Amazing week this week for the Royal Jack Autos! The growth has been incredible!! Please leave a comment if you have any tips or tricks with LST I am a completely new grower! I have done 1 grow and there is a diary of that too but now I am in a tent!! Happy growing, follow for weekly updates 😁😁😁
Don’t feed too much , they like air and not too hot. If you cut anything of make it clean.. they like algimic foilared so try yours as foilar upuntill buds. May get away with feeding more later.
LST get bendy coated wire drill holes all round the pot . Get the top over keep it all level. Look at all your plants work them so they all get has much lite on the main buds as poss. An a breeze, they liked the air con in summer.
Tip for LST plant your seed of centre let it grow higher before you bend it over, no more than 90cm indoors around 4 feet. You can do plants as low as a two feet depends what you want from it. A few bends will suffice, may need support later. Give them light more light and more light be patient.
Looking good! Interested in giving this strain a go myself at some point as I love smoking Jack Herer and the low smell you report would suit me nicely as stealth may be an issue for me... haha!
@RJW1989, this is my first time indoors! Stealth is also an issue for me lol
I'll be looking forward to your Northern Light as I also have a NL auto by RoyalQueenSeeds!