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OG for her

Approved by Exotic Seed
4 years ago
5Point Cree COB’s Light Emitting Diodes/315W
5Point Cree COB’s
The Magic Maker
The Magic Maker
Room Type
weeks 2
weeks 2-4
weeks 3-4
Hydroton Pebbles
Grow medium
RootRiot Cubes
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
4 years ago
12 hours on the soak and 36 in the towel. She popped along with the rest like clockwork. Hopefully it translates to a strong seedling🤞. Tip O’ The Week A couple things really - I’ve slapped together a miniaturized 3 gallon cloning/seedling res. for starting off dwc grows. It’s on a 3 stone bubbler, with a 4 way drip manifold that’s feeding each net pot. For large photo grows we’ll go with a full size net pot but for clones and autos these 3” ones usually suffice. We’re only runn’n one of the 100W Spider Farmers until we see the first 2 leaves. Then we’ll go full on with the other fixture. if ur working with rooters slice em right open. It gives the tap root a lot more room to move with a lot less resistance👍. The goal is to get the roots to the res. As quick as possible. Even with the manifold drips, this is an auto so time really matters here. Which goes to the next tip - a small layer of hydroton below the rooter so that you keep it as low as possible in the net pot. Yet still you wanna be high enough to ensure that you fill it as much as possible to avoid leak’n light in any of the res. below. Light leaks are literally kryptonite for water based hydro grows. Don’t fuck around, tape all openings, have a tight fitting lid and cover your net pots with something as best as possible. In this case I’m using silicon cutouts of a couple $14 dollar mats from canadian tire. But I’ve seen peeps use bedsheets, towels, excessive amounts of tape - whatever. As long as you keep light out of the res. at all costs. Especially early when u won’t have leaves to provide shade and that grow light is beat’n down on ‘er - the rest of the grow should be good to go👍. Stay tuned for next week too! We’ll have a whole ‘nother bunch of bullshit to spew about air bubblers, early nutes, foliar spraying and seedling progression😉🤟. Questions, comments and clarification always welcome👊. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
420 PPM
50 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
DryPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Grow 2.604 mll
Liquid Karma - Botanicare
Liquid Karma 1 mll
Week 2 update - she’s up, on the grow and look’n good. Right on schedule in all respects. Fired up the 2nd veg. Light now that they’re all up and showing leaves. Well run on a 20/4 sched. Through the whole grow and push em as much as possible. I don’t generally go easy on autos due to the time sensitivity. They get a karma foliar spray twice daily and only a couple small top offs of the res. Expect we’ll be moving her over to a stand-alone 5gal bucket in a couple days once the roots hit the res. In earnest👍. Tip ‘O The Week A word on nutes and oxygen this week. We only use the karma as a foliar now for the most part. The NPK concentrations are really light so it’s the perfect supplement for seedlings. Does it help? Maybe? We use it but really - you can get by without it 💯. What’s super awesome is the simplicity of GHE’s maxi line of nutes. Their powdered, come with their own measuring spoon and the bags last forever. It’s a max of 2-3tsp per 10L of water and it will provide the plants with everything they need throughout the entire cycle. We’ll probably add in some additional supplements for flowering (just cuz we have some) but it’s not a requirement at all. Nutes, like all the other elements in a hydro system are just one part of the equation. We treat them like vitamins now - we worry less about running at the top of the range amd more about ensuring that the mix is juuust enough to keep em happy. Which brings us to the other requisites such as proper oxygenation of the res. Root health in any medium is driven by access to readily available oxygen. This is why we add purlite to thick soils/composts and also why coco coir will work as a stand-alone due to its airy consistency. In water based hydro applications like DWC, this need is met through air stones and air pumps which will further oxygenate the water. When it comes to air pumps GET A DECENT ONE. Don’t bother wasting your money on the lowest powered aquarium pump that you can find. Spend a little more and go with a 4 port model if you can. I’ve got 2 and have found them to be the perfect balance between appropriate air flow and noise reduction. You don’t need a commercial grade pump that turns the res. Into a jacuzzi (although this wouldnt hurt at all) and these pumps are LOUD as fuck for the average hobby grower. Always use LARGE air stones - the bigggest