I did another defoliation, a soft one this time...Ivone is growing too fast! I noticed this strain is branching a lot to the sides, so I constantly removed branches.
Aso, I've noticed some weird colors in some leaves, and a small nutrient burn due to the extra nutrients I added. PPM/PH has been monitored everyday, always checking if the plant is drinking more water than nutrients or not.
Ivone is getting bigger and bigger! This time I've added extra nutrients: CALiMAGic, Diamond Nectar, FloraBlend (decided to use this week only) and Floralicious Plus. On my spreadsheet I calculated 70% for base nutrients and 30% for extra nutrients (% relative to the Flora Series Expert Recirculating chart from GHE).
@Ferenc, at the begging my little got burned because of the light and too much water on the dome (light reflexion?). My plant looks awesome now! I just started my account (didn't know about this website before!), updating my diary here. Last ~2/3 weeks to harvest from now! :)