Helloo this week was nice and this site HELPED ME ALOOOOOOT ty!ty!
-I think I'm doing very well, the leafs look very healthy strong and thick.
Also i am picturing onley 1 flower cus dont want to keep moving them all
they are all same anyway..well 1 will bigger rest same.(in video i record all)
-d8 I did an update in my box, now most of the time air comes into the box directly from nature(forest)...fan is aimed direcly to lamp and lamp is like 300C/ 572F so cold air from outside is not cold anymore :) i dont even know if this good but feels good haha
- d8 Got some flys fyling inside box so i add hunney fly trap so she dont SHIT ON MY PLANTS!!☠️😂🤨🤨
-d9 Made new better reflector for the light,friend test with some shit and has 20% more power or whatever then befor😊 littles changes make big diffrences i see.
-d10 1flower had super little light burn at middle so i change light 40cm-50cm.
(Picture added)
-d10 Add one more fan
-d10 One of plants kinda stop growing in middle ...the onley diffrence i can see is that this plant is more exposed to fan wind.. then others.....so i change position with biggest plant now i wait and seee what heppens...(friend toold me this heppend becouse i smoke 2machh amnezia haze with her every day and she forget how to grow🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍)
-I realized that flowers tell you everything, you just have to watch them closely for the first signs and react fast.
- (if anyone mybe noticed)white little little dots on leafs is just ash from joints🤣🤣every day i smoke 1 with them.👍
-d12 i dont rly like nutes cus i dont know what is point of genetics if everyone add toons of shit inside plants?????.......this is for personal use anyway so i wanna to be max pure original taste and high but i ordered smth call autoflower powemix(for all stages) 25€ 1l and will try on 1plant to see the what diffrece will make(still smth inside me telling m to cancel order tho)
-d13 i make bigger Pot sizes from 10l to 20l or more
-d 13 made my homemade box from 160cm to 250cm height(110x110)
-d13 slow growing plant today start goo grow normaly again t i noticated today.❤️
-d 14 noticated the plants start to drink alot more warter then befor( i LIKE👍)
Sry for my english is not best :)
Was fun :)
@FlowAest,haha ehhhh :D .. i realized that flowers tell you everything, you just have to watch them closely for the first signs and react fast :)
+like i seen alot araund autoflower are alot more imun for shit like this thst why prfect for us nubs :D
Lol today I sprayed a bit of water on mine and one of them flopped over under the weight of the water. Seems to have still grown today so hopefully didn't stunt it.
Awesome, hopefully I can get some nugs like that I'm 4 weeks into the same plants. I was going to do 2 days of dark aswell. I've been watching Mr canuck on YouTube haha
@Lionel, + i belive your nugs will be bigger they alredy look better then my at week 4 i beliv :) cus my setup is rly with alot ...errors :D i need to upgrade aitflow and better reflector and some extra mini things..:)