ones you can fit in the res. More surface area on the stone = more air bubbles = more oxygen = happier plant. When growing in water, keeping the res. Aerated and agitated may be the most important element to ensure healthy roots IMO. even when ur struggling with other issues like temps, having the medium properly oxygenated will go a long way to offsetting even significant variance. By all means cheap out where you can on all things growing - except when it comes to air pumps. It’s just not worth the wasted time - trust me. Do this and you’re plants will be burst’n behemoths of bud👍😎. That’s all for this weeks blathering bullshit y’all. Stay tuned for next week where we’ll be talk’n on res. Change frequency as well as training technique selection based on growth rate. Here’s to hope’n ur as high as I am right now😉👍😎👊. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
420 PPM
50 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
DryPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Grow 3.906 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1 mll
Week 3 update - she’s a healthy, hungry monster and you can practically watch her getting bigger👍. She was showing the 4th node prominently by the end of this week and was ripe for a haircut😉. Alls good for now. Let’s just hope she acclimates to the stress and the res. Change. Tip ‘O the Week I’ve said it so many times before and I’ll continue to preach that fimming is just so perfectly appropriate for autos. You don’t have near the recovery time that you have with topping. This allows the plant a longer unstressed veg. Time prior to hitting flower. Even if the fim doesn’t take as preferred you’ve still broken some of the apical dominance and allowed the other side branches an opportunity to catch up. If you’re topping and the plant doesn’t respond well then you lose significant veg. Time or even have the plant enter flower early. Both options are less than ideal in the event of failure so why create the risk in the first place? It’s a personal preference for every grower in the end. This just makes proper sense to me😎. I’m expecting next week’ll be all about the training so should be soap boxing on lst methods and other nonsense. Thanks for swing’n in as always👊. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
15.24 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
420 PPM
30 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
DryPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Grow 3.906 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1 mll
Week 3 of veg. and all is proceeding well. She came outta the fim perfectly and now it’s all spreading and tying while we wait for the stretch.🤟👍😎 Tip ‘O The Week At the end of last week we fim’d this one so this week was all about the recovery and training. After the cut and pinch she balled up on herself for about a day and then boom! Over a period of about 48 hours she went from a singular growth tip to like 10. We started the LST almost immediately. First bending over the fim’d main and then spreading the side branches as they came out. No real trick to this, just bend Em the way they’re growing and tie em in place with some rubber wire. We’ve got anchor points taped all over the res. Lid. It’s just over the last couple of days that she’s started to look like she’s entering transition. Woulda preferred an extra week of veg. But is what it is. We did selectively defo a couple of leaves out of the middle and on the lower sides. This was strictly to increase light exposure to the smaller tips that are now stretching and branching out from the middle. All told for this week, we’ve created a solid foundation for the stretch and flower shows👍. Only real tip for week 3 is to keep a close eye on ph and water levels. When running small like this it’s important to gauge early what the plants expected intake is gonna be. Not only that, we’re on the first res. Change and as a general rule, our water always ends up with a high ph once in the res. This is after buffering the solution too so for the first couple days post change, we’re super diligent about checking the levels. That’s it for this weeks wasted time. Hope alls well and safe on the other end👊. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
22.86 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
420 PPM
40 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
DryPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Grow 3.906 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1 mll
