
Dub Plates Till The Morning - First Grow

4 years ago
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Golden Goat
Avg. success
Irie Genetics - 90%
Golden Goat - 100%
Avg. success
Irie Genetics - 90%
Raphael - 100%
Commented by
technoShaman technoShaman
4 years ago
What's up y'all? Welcome to my first grow. I figured since I am trying to "do it right" I would document the grow with an accompanying grow journal, for two reasons. a) to help build info for others interested in these strains and b) to help myself gain a deeper practice with the plant. I am choosing Rasta Jeff's genetics because I have actually listened to a lot of Grow From Your Heart due to my brother who has played a shit ton for me. I like the way the guy talks and he sounds like an honest dude. Which actually although it's my first grow my brother is helping me out by letting me use his existing setup and grow plants alongside his. I chose feminized seeds because I do not want to have to worry about sexing or doing a big pheno hunt....I just want weed rn y'all. Anyways, since so many of Irie Genetics are crosses with Golden Goat I bought that and another strain called Raphael from his TMNT feminized Blue Cookies line. I choose Raphael in hopes it would provide a more Indica, Sedate, Body High Buzz, as I normally do not prefer racy sativas for an "all day smoke." Either way I have faith in Rasta Jeff to put out seeds for serious smokers interested in medical effects. Germinating the seeds was fairly straight forward. They went in a shot glass with water for 24 hours and then spent less than 24 hours in paper towl method before showing their tap root. I then planted each of the four seeds into a 5x5 Inch pot which holds roughly .5 Gallon. The Soil I used is called Sohum Living soil due to the success with it my brother has had in the past. It took a lot of water for these pots to soak and saturate fully. The soil did not want to hold the water and it required mixing the container manually with a stick about three of four times and repeated rounds of watering with a pump sprayer before the soil felt actually soaked with water. I then planted the seeds in the containers with Myko Extreme and left them to sprout. I also sprayed Dr Zymes throughout the whole process in the soil. Overall I am very excited right now and am waiting for the other pack of seeds to come from Hella Dank Seed Co. I am getting Raphael Feminized by Irie Genetics to accompany the Golden Goat in this Grow. I will update when that arrives. Peace everyone and I want to thank you for reading this. I can't wait to share this journey. EDIT: 11/27/20 - So I wanted to edit the germination phase since I finally planted the Raphael seeds, they ended up coming a few days later than the Golden Goat so that is why they are staggered. So two of the Golden Goat seedlings died, I think I was over watering them for the first few days causing stunted growth. Today I woke up to find the Golden Goat #1 seedling completely flat, I did a crazy support system real quick and I am hoping they will come back. I asked a question and posted pictures under the grow questions section and many kind members gave me proper advice. My plan is to 1) lower the grow light they are under so they get adequate lighting to stop the stretching. And 2) a member advised me to use solo cups or smaller for the seedling stage to ensure proper root growth without over-watering. Over all I am a little discouraged over how the first week went. Thankfully after receiving feedback and encouragement from the community I feel ready that the 3 Raphael seeds that haven't sprouted will go much better. I wanna give a huge shoutout the the members @russrahl @HarbingerOfHarvests @HighAltitudeOrganics @FritzTheCat @TrilliumTrichomes for the encouragement and advice. I think when the Raphael sprouts I will update the with veg week 1 In order to change the world, you have to get your head together first. – Jimi Hendrix
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Ferenccommentedweek 44 years ago
Happy Growing @technoShaman
technoShamancommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, thanks for the encouragement :D
Dahoolacommentedweek 04 years ago
Great intro to your grow! Good luck, I'll follow along!
technoShamancommented4 years ago
@Dahoola, Thanks a ton!!! It's still chugging along, unfortunately I was a bit aimless this past week which left some tragedy in the garden. However I have three more seeds not sprouted yet which I am feeling optimistic about.
Ferenccommentedweek 14 years ago
Good Luck @technoShaman
DoDrugs420commentedweek 53 years ago
Great job!
heizencommentedweek 24 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
TokyoStreetcommentedweek 24 years ago
Looks like they're loving it so far. Happy growing!🙌