Very excentric aroma in the jar. Dispite all good efforts, this one got seeds again. Or its a strain that stress easily or its in its genetics. Enough seeds to search out in the future.
High GD community,
Forgot all about this one. She is very special in aroma and delightfull when smoked.
Again she hermed, not sure what the trigger could have been. What surprises me even more is the fact no other plants in that room have seeds. That means it only polinated itself, what is strange bcs of the 3 vents pushing air around.
So far the quest. The answer is not no nor is it yes. The taste is very good and aroma also, very pastery like, muffins, so thats a full blown yes!!
But its that instability of the genes to make hermafrodiet so easily.
Thats it for this week boys and girls,
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