End of week 4 of veg. - she’s come on super strong the last few days. She’s officially in to transition now, albeit about a week earlier than preferred, even for an auto. Tore ‘er down at the end of the week to open up some air flow and make room for the stretch. Let’s hope it’s a strong stretch too because she’s a squat little beast. Really healthy, really vigorous and no issues to date👍. All well for the upcoming holidays y’all.😎 Tip ‘O The Week This week I’m gonna rant a little on defoliation. I know... a pretty controversial topic if you talk to anyone who’s got some grow background. There’s the school that says it’s silly and ridiculous - “just let the plant grow” types. Then there’s the school that swears by it as the sole reason for their increased yields - to the point they’re willing to strip the plant nude and rely on straight sugar leaves to provide photosynthesis. Truth be told and when experience speaks that truth😉, neither one of those perspectives is necessarily wrong IMO - the best of both worlds is actually in the middle anyway, between the two extremes. Like most things in growing, you need to ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish when you defoliate your plants. Is it increased yields? Intentional stunting? Easier maintenance? Mold avoidance - aka better airflow? Once you’ve decided on what’s to be accomplished, you then need to consider your environment. Not just indoors vs. Outdoors but also light types, and environmental variance between spaces. For example, I’ll almost eliminate defoliation as an option when growing outdoors. It seems generally unnecessary and if I want increased airflow then I’m usually cutting full branches that just don’t look like a good use of the plants energy. The wind and sun really are game changers when it comes to growing anything and outdoor is really it’s own game alone👍. Consequently, defo is an almost necessary practice for me indoors but, the techniques I employ will vary based on which of my cabinets is in use and even what season of the year we’re in. In this particular case, this plant is coming up in our smaller cabinet and just started the transition (in fact, we’re early by a couple days). Given the plants small stature and the need to have each bud site produce as much as possible - we cut this one back pretty heavy, leaving only the highest and smallest fan leaves on each cola (+ a few on the outside that aren’t shading anything. This approach is really due to the grow light - these spiderfarmers are excellent fixtures but I’ve found them less intense overall than the cobs in the other cabinet. With the penetration from the cob lights u you can turn even the smallest larf into useable popcorn bud whereas with the quantum boards, the buds really seem to benefit from greater overall exposure and grow much more uniformly and characteristically to their strain genetics. Although high humidity and temps aren’t really an issue in this environment, the increased airflow does assist with keeping things less jumbled up in the middle of the canopy.👍 So is there a place for defoliation, absolutely. But, you should always be asking yourself why you’re doing it. End of the day it’s still damaging the plant and taking away something that’s it genetically accustomed to growing. But, if you do it right and do it strategically, defo’ing your plants can pay huge dividends. At least that’s the hope with this girl 😉👌👍😎. With that tirade ‘o bullshit now complete, I will disengage the soapbox and re-pack the bong😉🤟. Stay lit y’all!👊 Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
420 PPM
40 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
4 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 3
DryPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Grow 2.604 mll
DryPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Bloom 0.651 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1 mll
Week 5 update - well, as per the photos she’s fully exploded over the last few days. She was on the re-leaf a day after the defo and that gave all these additional tops a chance to spring up and stretch to meet the mains. The base looks like a mangled, bulging mess and the effects of the fim are really evident now👍. For the first week of flower the bud sites are stacking admirably, given the significant amount of stretch in the branches. She’s showing some slight signs of tip burn at the end of this week so we dropped the mix by half a teaspoon just to ease up on ‘er a bit. It’s nice to be at the top end of the mix ratio but, I never like overdoing it in early flower. She needs to be focused solely on stretch’n and gett’n huge👍. All is again, extremely well up in this bitch🤟. Merry Christmas to all of you and a Happy New Year. Tip ‘O The Week This week I’m gonna say fuck it. I’m on vacation and have no current patience for a jaded grower diatribe. Time to settle in with the family for the holidays👍. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
420 PPM
40 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
DryPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Bloom 3.255 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1 mll
Week 6 update - quite a week actually. Vertical growth has stopped for the most part already and she’s putt’n all effort into bud development - which is significant this early in flower👍👍👍. She’s frosting nicely and bud sites have stacked really quickly. She’s gonna be a winner for sure🤟. It’s in this week where I’ve found defoliation to be most important. The first round of trimming in transition directs energy to the stretching branches while this round is more for clearing up airflow and exposing more bud sites to the grow light. The fim totally blew this girl up and she’ll be a squat, fat monster by the end. Here’s hope’n for an issue free flower cycle🤞🤞🤞. Tip ‘O The Week Yellow snow has never done anything good for anyone. So don’t eat it... life of a parent... best I got for now... Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
420 PPM
40 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
DryPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Bloom 2.604 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1 mll
Week 7 update - 3rd week into flower and you’d think we were only a couple weeks out from chop. This girl is frosty AF already. What were small fluffy buds last week are all now fully stacked and building both bulk and density by the day👍. If this stays consistent through the rest of flower this thing is gonna be just a basketball of buds😎. There wasn’t much to do in the way of trimming or further defo this week. The branches have juuuust enough room to do what they gotta do. Only thing that’s a little worry some is that a couple of leaves are lookn crispy. It’s a little early for that yet and doubt it’s light burn. We do run on the high end of the nute ratio and she’s been showing some tip burn steady throughout the grow. Might drop things back with plain water top offs this week just to even it out a bit. Then we’ll lower the mix ratio by another half teaspoon on the next res. Change. Other than that - alls lookn really impressive for this early in flower. Definitely wouldn’t be surprised if this one goes off early. Happy grow’n folks😎🤟. Tip ‘O The Week Nows probably the right time to vent on the most important part of any grow which is PAYING ATTENTION TO THE PLANT. In this case we’re only at the end of week 3 of flower and she’s starting to look like she’s in the late stages of week 7😳. The fans on the highest tops are starting to show some crispness despite all other signs which indicate a plant in perfect health. If you’re seeing things like this, you can’t ignore them in the hopes that it’s just a localized issue. Could it be light burn, sure could be. Could it be nute burn, absolutely. The key point is that you gotta keep on top of it and monitor even the slightest changes to ensure that what might be a little problem right now, doesn’t turn into a huge problem later on down the line. In our case, we’ll be tracking this girl close for the next 2 weeks to see what she does. If the leaves get any crispier we’ll have to consider changing out the res. And running with a halved nute solution for a week or so to clear any potential nute burn issues. If it’s the light....😬 well, we can raise it a little but not much. In that case we’d just have to accept that she might end up a little torched. End of the day, some things you can help, some things you just can’t. That said, paying attention goes a long way. If you put down the bong (or at least wait to hit it until the garden work is done), that can sometimes help too😉. For our part we sometimes have great difficulty practicing what we preach🤣. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
1 comment
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
420 PPM
40 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
H2O2 1 mll
DryPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Bloom 2.604 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1 mll
Week 8 update - man this ones moving fast. Even if you call the last week of veg. A Flower week, that only gets us to about 5 weeks of flower... the book has this one at 8-9 weeks and I’m starting to get really sceptical. She’s thick, dank, very healthy and the trichs are starting to Amber out on the tops. She’s a gooey, resinous monster and if I had a press I’d consider running the whole plant through it👌. Trichs are saying about 2 weeks so we’ll be watching closely. Not long now y’all👍. Tip ‘O The Week I was really hoping not to expand on nutes and watering as a soapbox topic because most of the time I’m pretty high and winging it based on what the plant seems to want. But that’s a result of experience which took time so here’s a bit of what I’ve learned. First, I run my autos pretty hard and at the top end of the rec. brand strength in most cases. Once they start tip burning I’ll claw it back a touch on the ratios and kinda set that as the standard in either veg. Or flower cycles. The key to that success is what happens between the full res. Changes. I’ll top off with full strength until they show resistance and then move to straight water if needed to dilute the res. Until the next change. I’ve found this approach to work wonders on autos, even the finicky ones. As soon as you dial it in, it’s practically automatic.👌. Anyhoo - that’s most of this weeks drama. We’re closer than expected and should be a good finish😎😎😎. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
