I just dropped the seed in the water today. My MSG Sour Diesel Fem Auto had a baby from grow 2. This is that baby, so it probably is Fem and probably Auto, thus the ?'s. The seed is in a shot glass with 10ml of distilled water inside a dark black paper bag on a stereo. I'll check back in 18 hours and then straight to soil in a compostable .01 size gallon container, must stay in the same measurement preference. The soil is the same as before, 50% potting soil, 25% compost and 25% perlite. I'll be spraying with distilled water until she's a week old.
@Fabi83, While I appreciate your insight I've got 176 Watts and that is as much as I can afford. Thank you for the comment, I had a typo in my setup whereby it listed 112 Watts. This has been corrected.
I'm psyched I'm still in 12th place out of 173 and there is one day left. The sour diesel ahead of me was not much better than mine, we both yielded an ounce. This is for the July diary of the month contest.