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'Quick Sherbert' by Exoticseed

4 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
75 %
21 °C
22 °C
24 °C
0 L
0 L
91.44 cm
Hey all. This is just an equipment schedule and initial propagation pictures. Much less about the plants and more about the automation and acclimation settings I will be running for this grow as I try to make things a little easier for myself and create a better environment for the ladies. All pictures will be the same across Entries for all 4 girls, so no need to look at it all. Cheers and here's the Deets: **Standard Tent Equipment** Unit Type: -Mammoth Pro 120, 120x120x200cm Extraction: -390CFM Vivosun w/ inline variable speed control and carbon filter Intake: -390CFM Vivosun w/ inline variable speed control Circulation: -x2, 30cm tower fans (early propagation) -x2, 90cm tower fans (late propagation) -x2, Hurricane clip on fans (Throughout full Propagation) -x2, Computer fans for supplementary air flow at floor level (Used as needed) Heating (supplementary): -”Heat Bud” by Honeywell. 2 setting ceramic heater (lights off operation) Humidity: -1 Gallon Ultrasonic Cool Mist by “Crane” Misc. Material/Equipment: - Large Variety of pots of different sizes, both fabric and plastics. (Future plans for Air pots) -Ratchets, strapping, ties, cords, patch cords, splitters and power bars **Control Devices and Operation** Heating: -x1, InkBird “Plug and Play WiFi Smart Controller” (ITC-308 WiFi) automation for extraction/intake air exchanges and temp control. (Current cycle: 3min exchange every 15min) -x1, InkBird “WiFi Greenhouse Smart Thermostat” for supplementary heater on night cycles Humidity: -x1, InkBird “Plug and Play Humidity Controller” HTC-200-WiFi automation for cool mist humidifier. WiFi enabled for manual overrides. Monitoring: -x1, InkBird “IBS-M1-WiFi Gateway” Data and Device Hub -x1, InkBird “IBS-TH1” Humidity and Heat Reader w/ Probe (High/Middle/Centre reader) -x1, InkBird “IBS-TH1 Plus” Humidity and Heat reader w/ Probe (Low/Middle/Master reader) Lighting and Misc Controllers/Devices: -x3, Digital Titan timers -x4, indoor/outdoor Humidity and Temperature readers (Close Proxy devices) **Parameters and Monitoring (Vegetation)** -Humidity will be achieved through automation and will hold 60-70% RH Vegetation/ 40-50% RH Bloom -Heat (Day) will be achieved through automation, holding 24-26 degrees in Vegetation -Heat (Night) will be achieved through automation, holding 23-24 degrees in Vegetation -Circulation on 24/7 and adjusted as needed (Direction/Speed/Time) **Flowering Parameters will be achieved and set to run at 23-25 degrees (Day), 18-23 degrees (Night) and a humidity range of 35-55%, pending on stage of Bloom** Additional Notes -Dual 4x4 tent units are acclimated and automated, same as listed above. The only minor difference is the exhaust and Carbon Filter in the Spider Farmer unit, but each motor is 390-410CMF and will operate at the same air pressure. -New devices for acclimation and monitoring may be installed shortly. This may include a night vision camera (custom for grow applications) and/or mechanical/electrical interlocking between equipment/devices to ensure a smooth operating system. -Not shown in pictures/videos sent are two locations. One is where I prep and mix nutrient feedings and the other is a propagation tent for new specimens (Mammoth 90x60x60cm). -All devices and equipment are slaved off a Surge Protection Power Bar, rated for 1500W, with the Futur Vert build having a dedicated 15amp branch cct (Installed and tested by myself) That's honesty it. Just Copy/Pasted between entries and I will not be doing a germination entry. Below I'll just write in method quickly...then leave it at that. Cheers all!👋 **Germination Method** -No pre-soak, direct to moist paper towel -Wait until 3/4 to 1 inch tap root and move direct to soil medium -Roughly 24-36 hour until sown seeds pop through soil -It's that easy... Peace!
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
11.43 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
50 PPM
65 %
24 °C
21 °C
24 °C
8 L
0 L
74.93 cm
Nutrients 1
Miicrobial Mass 0.33 mll
Quick and dirty retroactive update on Week 1 with QS (Days 8-15). The Deets: The Good: -No complaints with this little one. She's just as vigorous and healthy as her sister from Exotic Seeds (Malanasa) and is taking off with great form. Transition to new super soil did well by her and she's seemingly very happy where she is. The 'Meh': -Poor early health was showing and she was only pushing three blade sets. I thought maybe genetics, but that was proven wrong when her first five set started after transplant. Now we're on to 7's and allll is well. Happy little camper. Notes of the Week: -Got sick of doing manual slurry tests that were just a very rough estimate of soil pH. They worked well enough for awhile, but with issues I've had in the past 3 grows with an "off" medium, I just don't want to guess anymore and purchased a BlueLab Soil pH tester with Dibble built in. This and a new BlueLab Digital Liquid pH tester have made for a more confident grow, now. Not guessing and checking anymore, but have solid reads and calibration with this set👍. -On pot up I decided to drop the Bone Meal this round and move to Dolomite lime instead (sparingly). With the P/Cal issues I had in grow 3, I would like to avoid any root zone blockage that may occur do to excess. Miicrobial mass was also purchased for this reason and is being used intermittently (usually half dose) to help break up any compounds building at the zone, and making them more bio available to the girls. I picked up this tip from @Nor_Cal_Kannabliss who walked me through using my first super soil and how to use what's there before jumping into synthetics or other nutrient lines. Works like a hot damn NorCal, thanks!😃 -Have two tent units fully operational now (except one has no lamp😅) and we are expanding. In current talks for a new piece of lighting tech that I'm really hoping goes through, so I can start using the second unit and amp up production. Both these units were built to the exact same specs... except for ones carbon filter exhaust (425 CFM vs 390 CFM). Acclimated and automated in the exact same way as well. These units will hopefully be used for future product testing and equivalency tests between lamps, nutrient lines, soils, etc... Just stuff to experiment with! -Plan to start cloning and working out my first SOG grow once the ACMPR license comes back. Something I've always wanted to do, but didn't have access to that many plants before. So! Hopefully in a few months I can start my first 12-16 plant SOG on 4-5 week Veg. Cheers and thanks for checking out Week 2. Will catch you all soon with Week 1's updates, equipment, automation and breeder notes. Germination week will probably not be included and I'll jump to End Week 4 once Week one's retroactive update is complete. Peace all you fine folks. Have a good out there👋✊
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
13.97 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
25 PPM
65 %
24 °C
21 °C
24 °C
8 L
0 L
72.39 cm
Nutrients 2
Miicrobial Mass 0.33 mll
RapidStart - Terra Aquatica
RapidStart 0.066 mll