420 PPM
40 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
H2O2 1 mll
DryPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Bloom 2.604 mll
Week 5 of flower by the numbers but really - it's gotta be more like week 6. This girl has plumped out HARD over the last week and already showing slight signs of doneness in the trichs. The sugar leaves are really starting to curl out and it's clear that backing off the nutes a little was a very good idea. She's dense AF!!! An absolute resin monster too - I've selected one particular bud that I like to squeeze every time i'm in the cabinet - just to see how sticky my fingers come back😋 😋😋. This thing is so dank that it's really got me pondering on a half decent rosin press now😜. This flower is almost too good not to press down into an extract. Definitely starting to get that honey tone in the scent, combined with a more woody kinda kush scent (as opposed to the typical earthiness in most kush strains). Not a lot of history on GD regarding the auto version of this strain so as far as estimating finish time - up in the air. She really shouldn't be this mature at this stage but there's no denying it based on the trichs. I figure max 2 weeks and we'll be take'n 'er down. Fantastic plant - perfect for small space growers too if your options are limited👍. Update - over the last 24 hours since the original post this girl has started to fade out. We might be closer than we thought to chop. We’ll take ‘er another week or so and see where it’s at. My new guess is that she’s gonna finish even quicker than predicted🤟😎. Tip 'O The Week This weeks diatribe is on PATIENCE and this plant is a perfect example of when you need to exercise some! If you take a look at the trich. photos you'll note that the sugar leaves on the tops are showing a ton of amber trichs. However, the trichs on the lower portions, less exposed to the grow light - they're still glassy and reflective - very immature. This is where you have to start looking at the plant as a whole (if ur chopping in one shot of course - some dudes will selectively harvest the tops of their plants as each cola reaches maturity. Nothing wrong with this approach - it's just a giant pain in the ass). I had a minor freak out mid-week thinking this would be only the second plant I've grown that came in under breeder suggested flowering times. Alas, end of week it's become clear that she's close, but not quite there just yet. I figure we hit exactly the 8 weeks of flower that's been suggested. Overall, she's still ripening out and we're in the prettiest part of the grow - patience, patience, patience. The end is nigh! Happy winter grow'n y'all👊. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
420 PPM
40 %
18 °C
18 °C
17 °C
19 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
H2O2 1 mll
DryPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Bloom 2.604 mll
Week 6 of flower - again, I prefer to call it the end of week 7 because this chick is mere days from done. She's a straight fuck'n enigma to be honest. Earlier in the week I was sure she was gett'n the knife on the weekend. Now I'm almost positive I can push a little more outta her. She's fading out beautifully now but the trichs are sooooo close to our harvest wheelhouse. General uniformity in cloudiness throughout, little amber on the tops and some racy mirrored trichs on the underbelly👌. Swapped the res. and we'll top off on plain water moving forward to the full finish I think. I expect this to be the last update before the chop. We were hoping for a well-rounded basketball and ended up with a warped beachball monster👌. She's squat and the buds start from literally the base of the plant. Gonna go out on a limb and guess min. 4oz. at this point. Dense resinous beast💪. Not long now ya'll. Tip 'O The Week This weeks bullshit is about pick'n ur spot when it comes time to harvest. Some folks like their weed racy and heart palpatation inducing, others like it sedative and ..... ahhh fuck it. I’m way too high to be soapboxing right now. Summary: Wait until she’s done and then get the scissors out!👍. Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.
