This week was easy, just keeping an eye on the environment and low stress and high stress (supercropping) methods. Top soil was amended last week to keep the slow release organic nutrients for bloom going.
The genetics are keeping it low profile, but I am able to spread it out with it's flower stretch. Have some decent top sites forming. Removing fan leaves from prime bud sites, otherwise defoliation is pretty low. Tucking fan leaves and other leaves as much as possible without removal as well. Ladies have been drinking water daily and seem to be quite healthy and green.
Will be interesting to see the bud formation as it grows. I am curious with the Lowryder genetics seeming to be in stature, wondering if buds will be more Lowryder or AK-47 looking. Genetics seem resilient and quite happy with warmer and dryer environment.
This week focusing on training more to get canopy how I want for final flower form. Defoliation as necessary, and keeping an eye on the environment. Things have been smooth and easy so far.
The light measurements are using my phone, in a case, with LED lighting, so highly likely the readings aren't very accurate. But gives me an idea where my zones are for hitting most intensity where I need.
Yes this is a sweet genetic and will watch your and decided ifni wat to try it .
My low ryder was definitely a low ryder lol even with LST she did not stretch much has dour main top sites due to training and is in 3 week flower has not stretch much but man she smells amazing!
Good luck with your grownunwill follow this one