We. Are. Back! Hello my fellow growers and friends. It's good to be back😊. As mentioned in the Malanasa Journal, Quick Sherbet and 3 other 4 week old girls were being propagated for a separate project, but this has been postponed and these little ones will stay with me😉. My buddy will get his girls, but he's going to have to be patient for a bit! Will update Germination and Weeks 1 and 2 on all girls in the coming days, but will start on Week 3 of Veg, days 15-22. Here's the Deets!: The Good: -Very strong and happy girl, man. She's a prayer and tracks her light all day. Takes it all in and doesn't have any issues the intensity, heat or humidity I've been running. -Previous limited root system is traveling nice and fast, with the stem starting to shore up and show some real strength💪. Laterals on her under canopy are starting to pump out as well and it's just about time to grab them, train them and start creating a nice big bubble. **Another, another! Special Note** After posting about the incident and the falling out with that couple I was growing with (for...) I received a message from @Polaskis (Exotic Seeds) expressing empathy for the loss of my previous girls. Exotic Seeds then generously offered me a test pack and free genetics for the trouble... Should go without saying, but I'm extremely grateful for this and the community right now. Whenever I fall, whether it was my fault or not, I am continually picked up and brushed off by fantastic people. It means a lot and a serious and genuine shoutout to @Exotic_Seed for their generosity🙏 The 'Meh': -Some health issues early on were causing her to grow multiple sets of 3 bladers. At first I thought maybe genetic, but after a transplant to new soil, she moved to 5's and now onto 7's. Things weren't perfect there early on, but it's all coming up Millhouse now👍. Notes of the Week: -Right off the bat, good to be back... Nice to have girls in the tent and seeing green everyday. I'll get a new set to my friend in time, fulfilling the agreement, but for now, it's just nice to have them around. -Tent is full automated now, with Inkbird Wi-Fi line and Data Loggers in operation. Really nice not to have to touch anything! Ya, it costs money up front, but it's paying itself off in time I don't have to spend time manually opening and closing flaps, messing with everything, just to try and get some decent numbers, haha. Have cut the intake/outtake and supplementary heater power by 66% aswell, since it's been commissioned👍. No complaints. -It wasn't on purpose, but I somehow fell into organics and it looks like I'll be 100% organics in the coming months. After some early problems, I turned to organic brands and super soils with great success and not sure if I even want to go back now... There is also a starter package of dry amendment, all organic nutrients I landed from a supplier/sponsor from EU that I'm greatly looking forward to using. After a few revelations, it just feels simpler this way. The end game was always to go organic, I just didn't expect to get into it so soon. Neat!😀 -Medicinal license is finally being processed. Got off my butt and did something I should have done the first day of legalization. I really hope to have upwards of three separate projects and units running in the next few months. It's in but who knows when it'll come back... Their window says 3 weeks to 4 months, lol! Thanks guys!😀 -Equipment listings and such will be listed in Week 1 or germination when I get to updating them👍 **Super Special Note** Where's EVA 3? Good question. She's currently hanging in an empty unit, unplugged, and the equivalency project has been postponed indefinitely. I will update any further changes when/if they arrive. Throw me a PM for further enquiries👌 Thank you one and all for kicking around and checking out the new little ones. Look forward to being a little more active on GD again and catching up with all you fine folks😊. Much love and I hope you have/had a great day/week! Cheers and happy trails👋✊ Keep Cannabis Culture Alive!
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
50 PPM
65 %
24 °C
21 °C
24 °C
8 L
1 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 1
Miicrobial Mass 1.585 mll
Howdy all. Here's another installment of Quick Sherbet in her 4th week (roughly). The Deets: The Good: -She did really well this week and has some serious tropical vibes going on. She's so quick I have to keep up with her and even the SF's aren't keeping her down. With some weird LST I'm trying to keep things under control right now, but she's totally fine this week. -Great exponential growth and more foliar surface area. A new plant everyday👍 -Easiest 3 week's I've had in grow so far. It's cruise control with the new mediums and additives I have been using. Two things...that's it, and the results are amazing. The 'Meh': -Lot's of Meh to come, unfortunately, but nothing bad happened this week👍 Notes of the Week: -There are some unfortunate happenings that I will go over in Week 5, but they are not happy😒. Trying to focus on the solution right now and see what I can do. If things don't go well, I'm really tempted to flip and just see what happens.... -Commissioning second SF 2000 soon, but can see there will be a heat issue with both running and them being in a smaller room now. Trying to find simple solutions to get the balance I'm looking for. -Turning to BlueSky organics complete line now and going full organic*maybe(?)* Big change but willing to learn. -Due to some lack of N in all girls that the soil medium couldn't keep up with, I added a small Cal/Mag dose and 2-0-0 to help color return. She worked and started to make her way back in a day. That's it, that's all! For the sake of full transparency, I'll continue these journals even if the girls continue to get worse. They may not finish pretty but I'm going to work my ass off to get them to the end. If you see things in the photos in future that are worrisome? Yes, I know, and I see it too😕. A good conversation with @Mrs_Larmiar has yielded a plan at the very least and I'm going to work my hardest to give these ladies a chance. Thanks btw Larimar! Always a help🙏
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
43.18 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
1003 PPM
65 %
24 °C
21 °C
24 °C
19 L
1 L
68.58 cm
Nutrients 8
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 6 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 10 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 4 mll