Week 10. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
So ends what was an extremely fast auto run. One of the fastest plants we’ve seen from seed. She didn’t disappoint at all and Exotic is grade “A” in my book👍👌🤟😎. Taste & Smell: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 Effects: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 This girl is an absolute terp. Monster. Stickier than GG and a very complex scent profile for a kush strain. Not really earthy, more piney and citrusy. She’s already demonstrating this only a few days post chop. Can’t wait to see what she cures out to. It’ll be a real treat. I’d recommend anyone growing this to consider pressing it for rosin. Not only would the terps be amazing, the yield will be ridiculous👍. As far as effects go - definitely a relaxing kush. Further testing required but she ticks all the boxes on what we’re looking for in an indica. Pretty strong body buzz with an added touch of cerebral dumbness😎👍.
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Spent 72 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
430.91 g
Bud wet weight per plant
194.19 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Citrus, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Medium: The whole point and purpose of the weekly diatribes was to increase awareness about the simplicity and benefits of growing in DWC. This plant was grown in a 5 gallon tub which might as well have been a 2 gallon after accounting for net pot distances and air gaps. Still, she didn’t suffer at all and turned out a very impressive yield. I don’t hold to the maxim that soil growing brings out the best taste, smell etc. Most of this I boil down to good genetics. Some of the best tasting and highest quality plants we’ve grown have come from hydroponic grow methods. DWCs benefits are obvious. The main drawbacks are really a lack of versatility next to other grow methods. Scrogging requires some significant imagination if in a tent or small space and unless you’re running a central res., swapping out tubs and buckets can be a pain in the ass. Next cycle we’re running a Dutch bucket system instead. The hope is that we can combine all the best parts of hydro grow methods without the things that make each one a chore. No hand traditional hand watering, versatility and pot portability unlike dwc, the ability to scrog if needed, no messy soil or coco and low, low, low maintenance ie. minimal tip offs and changes. Well see how it shakes out in short order.🤟 Method 🎚️🎚️🎚️ Nothing much to this one. Essentially how we run most of our autos. The benefit of DWC allows us to FIM our autos super early in veg. When they blow back out and the fim works.... whoa 😳! It’s a sight to behold. It took really well on this one and the branching outwards was intense. Multiple 1/2oz. Colas was the result here and yet the plant didn’t get more than 12” in height. Crazy to see. This strain is perfect for small space growers. Yield/Harvest🌴🌴🌴🌴 🌴 And now the real review. Try as I do, to focus on all the other benefits of each grow system, the one great equalizer for me, will always be yield. It’s the single most obvious indicator of a successful grow and in this case - yeah, we crushed it💪. This girl weighed in at 6.85oz. On a 12” plant the size of a beachball... that’s insane. I had to weigh everything twice because I simply couldn’t believe it was that much. The buds got almost over-dried through 8 days in our zero humidity basement too😬. The bigger buds were weighed with stems intact because we wanted them whole. This isn’t typical for us but even if the stems weighed say, an oz. of that total, the plant still kicked out 6 ounces and that’s just crazy 😳😎. Much of this is attributed to density here - these buds are hard as rocks, covered in frost and the size of my fist👌. Again, a testament to Exotics quality genetics👍👍. Full calcs. as follows: Total sq./ft = 3sq.ft. = 0.28m2 192g = 6.85oz. Light coverage by power: 66w/sq.ft. Avg. estimated yield: 475g/m2 Actual Yield: 192g x ~3.6 = 691.2g/m2. End of the day, we were able to push out almost 8oz. more per meter of space than the expected average on this plant. Again, just great genetics for a grow with absolutely no issues👌. Great way to end the 2020 winter season. Gonna squeeze in a 4 plant auto run that’ll likely leak into the spring season so should have that up in short order. Hope everyone’s stay’n safe and sane. Peace!👊 Background From Exotic Seeds, Herz OG is a 4th gen. Cross of GG4 and black lemon autos, crossed again with a photo Herz OG mother. Supposedly piney, honey and woody tones with a calm relaxing effect. Just what the lady of the house ordered. She’ll be straight DWC like the rest. 2 weeks on the drip line and depending on how they all do, this may be the girl that stays under the Spider Farmers for the duration. My first go with Exotic so no idea what we’re in for. Let’s hope she’s a beast🤞. I’ve included a weekly tip forum for those new to the game that have an interest in trying out water based hydroponics. It’s vetted, reliable info that will hopefully help you avoid weeks of lost time and failed attempts. Comments, questions and discussion are always welcome👍.


