your new growth leaves will start standing straight out. Looks like they may be a heavy flowerer. Cheers