*Lots of pics of this one for some reason... Lots of progression and observation shots I was taking to see if what I was doing was working. Neat👍* Here be the last update for the week so my poor fingers may rest😂. Both Week's 5 and 6 are in this update, up to Day 44-ish...not too sure. The Deets!: The Good: -Can't keep her down. She's an impressive tropical beast and I wouldn't have it any other way. Love her stem and strength. She holds quite well for being so large and having laterals so far outwards, but nice bulbous joints are forming and she continues to shore up nicely😀 -When she started to recover, I did some serious stoner bends again and it went really, really well. I was surprised, haha! She bounced back completely within about 20hrs-ish. I had no idea how it was going to turn out, but it went pretty damn well in my mind and I bought about 6-7 inches in height The 'Meh': -The Good is also the Meh. She's huge and has far surpassed her counterparts in height. Maybe shoulda paid more attention to the breeder notes😅. Anyway, this may become an issue when her stretch occurs. Good news is I have an empty and completely built up unit right next to this one... Plan on moving an SF 2000 with the dimmer to the new unit to serve just QS. Then I'll temporarily move the SF-1000 from the prop tent and back into the original to cover the footprint I need for the other three. Convoluted...yep. It'll work though, me thinks😏 -Yah, below is the copy/paste of Week 5's mistakes and issues. It's been 14 days since the initial procedure, everything is great now, but this did suck hard. Just rookie thinking and over thinking. The less I do and think, the better the plants are off. Procedure and Contacts for Issues: Turned to some veteran growers and Future Harvest Nutrients themselves. If 99 people say the product is good and I'm the only one saying it's not... It's almost a guarantee it's me, not the product. So I talked at length with all of them and this is the process we came to a conclusion on: 1. My 250ppm feed was a mistake. I triggered the plants into high metabolism but did not provide near enough to support this new growth. The quick degradation of the plant was not due to poor nutrients but an inadequate amount. 2. Use of Microbials along with a very small first feed expedited their starvation as nutrients were not being held in the soil for longevity, but taken and processed immediately, leaving nothing else for them to work with. Left with just water and high soil retention. 3. Moving forward, use a full dose schedule and apply at least a 1000ppm feed to help them move again. If there are slight burns due to the amended soil, pull back 10% and keep going. And essentially, you know, FOLLOW THE SCHEDULE! lol! 4. Until issues are rectified back off on the microbials and see what their needs are before pushing too much or too little of a micro or macro. Re-apply in future every three weeks when the plants are in full force and blooming. This will also help with P/Cal take up which they will be looking for in Bloom. Recovery: -I did what I was told and they bounced back... sigh*😵 No crap right? HA! Followed the schedule and applied an exact 1003ppm feed (doesn't include tap ppm) at 6.3pH. Within 24 hours they perked right up and started to move super quick. Stems shoring up and growing, new laterals very strong and firm, nice bulbess node points growing with positive pressure. Everything is making a comeback. -After 3 days of recovery I trained out and let them go. They blew up in 3-5 days and it's about time to flip. -Once again, we lost some time with the starvation, but luckily some great people have my back and help me out whenever I do have an issue, self made or not. Notes of the Week: -Flipping this evening on Day 52(?...I think). Would like to start wrapping these girls up as I am actually doing what I said I was going to do, and we're amping up new projects and more plants very soon here. -I keep things close to the chest so I won't count my chickens yet, but it does appear I will be landing a brand new 660 Watt lighting system from a very respectable maker out of Eastern Canada. This is a company and manufacture I made a point of contacting. I left all other makers alone and was both smitten and sure that this was the system for me. After some talks, we will hopefully be moving forward with this very soon. Fingers crossed! -With the ACMPR license being processed, a new lighting system possibly on the way, and a flip this evening to bloom with the current girls; I hope to have my tents free and clear for new, LARGER grows by the end of two months, or Early February. Lots of plans that I don't feel there's a point in getting into, b/c I'll probably change my mind ten or eleven times between now and then😀. -Spider Farmer spotted me a new SF-1000 lamp for my early Veg purposes and will not be utilized as a permanent fixture in the 2x2x3' propagation tent. Couldn't say no to a free lamp and am really happy I built a good relationship with them last year when I purchased my first SF 2000 -Frigging Genetics and nutrients flying at me in all different directions. I went from bare bones to "where the hell and when the hell will I be able to use all this"😂😂. Great problem to have! Sitting on over 100+ feminized seeds and 24 different strains with more in mail. Holy crap! Don't think I'll be needing to buy new genetics anytime soon! -One of the two next runs will be all organic with Bluesky Organics out of BC, Canada. Love their line so far and picked up their craft kit on black Friday. Paid 75 bucks all in instead of 150! at the hydro shop. HA! can't say no to that.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
53.34 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
1100 PPM
62 %
24 °C
22 °C
24 °C
19 L
1 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 8
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 6 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 10 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 4 mll
Hello Everyone👋. I decided to do a complete Diary on QS and MS and will edit in further details for the missing Week 5/6 in near future. For this entry, we'll actually be covering Week 7 in Week 7👍. On cruise control and really happy with the ladies progress...all of em! Here's the Deets leading up to the Flip: The Good: -The tropical beast continues to plug away. Blown away by this plants size and vigor man... Very thick side laterals that hold very well, telling me she has great potential for nice heavy buds in future. Her new tops are beautiful and full with great texture and health. -There was no permanent damage from my mistakes in Week 5 and I clearly didn't stunt her😂. With a 7-8 week Flower cycle, I don't expect her to slow down either. She's on cruise control and all I'm doing is pruning and feeding. She's doing just fine without my Tom Foolery👍 The 'Meh': -Big. Not a huge issue, but ya...1.5-2 inches a day right now and I can see the future will be tight. Running the SF's at 45K+ lux and still she won't stop her vertical movement. All other girls have ostensibly been held in place, but this girl just wants to be big. Alllll good. Be big girl!😃 Notes of the Week: -I flicked the switch 7 days ago and these girls are on the move. Looking at 50% stretch all the way up to 125% with QS. Need to prop the second largest girls to QS height and a single SF will serve those two, while the second SF (without dimmer) will cover the two smaller girls in the back. There's a will, there's a way. All will be fine. -Had a big revelation and I won't go to far into it, but after talking with a tonne of people's, including my nutrient line manufacturer, themselves, I realized...I've been underfeeding this whole time. Not a big issue at all, but I see and know now that I can go a little further and create larger plants with higher potency yields and product. But ya, I've always fed to keep them happy, but not enough for optimal growth and output. That's changed now and the move to higher EC feeds has worked wonders. Another learning curve, but really happy to have sorted it out and see it now, in Grow 5👍 -Official shoutout to Exotic Seeds. After the loss of that grow and a friend, Exotic seeds reached out and sympathized with the happenings. They offered me free beans, no strings attached. Hell yes. Free is good, but when you actually want and love the product, it's even better. With Malanasa and QS kicking it like queens in the tent, I have no reservations about Exotic and can't wait to pop a BLUE MONKEY AND TANGERINE KUSH!