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Polaskiscommentedweek 04 years ago
Welcome growmie!!! Very glad to have you on board! Good luck with the grow 💯👊 and Herz OG does not disappoint 😌@Exotic_Seed
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Polaskis, no doubt bud. The lady of the house is look’n forward to this one for sure👍
Ferenccommentedweek 64 years ago
Happy Flowering @TheBudWhisperer
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, cheers bud - good to see ur still lurkn around here. Happy new year!
Exotic_Seedcommentedweek 04 years ago
Super! Thx so much for the trust in our genetics!
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Exotic_Seed, you folks have a great product in this one. She’s primed to be a beast💪👌
DreamOncommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with the grow mate! 🌱😎
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, cheers dude - thanks for the look👊
Miss_Greenthumbs_Gardencommentedweek 34 years ago
Hey growmie looking good 💚🙂 happy growing x
Miss_Greenthumbs_Gardencommented4 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, most welcome hun 🙂💚 I'm ok thanks xx
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Miss_Greenthumbs_Garden, hey you! And thanks for stoppn in👊. Hope alls well these days😎👊😎
Smokwiricommentedweek 94 years ago
hey mate, plant looks great 👌💪
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, 👍🙏🙏
Polaskiscommentedweek 94 years ago
wow!!! fantastic job!
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Polaskis, cheers Pol - she’s go’n off a little early but regardless, she’s a danky beast of an auto👍👍😎😎👍
CachimboDaPazcommentedweek 84 years ago
Looking so good brother. Good luck with your grow and keep it lit. God Bless You
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@CachimboDaPaz, appreciate that dude. Not long now.
Smokwiricommentedweek 74 years ago
nice progress, keep up the good work mate 👌💪
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, cheers bud!
CachimboDaPazcommentedweek 64 years ago
She's looking so good brother. Good luck with your grow Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and keep it lit. God Bless You
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@CachimboDaPaz, thanks for the kind words dude! She's a beaut for sure and thanks for take'n a look. Best for 2021 as well👍
gogreengrowcommentedweek 34 years ago
When u do a res change, do u just take the girls out of the water, how long can they b out of water. And what do u clean the res with? Ur grows r so informative, thanks for that.
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@gogreengrow, I have a full replacement res. to swap with so the roots don’t spend a whole lotta time out of the water. A few minutes wouldn’t hurt them in the long run but it’s usually a matter of seconds when I change out. As far as cleaning is concerned, that’s pretty basic. I usually scrub everything down with an H2O2 and water solution when it’s light. Or Diluted clr if it’s pretty gross. I always start a run with a fully sanitized res. Using Rubbing alcohol and water. Same goes for the hoses , air stones and pumps.👍
Polaskiscommentedweek 14 years ago
Pretty girls 💯 great work as per usual 👏
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Polaskis, 🙏👊
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 104 years ago
That is an excellent diary and brilliant review of the strain. thank you. inhave just germinated 1 and now I have read this , I am so stoked I chose it. I do love Fast buds autos in general and seeing their Bluedreamatic pumping huge colas out in one I did , I don't doubt their genetics ever. I hope this diary and review rwcieves the right attention from Fb and grow diaries too. A great example of how us lazy sods need to up our game. lol
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer,Have to agree there. sadly there are so many grows i want to butt in with comments in for their poor growing and results. seeing simple things holding them back is a killer but hard to assume they want help too. See so many seeds never reach their potential this way here. wish we had a forum type room or chat function. the telegram one goes way too quick and threads melt into a confusion of replies to different comments lol. Even typing too much here feels a bit of an intrusions growers diaries.. We need a public relations drive to invite comments and encourage chat this way . The weekly updates seems to affect how often folks comment and visit. Thanks for the response
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, we’ll again - thanks very much for that. Try to give back on here as much as I can. Good community and no shortage of assistance and good advice (as long as you know who talk to of course 😉lol)
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer,I know the herz og is an Exotic seed. I have one growing too , I meant fb being a good example of similar yields and sizes to photoperiods but miss quoted the Fb for It is an excellent example of a diary though and for someone going the same route and strain, ideal for their reason of using sites like this one. New growers and experienced benefit from a detailed grow like this. Thanks bud
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agramperwattcommentedweek 94 years ago
Hi there, in your first picture of week 9, I saw a tall plant with clawing leaves. I have ran into similar issue with my plants. Do you know what might be the reason? Nitrogen overdosed?
