I put 2 Gorilla Glue Faster seeds in 100ml distilled water with about 5 ml 3% Hydrogen peroxide and left it in a dark, closet, about 25C. After 24 hours, there was no change, so put into a tupperware container with distilled water (no hydrogen peroxide) and paper towels (just moist). I watched them everyday (putting more water if necessary), and no change but a darkening in color after one week.
So, i tried to germinate another 2 Gorilla Glue Faster seeds. After another 3 days (10th day), one of the initial seeds began to show some radicula and I planted it.
6 days later (day 13), the very first seed sprouted. The same day, I tried to germinate another 2 Gorilla Glue Faster seeds (so, 6 total at this point).
Mano, tenho uma dúvida> Tu só está cultivando elas ou tem junto alguma auto? Pergunto porque as minhas começaram a florir junto com as auto e sinceramente isso me frustou muito
@cultivando_a_cura, sim, essa está com mais 4 plantas na mesma estufa. todas são autos. vc tem feminizada e auto junto? ou mudou o horario de luz para 12/12/?