😃 You folks are the best and I greatly appreciate it🙏. Also a massive shout out to @Polaskis for setting this all up. Made a genuine new friend and passionate grower. Really good relationships have come my way as a result of that tough time, and I'm really happy the universe works in weird ass ways. -All girls are popping pistils and it was definitely time. *Click* **Happy/Special Announcement and something I'm a pig in poop over** More then pleased to say I'm now officially a part of the Futur Vert Team and have become an affiliate. This is a company I had been hounding for awhile and was adamant that this was the system I wanted/needed to expand my grow experience. Well, it happened and a brand new FM8 series, 660Watt, 8 Bar full spectrum beast of a lamp is on a truck and on her way to her new home👊. I am not required to post on GD about the lamp, but I am going to anyways. I know and trust the product and will happily showcase her functions as we go alone here. I will also be getting my hands on the first WiFi dimmer/control mod from this series and can't wait to play around with some new tech. Wanted to share because this wouldn't have been a possibility at ALL if it weren't' for the love and support. Thanks for getting me here!💚 Thanks all for stopping by. It was a pleasure🙏. I hope you all have a great week and I'll set more time aside to catch up again on your wonderful projects. Keep me busy! Keep growing and Learning! Much love all. Peece👍👋
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
1200 PPM
62 %
24 °C
22 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 8
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 6 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 5 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 9 mll
Hello! Here be Quick Sherbet in her 1st week of Bloom, or around day 9, anyway... Hope you're well, Merry holidays! and here's the Deets: Good: -Look at this thing, lol! She's huge and showing all her new bud sites😃. Seeing the potential behind her and she's kind of intimidating. Planning a move soon to give her more room to branch out and gather her precious light👌. -Prays all day, big fans, long stalks, strong laterals... She's an all round good lady to have around and much different then I'm used too. -Terps starting up. Very light but a hint of berries already... Sweeeet.😐 The 'Meh': -Ran out of height real quick. Can only really fit in one spot right now and it's a pain to get to the girls in the back, unless I do a massive change. Instead! I will wait until the new lamp comes in and split them 2 and 2👍. -Over-did it a tad with her, I think... She had some more marginal leaf curl, but mid way up and only on newer growth, what? So, not light, heat or water? No idea what's going on, other then maybe they're taking the brunt of the higher ec feeds. With her specifically, I plan on running a new water-feed-water-feed schedule. Just see what happens😺 Notes of the Week: -QS and MS have been put under the SF 2000 that has a dimmer. They still have a lot of buffer space at this time, but with this weeks progress I see where they're heading and just planning ahead. Glookies and Gelato OG are now under the non Dimmable 2000 since they're much more stout girls. -Feeding is still going quite well with all of them and they seem to be dialed in. Not really taking any chances at the moment and just following the schedule. Picked up a little burn with the smaller girls but I backed off a tad and it grew out quickly. Non issue and really happy with Future Harvest right now. Starting to show. -The amount they've started to eat since the switch was literally overnight and they're taking about 25% more fluid over a 24hr period. I got caught once this week with a little under watering on QS and promptly pissed her off with a little too much to make up for it, hahaha. Gotta watch this for sure as I'm certain it'll only increase from here on out. -I'm not making any changes to my current medium for awhile, I think. Really happy with BlueSky and just going to normalize with it for a few grows. Took my punches with microbials and organic soil this round, so I'm comfortable using it from here on out and won't be messing around for awhile. Tis best for everyone involved. -The new 660 W Futur Vet FM8 has come in! but all of these pictures are retroactive and will remain listed as SF until I make the switch or the grow is over. I will be moving at least two of the girls over to see how they do in Bloom under the new system anyways. It won't be a super accurate test (Three weeks into Bloom under SF) but it'll give me an idea and I can see test my limits before next grow👍. Gotta say though, it's frigging sweet😍. When I catch up to Week 2's update I'll post some some of many specs available on it. Hey all that's her! It's the the 24th today and I don't know what you're up to for Christmas/Holidays/Whatever, I just hope you have a good time folks, no matter what you do👍. Enjoy the bud, buddies and family. Take care and I'll see you all soon with Week 2, Bloom. **Catching up a bit, go me👍**
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
950 PPM
50 %
24 °C
22 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 9
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 1.849 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 1.057 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 2.906 mll
Hello all and welcome to another late installment on Ms. Quick Sherbet. I believe these pictures were taken on Day 15/16(?) of Bloom. Here's the Deets on this massive beast of a plant: The Good: -I'll probably be repeating this a thousand times more, but Jeez a friggin-Loo man, what a massive plant😐. She is thriving and there's no stopping her. With the stretch in full force, she's gaining about 1.5-2" a day in height. Changes had to be made to accommodate this girl and will go over in "Notes of the Week". All is well and happy to have the space to make these changes. -She is budding up faaaast and I can see the 7-8 week breeder projection now. It could definitely be a possibility with the way she's moving and ripening already. Seeing these huge stacks build up gives me a good feeling about harvest time👍. She will provide, for sure. Just need to watch my own actions and QS will continue to be right as rain. The "Meh": -Had to do a lot of work that I really didn't expect to have to do. Lots of acclimation changes, rotations and messing around. First few days during these changes were uncomfortable and I know I was stressing them out. -I over-watered and under-watered again... Eating fast due to low RH