Week 3 of veg. And they’ve all got their legs under them. The FFT5 and the Sherbet are now lagging behind what are showing as two really strong strains in the 707 and Skywalker. We flipped the switch on flower sched. Yesterday. They’re all old enough to start transition now and it’d be preferable to keep them as small as possible in these 1gal. Pots. Well see how things shake out over the next couple weeks but so far so good👍.
This has been coming for awhile and I even killed half an auto cycle just to finally get to it.
A 5 strain, 14 plant micro run. All done in 1 gallon smart pots. I’ve got a sprinkle of fast flower gems (shout out to BudXs for that FB Tester👊) and some of a prized outdoor grow from 2019 that happened to catch a little pregos and yielded a small amount of seed.
No idea what the quality is like and only way they’ll be usable at all is if I can run Em back against the parent. The primary goal is to test the waters on some primo 707 and Skywalker cultivars in the hopes that we can pull out a couple of males for pollen collection. From there and on the next cycle through, we’re gonna run a bunch more of each in an effort to backcross and stabilize out some viable seed with a select few females. The end game is to use the pollen from that generation to hopefully blend some wacky hybrid from within BW’s existing seed collection🤷. This process can take awhile so it’ll be a long time come’n. In the end, I’ve got my heart set on some perfect combinations that’ll be straight fuck’n 💣. It’s gonna be worth the patience👍😎👍. Never thought I’d say this but.... Let’s pray for some balls mofo!!!🤞
Skywalker Kush
An indica hybrid mix of Skywalker and that classic OG we all know and love👌. It hits heavy and hard both in the body and on the mind - a great benchmark strain for any future crosses that could do with an infusion of a straight up, stoner indica buzz.
707 Headband
This is a sativa leaning hybrid mix of True OG and Headband. Quite frankly, the most purely cerebral effects that this stoner has ever had the chance to sample🤟.
Between these two cultivars as potential cross options for other ladies in the future; we’ve got a great start to our quest for the elusive omega strain😉. Hell, we might even cross em with each other too, just to see what happens😎.
@DreamOn, gonna need it homie👊. If half the grow is a success it has a 50/50 chance of ruining the other half of the grow🤣. Should be interesting at least🤟👍 lol
@Smokwiri, lol! Shoulda figured that lol. And yeah - got a couple ideas for some hybrid crosses. When I get to that point I’ll prolly reach out to a few people just to run some test grows for feedback. Realistically though, I’m looking to back cross and ensure stability (and more seed) in these 2 strains first. Well see how it goes but I figure about another 2 cycles before I have a stable hybrid to share with people. I’ll keep ya in mind if ur interested😉👊.
@Miss_Greenthumbs_Garden, lol - already done. Now just wait’n on these quick flowers to finish so that we can move along to crossing hybrids👍. I’ll be flush with multiple F1 strains in about 6 months and if u see anything that strikes ur fancy just DM me and I’ll send ya some👍👊😎
@Smokwiri, cheers dude! It’s a pollen hunt so feels like a bit of a wasted grow. But gotta start somewhere and this was really the only time of the year available. Thanks for take’n a look and hopefully it doesn’t disappoint.👊
@UKPersonal420, thanks very much🙏! His/her progeny have actually just gathered and made new babies with another fire strain so we’re obviously very happy with the journey this far👍