Strong sativa dominant - very tasty, smooth smoke, at least 24% THC by general estimate.
A great daytime or party high that keeps you alert but paradoxically very stoned for a long time.
The openness of the buds works in its favour when you are smoking from a bowl. You needn't break up the bud for even burning, just snap off a piece and put it straight in.
The Outcome
Week 15
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Photos & Videos
Day 104
Semi-developed buds and resinous leaves; dry ice in a 0.73 micron bubble bag. (shake shake)
"Live" bubble hash - 0.5g
Day 104
Semi-developed buds and resinous leaves; dry ice in a 0.73 micron bubble bag. (shake shake)
Hanging in the tent, looking great.
Thought I'd try my hand at 'live' or 'raw' bubble hash using the frozen CO2 method. Worked well, great fun.
Drying for the rest of the week. ..........................................................................................................
Well I am ecstatic, delighted, and well pleased. The totals:
- 185g of excellent flower
- 3g of 'live' bubble hash
- 2.3g of killer bubble
- 1.2g of dangerous shatter
There you have it. Would I get more or less if I had heavily trimmed or lollipopped? You tell me!
Thanks for your friendly comments and attention to my grow.
Bonjour quelle était la taille en litrage de tes pots ? Est ce qu'avec des pots de 20 litres 40 cm et une lampe led de 300 watt et une chambre de 2 mètres de haut sa passe en hauteur ou il faut des pots plus petits ?
@Stoner_INDICA, Many thanks for your comment. It's neat to see the buds amidst all the leaf. We'll see how she turns out. I still think it was a good idea to let her grow out and not brutalize her too badly. She does look pretty, though!
Bonjour quelle était la taille en litrage de tes pots ? Est ce qu'avec des pots de 20 litres 40 cm et une lampe led de 300 watt et une chambre de 2 mètres de haut sa passe en hauteur ou il faut des pots plus petits ?