and I've been caught with my pants down a couple times now. No harm, no foul, but I'd like to avoid these stresses and keep them on vigorous cruise control. Notes of the Week: -It was near the end of this week that the FloraMax8 came in from FuturVert and I was able to make some moves and changes to accommodate QS's ridiculous growth rate. She is now on her own under a single SF-2000 in her own tent, dead center. Pretty much tapped out the buffer space with the lamp so the dimmable SF is being used at 65% and 45K Lux at 16-20" above canopy. -MS, Glookies and Gelato have all been moved over to FuturVert tent now and am currently running 65% at 45-50K Lux (I know lux isn't a hard/good read, it's just all I got and I use it as a benchmark). I feel I've dialed in the light but not the environment in the new unit, just yet. -Not too happy with my Inkbird automation right now. Devices were calibrated but fell out of whack. Two devices side by side will have a literal 3-4 degree Celsius difference and that's just not cool... These are now being used as benchmarks too and I've kinda gone back to manual acclimation to cover my ass. I see that I need something more accurate so I can actually walk away and be comfortable with the device(s) readings. That's just not the case right now. Looking at TrolMaster as a new means of control and automation. -When I get busy in other areas of my life, even if it pertains directly to cannabis, I tend to lose sight of my own projects and make mistakes. This has been happening again and I'm taking a step back for a bit to focus on what's important. I want/need my medicine and would like to pay a little attention to my end of things before over-stepping again. I'm an obsessive fella and can fall down rabbit holes very quickly. When my focus drops it takes time to get it back and it would be best to stop doing this, lol! I'm good, girls are good, current schedules are good, just see the writing on the wall and know where I'm heading if I don't buck up. -Have a little project for an EggHunters challenge w/ a Skunk #1. It's, ahhhh, not going too well😂. She looks great today, but I stunted the crap out of her and she's maybe 6 days old looking. Have three weeks of Veg before I have to flip for the contest rules and I really don't know what to expect. Just for funsies👍 *FuturVert FM8 Update (Power-Point)*: -Stupid powerful lamp man. Going from 240W SF's to a massive 660W FSG is a game changer and I have to be careful with this. Running at 24 inch buffer at 65% and this is achieving the 45K+ Lux rating in and by itself. -This lamp is one of the first test models with WiFi Dimming using ZigBee Ports and controls App. This may be a feature and integral in future, but for now it's not within the system and part of my job is to run some tests to ensure there aren't any issues. So, Day 11 (Jan 29th at time of typing) of running this girl and I've had zero issues....well, a couple, but it was my input errors and lack of reading instructions! 😂 -With WiFi Control I may set the lamp instensity, on/off times, fade in's and outs (Sunset/Sunrise), Alarms, special schedules and even frigging monitor power draw and savings by plugging in your kWh rates... I had no idea it had this much going on with it and I thought this was all just for dimming. Nope, it does a lot of fun things😄. I can even make it dance and should take a video of it running it's calibration test, lol. It's fun to stare at and play with. -So, Zero issues, plants are praying, no fade or light damage and it doesn't put out much heat at all. I don't have an IR gun but can see that this 660 puts out about as much BTU's as a single 240W SF. No fans or anything, just well engineered heat sinks to pull any heat up and away from the board. More then impressed. -Will post actually listed specs next update if you'd all like to see them. This is getting long, however, and I'll stop here. Thanks all for stopping by and checking out the monster😀. She's near the end of her 4th week right now and is frigging massive...Trust. Next update I'm sure you'll see what I'm talking about and why she's so intimidating to me/why I had to make essential changes just for her. I hope you all have a good week till then and enjoy your holidays! Happy belated Christmas and I wish you a good New years eve, coming up. Much love and see you all on the flip side. Peace✊👋
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
950 PPM
50 %
24 °C
22 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 9
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 1.849 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 0.793 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 2.906 mll
Hello!👋 Here be an update on the beast of a plant that is Quick Sherbet. These will cover up to Day 23 of Bloom, Week 3. The Deets: The Good: -She's bulking...already... I'm super impressed with how much weight she's putting on so early into bloom. I felt she would be sparse at first, but this week she has shown some serious potential with fat little nugs peppered all over the place. -Flowers coming in are nice and dense, trich heavy and oh so sweet smelly. She smells like pepper unless you knock her around, then it's alllll fruit man. Sticky, sticky and doing oh so well. -Held her form pretty damn well despite my stoner bends here and there. Much better result then with the PSK from Grow #3 The 'Meh:" -She will need yoyo's, there is no doubt. A non static cloth has been put into place, but she is already getting top heavy here and will need that support. I've installed several already to space the colas for air and light penetration, but soon it will be for more practical reasons. She has so much going on and I'm going to have to do some maintenance and more bracing soon. -In retrospect, if all had lined up differently and I knew when the FM8 was coming in, I would have allowed this girl to Veg out for another 2-3 weeks, trained as far as possible and flip her in her own unit. Just bad timing and kinda feel like I wasted her potential. She wanted to be so much bigger and that could have easily been accomplished with a few more weeks. Next time👍. Especially now with what I know she can do. Notes of the Week: -Everyone's doing pretty well right this week and right now. I've past the paranoia stage where I'm extra vigilant about hermies. No balls or nanners going into week 6 soon, so I think we're good👍 -Re-vamping my seedling process again... but honestly it has to be done. It's the one part of growing that I feel I still don't have down at all. I struggle and stunt them almost 100% of the time, losing days here and there. After 2.5-3 Weeks I'm on my way, but this initial process is painful for me. Did a lot of talking (of course) and started grilling multiple people on their methods, specifically people I could see that had amazing expedited growth early on, prepping them for a great Veg. Lots are on IG but @Philindicus answered a bunch of my questions and b/t everyone's input I've found a new method, medium and additive to help out. Canna family provides man, and thank you Phil for giving me your time. Will be following a few of your pointers and get this right👊 -One of two tent's genetics have been picked and I'm going to keep it simple, believe it or not. Will be running x2-3 LemonGrass and x2-3 Mango Sherbet by Humbolt Seed Company. Depending on whether I go 3 or 5 G fabrics, there will be 2 and 2 or 3 and 3. The other unit hasn't been decided yet, but will be moving on lemon and mango in about a week. Rebuilt and re-acclimated the prop tent so it's ready to go again and we can have a much faster turn over. Cutting a week off per grow and hopefully next round will be a full 3 weeks cut off by starting them elsewhere. -Bought a vaporizer from Arizer... Love it. Not wasting as much product now and still getting the job done without scorching my lungs. I do like cough lock however... and kinda miss it. Strange. ** Special Note for QS** Looking a dual harvest with her and MS to pull the full potential of the harvest. Extra 1-1.5 Weeks should be worth it** Cheers and thanks all for stopping by. Happy New Year and all that! Hope you have a good week and enjoy all the little things that give you a sense of happiness. Keep on trucking and I'll check you later. Peace👋✊
