It’s getting big .. I really need my autos to finish , im out of space 😩. .. she’s ready to flower
I will use a scrog net
She is now drinking 2 ltrs per day .. 2/3 more weeks until flower
Those clones i cut 2/3 weeks ago finally showed some growth 😉 Didn’t use any products .. only water 💧
My first time with this strain 💚love her so far , but only after the full cycle I will be able to tell if she’s a keeper..🦄
@tokesly,hey Ty for stopping by ✌️
She was the first month with a cfl in the ds90 tent
Then some weeks in the balcony and then She was under the450w viparspectra for the rest of the time , but the light was never directed at her .. ( it was a poor vegetative condition
Did a lot of training too 💪