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@agramperwatt, nm - I see you don’t have a diary up. It’s hard to say but in late flower you will often see some signs of leaf damage as the plant reaches maturity. Without specific grow info I’d be firing from the hip to diagnose your issue.
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@agramperwatt, we’ll this plant was a shorty - only about a foot tall. As far as the leaves are concerned - we’re in late flower here so not much time left and the plant has begun to fade as it reaches the end of its light cycle. It’s on a 20/4 sched. Too so probably had enough. Although I wouldn’t say there’s any light burn or nute lockout on this one. More just the plant showing signs of harvest readiness. I’ll take a look at yours when I got a chance👍
DeaneRcommentedweek 104 years ago
Great grow and diary! 👍👍❄️🌻🔛🔥. Thanks for sharing. Checking out diaries of Herz OG autos and found your DWC run🤓. I'm soaking 2 of these beans for my last DWC run till the fall. I'll be trying fiming for the first time after seeing your success. It was also helpful to get a baseline on TDS, with this being my 2nd go at DWC. Enjoy your harvest 😎✌️.
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@DeaneR, thanks for the kinds words bud! Lol - don’t put any stock into the tds figure though! Think it was left at 420 because I didn’t bother to check it the whole grow😂. This was a bit of test run to see how long I could take a res. without a swap out. That said, if ur measuring TDS, I would say not to worry about it early on. It should be pretty low when in early stages as the plants won’t need much nutes at all. In full veg. And flower you should be just fine between about 600-1200ppms. I know - huge range but, my own experience suggests that this isn’t a major concern as long as your nute mix is appropriate for the growth stage and the res. is clean and aerated. Let me know once u get it all on the go and I’ll follow along. If u have any questions or issues feel free to reach out - I’ve definitely learned a few lessons (and killed a few plants to learn them)👍😎👊
Crawlndogcommentedweek 104 years ago
Congrats on the Harvest!😁
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Crawlndog, cheers buddy - just another quality addition to the stash👊
Harukisancommentedweek 104 years ago
Good looking harvest mate! Great job 💪
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Harukisan, 🙏👊
Esoteric_growingcommentedweek 104 years ago
I think this may be my favourite auto run I have seen on grow diaries👍 Interesting info that the fim in dwc works so much better on a auto than in soil due to the vigorous growth it allows. Yield in that time span from a plant that small is insanely good too. Top work man👊
TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
@Esoteric_growing, really appreciate that kind of feed back and thank you🙏. While I can't own the flowering time (plant really had everything to do with that lol), fiming autos is a go-to lately. The results are just so much better when you have the right conditions for it. I do however miss seeing the natural result of a full grown auto. Then again... ya can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs!!!😉
DoDrugs420commentedweek 104 years ago
Picking Herz OG Auto was a wonderfull choice!
Sense8commentedweek 104 years ago
Hi my friend. There was a problem with my plant, and you commented. Thank you very, very much. I am grateful for your help. yes, the problem was calcium magnesium deficiency. the plant survived the stress and recovered. I will publish the new week. and I think you should take a look. best regards my friend.
the end.
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