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
99.06 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
750 PPM
50 %
24 °C
22 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 8
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 0.925 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 0.396 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 1.981 mll
Hello👋. Just chugging along and finishing this weeks entries. Here be the beast, Quick Sherbet on Day 30/31 of Bloom (Not bad👍). The Deets: The Good: -Love her... She's so friggin impressive right now. Those little buds just keep stacking and stacking, getting fatter and fatter. She's shedding beauty trichs, is REAL sticky and I can't get enough of her progress. -Her terpene profile is perfect. Getting stronger and stronger with berries, pepper and what I feel is Diesel(?). It's just swell. I can already feel what she will taste like and where she might be able to bring me. If her aroma is an indication of her potency and affect, I'll be one happy camper. -Strong, strong laterals and holds really well. I braced her in place for safety sake and for ease of movement, but she really doesn't need it. A little splay when let loose, but really carries well and could probably go to end game without a single strap or snap. For such a massive girl, that pleases me😂 The 'Meh': -Weird winter, weird environment. Battling some numbers but the girls are fine. Low RH lead to minor leaf tip burns on this girl, but that's about it. Rectified some things and hopefully will have it dialed back in, just in time for harvest and next Veg where I'll do it allll again. Ha! I actually like the game, if I'm being honest. Something to do and an excuse to be around the girls more often. Notes of the Week: -All in all things are going really well in the units this past week, but I did dial out a bit on my feeds, especially with Malanasa. All is well and just learning some more valuable lessons. Documenting everything for future so maybe, just maybe, I won't repeat this next grow. -MS is back w/ QS under a single SF-2000. I wasn't happy with the footprint I was getting on her in the FuturVert unit cause I just let her get too big. I couldn't serve her and the smaller girls well enough so I shoved her ass back in with QS, hahaha. Non issue. A lot of the changes I'm about to make will be with forming and flipping smaller girls. I keep doing this! I love big plants, but it's a pain in the ass, lol. Utilizing and having two units is working real well for this, for now, but ya... Writing is on the wall. Stop. Flip earlier😅 -Moved into Royal Black this week from Future Harvest to further push some bud density and trich development. Seems to be a great little additive, but it's literally black... Super paranoid to be carrying this stuff around for manual feeds. I spill, I'm screwed😬 -Training officially ended early this week and there is nothing left to do but brace for future weight. Applied some non-static clothe to MS and QS for easier mobility and to focus some light energy direct to the tops. -Defo is ongoing and will be slowly opening up and cutting fans as the the days progress. -A little concerned for Malanasa's end game, but will get more into it with her update entry. She is thin, and seemingly behind her counter-parts. I have adjusted her schedule to bulk her up, but this is causing burns. She may not be as aesthetically pleasing at the end, but medicine first. -Over-Fed but rebalanced, displaced and watered for damn near a week before going back in. I found those limits though and I feel it was worth the hassle trying to dial them in and see how far I could go. Anywho, ppm's are back in check and I've turned to my last grow method of 3/4 dose-Water-1/2 dose or 1/2-water-1/2. This completes her full schedule feeding without being too heavy handed on my end. This takes more time, but I'm far more comfortable doing this lower volume, lower EC feeding over a period of time instead of a one shot kinda deal. It works... and I'll probably be on this regiment till the end. *Note/Opinion/Method** Was asked about my plant health the other day and how I never seem to get droppage. I do in late day Veg, but never in flower. I use the same method I was taught in grow #2 by @Mrs_Larimar. I do not let my plants go to complete dry out, especially to the point of drooping. I see this as a completely unnecessary stress on the girls and it always felt counterintuitive to me. I wouldn't over water and drown my girls, so why would I drought them? Some say it's to purposely kill off old root systems to be replaced by new hairs (and I can get behind that) but the stress of doing this just isn't worth the risk. I achieve new root growth and remove deadage through air pruning and Hygrozyme, always replacing the old with the new. those plants and never let them get dry. Moist soil is not overwatered soil. It keeps the medium receptive to moisture and nutrients without swinging too far one way or the other and/or stops heavy/fast eating with low RH and low soil water retention. It's an extra step I can understand growers may not want to take, but trust that if you prime your soil a few hours before a feed (literally just a liter or so of plain water), the changes of prolonged drooping from that heavy feed will be mitigated and halted. Doing this for almost a year now and can't remember the last time I had a droop in flower. It just doesn't happen anymore. Credit to Larimar for teaching me this little method long ago... thought I would share it again now, as I have been getting questions here and there about my plants vigorous constitution. This is one of the biggest things I do. Prime that soil and you'll never see them droop or drought again. Thanks @Mrs_Larimar!👋👍** That's the ramble! Thank you for stopping by folks and I hope you're all well. Busy lately and actually feel like I'm taking some steps here, but am falling behind other places. It's that limited focus again but that's just the way I know how to operate. Have a gooder all and I hope to catch you soon enough. Stay safe out there and keep it breezy. Much love and happy trails✊👋
