This week was rough. Had everything going smoothly only to find out that I had tied some of the branches too tight and wound up losing 3 main branches on plant 2 and 1 on plant 3. Plant 2 has been extremely stiff in its branches. It's been hard to manipulate them like the other plants. Fortunately, I am still smack dab in the middle of the vegetation period. So, I adjusted the unexpected pruning so that each branch I lost will just split into 2 main branches instead. Topping to an extreme bit, but I am confident the plants will bounce back just fine. Plants 1-3 I have managed to keep at 6in. Plant 4 (the runt) is slowly, but surely coming along nicely. Plant 2 has also has a steady pH level in its bucket. The other plants have raised the pH as they use up the nutrients, but plant 2 has not been in that group. Still doing the best out of the other plants. Now that I have ingrained monitoring the pH levels correctly, I have started to add monitoring the PPM levels of nutrients in the water. This will be the third week in with the same ratio of nutrients, I have only added one more set each week to prolong the vegetative period before going into the transition period for flowering. PPM levels for this week are around 430.