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
99.06 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
950 PPM
45 %
24 °C
22 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 9
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 1.321 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 0.396 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 3.302 mll
Howdy all and welcome to Week 5 of Bloom with one chunky ass girl (Pictures a bit sloppy. Woops!😦). Quick Sherbet is doing very well and this update will cover up to Day 38. The Deets: The Good: -Ha! This plant is dope man, literally and figuratively. She's so thick and chunky and just continues to pack on weight. With personal progression photos I can see this one is not done just yet. -Aroma is incredible and very heavy. I can clearly make out the pepper but there's a lot more going on these days and I don't think I'll really know until she has some cure time. It will be very thick and resin abundant smoke. She is frosty but the resin alone is worth it with this one. Just oozing at every bud site. -Very faint signs of purple and blue hues within the bud sites themselves. I'm used to fan fades but this is my very first colorful plant with color changes occurring on the buds themselves. Pretty excited about it, hahaha. Thanks Exotic!👌 -Looking at her I can presume a very healthy harvest. Not going to count my chickens yet, but hoping this girl will clear 100 and help make up for a lack of product on Malanasa. All will work out thanks to this girl. The 'Meh' -Trying to drop my heat for the final days but realized it's a lot harder then I expected. I'm going to have to invest in an AC unit right away here and have it controlled by an InkBird unit in the grow room itself, not the tents. Just like my heating I'd like to acclimate the grow room and have that air cycle into the unit, not be created in the unit itself and expelled in the room. -Noticed the smaller, lower fan leaves on smaller bud sites received some serious downward marginal leaf curl, but no other fans from half way up the plant are affected... Not 100% sure and it started to occur on day 28ish. Complete non issue again, just a curiosity... Did they catch the brunt of a nutrient dose? Underwater wilting without a bounce back? Lower RH in Bloom sucking them dry? Not sure. Let me know if you have any ideas what I'm talking about. I'll throw up a picture of what I'm talking about within a day of this post, too. Notes of the Week: -All girls are on cruise control now. Besides performing some pruning and re-bracing laterals, I don't do much of anything. Feed, observe, feed, observe. Very happy but a little bored now. Chomping at the bit to go to my personal Grow #5🙌. Genetics are picked for Tent #1/Part #1 and I'll be moving on it relatively soon. Will list the genetics chosen in near future👍. -Gelato OG and Quick Sherbet appear that they will be wrapping up within 14 days (at time of typing this) w/ Malanasa and Glookies looking like 2.5-3. All a week past breeders latest projections, but again, I feel my feeding schedules were off and my mid Bloom schedule warped their time line. Tad more time to bulk up, anyways. No problemo. -FM8 is stupid and I love it. The trich and cola Dev. on the girls under her is impressive and I'm starting to see what it can do, personally. I really need next grow and a direct comparison to make hard line opinions on the system. For now, it is certainly evident that the girls are bulking far faster under the FM8 the previously under the SF series. -I don't have them in my possession yet but they are in the mail. Tent #2/Part #2 of this upcoming project will include.... @Wicked_Stix genetics!!!!! Through and with a Mr. @Budxs (Thanks Bud!) we will be running some very special beans...and I'm nervous. Only one shot per and I must be diligent. The three genetics being run include: Frozen Diesel! Herecane! and Platonium! In House Genetic Crosses and more than humbled to get a shot at these beans. Wicked is no joke and he has proof out the butt-hole that he knows what he's doing. That Frozen Diesel alone should be proof enough of this dude's abilities. If you haven't seen it yet, please go check out this girl on his page. She's wrapping up and is pure, bulbous sugar buds. My God. A pre-emtive thank you to @Wicked_Stix for the opportunity and to @Budxs for helping set this up and send a set my way. Cheers boys👌. -I mentioned it previously, but my seeding method is changing now. All new methods have been thoroughly spoken about, a new soil media has been chosen and Canna Rhizotonic XP (Seaweed/Kelp) will be introduced early on in the seedling stage to assist in nutrient/oxygen exchange. I have these peoples results and am confident in their methods. I look forward to trying and refine the piece I feel I'm really missing here. Thanks all for stopping by and I hope you had a gooder this week. World is still seemingly crazy af, but I do hope you have a sense of normalcy and peace where you're too. Stay close to family and friends all. Much love and I'll check you later on👋✊
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
99.06 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
950 PPM
45 %
24 °C
22 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 9
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 1.057 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 0.198 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 4.029 mll
Ahoy-hoy👋. I lack photos for Quick Sherbet but I got these ones! Just like the other journals this one will be wrapped up between Week 6/7 and than into a harvest entry. The Deets: The Good: -Big/Thick as hell and stacking more and more weight by the day. Figured she'd stop pushing but nah. Just keeps pumping new buds. She is starting to wrap up and Breeder notes do say 7/8 weeks for flower. Lines up pretty close with what they said and the loose schedule I had worked out. Neat👍 -Colors! She's easily the most colorful girl in the tent and I'm loving the purple and blue fades coming through. The bud itself is a blue/purple hue as well and that's just super. First time for me and this pheno. Good show! -She's going to put out well. Estimating the largest yield of any of my plants to date. She is that heavy and there isn't a fluffy main stack in there. Solid, chunky and sticky. The Meh: -No more stoner bends if I can help it. She formed well enough, but look at that height and wasted lower end. Had to take all those suckers and really missed the prune game on this girl. Looking to make some changes and have a plan to try and execute now. Looking for 6 week flips now and no more than 7. Since my multi-strain grows will be partly under the FM8, I do need to control height and keep things a little more even. The dual SF's gave me some flexibility but with the FM I'll need to up my LST game/method. -Heat's always an issue. I feel her fade would be much more profound if I was able to achieve the lower temps in late Bloom. Notes of the Week: -Everyone is starting to turn in with Glookies looking like she'll be the last to finish up. At the time of typing this, Gelato has already gotten the chop, Quick Sherbet will come down tomorrow (Feb 3rd) and Glookies/Malanasa will probably both come down on Saturday (Feb 6th). -Project #1, Tent #1 genetics have been chosen (officially). Will be running Lemon-Grass and Mango Sherbet by HSC, Blue Monkey by Exotic Seeds and Fat Banana from Seedsman. We ready to go, time to pop. -@WickedStix_ genetics came in the mail several days ago and all looks good. Doesn't look the cold or shipping messed them up and they're good to go for Project #2, Tent #2. Frozen Diesel is going to be stupid good folks. Pretty excited to get going on these ones... Thanks once again to Budx and Wicked for paying it forward and just being good people. -Seedling method will/is changing. Grilled multiple veteran growers on their methods and I've finally come to a conclusion... I've been cooking my seeds😬. Soil media has been far too warm/hot for such young girls and this explains their limited root system and early stunting. As soon as I transplanted in the past, they took off and all was well. No heat matt...more media. It took me 4 grows to figure this out. Wow😂. Anywho, learned a new method to use the heat mat but still reduce media temps. Will list this below (and yes, it worked). Thanks @Nor_Cal_Kannabliss! -Dipping into Canna now, and will probably be leaving FutureHarvest behind for a much more simple schedule. As previously mentioned, I'm happy with FH, but why so many additives/nutrients. Compile them! I really don't like having to measure out 11 doses from 11 bottles every frigging time. Canna results and schedules are impressive, so I've started to make the move. Rhizotonic XP is the first buy and will be used for the seedling process in order to expedite early growth. Hoping to land their whole line before it's time to start feeding the new girls who are just in BlueSky super soil and have been fed Miicrobial Mass. Around 3 weeks will be when feeding starts. I'm pretty sure I can get things in order before than. Done! Next entry will be her final day before the chop, and after being plunged into darkness for a bit. At the time of typing this, she has been harvested and is hanging to dry. Malanasa and Glookies still stand, but not for long. Final girl should be down no later than Sunday. Looking to do move the new set in as soon as these are down so we can go again. Cheers all and happy trails this week. Peace!✊👋 *Heat Mat Method* I don't have the heat mat thermostat to control. It cost more than the mat so I said screw that, but now I see I do need a means of regulation. I had some InkBird readers w/ probes kicking around, including two inline thermostats with probes. Cheaper than the thermostats and doesn't have to be at all. There's many options. Anywho, NorCal told me to take that inline and plug the heat mat into it. Take plastic wrap and cover the probe tip to protect from any erosion. Than make up a faux* pot of soil with the same amount of media and water as the actual seedling pots. Shove the probe in the soil and boom, direct read and direct control over the heat mat. Set to always hover between 72-74 degrees (21-22 degrees Celsius). The ambient tent temperature and humidity are now held at 76 degrees and 65-75% RH. Method and dialing in has been accomplished! Confident moving to next grow👍. If this is helpful, thank NorCal for this hot tip. Just another thing I feel I can check off the list moving forward.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
99.06 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
950 PPM
45 %
24 °C
22 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 9
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 1.057 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 0.198 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 4.029 mll
On to QS! Here be the Final couple weeks of Quick Sherbet compiled into one update. She had a wonderful finish and I look forward to sharing the harvest notes next. She's been sampled and I can already mark this as an easy 8/10👌. So! Here's Days 50 to Day 63 (The "Final" pictures were taken 2 days prior to chop. Only a couple are of her last day) The Deets: The Good: -Extremely unique girl and as the days went on nearly her end, she just continually surprised me and put on a great show. -She is stinky, stinky, but I still can't put my whole finger on what's going on here. Deep pepper but weirdly sweet smelling? I don't know man, really need a cure and sample to figure this one out. - She stacked very well in her end days. There was fox tailing but I see that is more of a genetic trait than and environmental issue (Heat/Light). She just kept pushing more and more new pistils even when it was clearly the end for her. -The way she held herself was probably the best I've seen out of any of my plants so far. She was super tall and got some stoner bends so I figured she would just fall apart near the end. Instead she just shored up and put out the thickest laterals I've personally seen in my tents. I braced her and yoyo'd her for air and light penetration, but when I removed these to move her, she held very well. Swayed back and forth like a tall tree in the forest. Strong but still malleable. -PHENOS!!!!!!!! Purples and blue hues! This is my favorite part about this specimen. She was beautiful and I took a lot of bud shots of her. Never had these colors come through on the bud before and was very pleased to pull new colors that I've never had before. I hope she knows I appreciate the show and probably does. I sat and stared at her more than any other. Didn't degrade, perpetually prayed... One very special girl. The 'Meh': -There was no Meh's with this girl really, just a little too warm and the seeding issue that led to some paranoia. When I checked this girl for any signs of seeding I didn't find any. It was a huge releif, but her and the remaining two were heavily observed. Took more maintenance and time to ensure they weren't on their way out. A pain, but worth it. Notes of the Week: -Feeding numbers above for feeding were the last administered, about 8-9 days before her final day. This goes for all 4 girls. -Glookies is under observation but seems okay. Gelato seeding seems to be isolated and no one else is showing new signs of seed development. Chops are still scheduled the same, but Glookies will be run down faster to avoid any further issues and chopped before MS now. -Project #5 is already underway and doing pretty well. Trying new things again so there's speed bumps, but will hopefully get through it like I have before. Time will tell. Gotta pull back on the new methods again though. Too many new things at once. -It's been about -30 to -40 degrees for two-ish weeks and RH is a stupid 10-15%. Wreaking havoc on the girls and I'm struggling to keep things in balance. This is part of why I'm struggling and the girls aren't 100%. Supposed to warm up soon but the weather man keeps frigging lying to us! Tell us the truth Jerk! Cheers! Imma go look at everyone else's plants now! See you in the comments section😀. Thanks all for stopping by and I genuinely hope you had a great week out there, that the projects are going well and that you're all happy and healthy. Much love to you all and happy trails👋✊
Used techniques
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