Week 2 12/23/20-12/29/20:
Day 8 12/23:
Played Slipknot Radio. 63.5-81.5 47%-78%
Day 9 12/24:
Played Slipknot Radio. 64.2-79.0 46%-72%
Day 10 12/25:
Played Slipknot Radio. 63.7-79.5 49%-70%
Day 11 12/26:
Played Slipknot Radio. 63.3-81.7 50%-71%
Day 12 12/27:
Played Slipknot Radio. Transplanted to 5 gallon fabric pot. Watered 1 gallon=34 ppm 7.7 ph 68 f. Runoff=2081 ppm 7.0 ph 68 f. 64.8-80.6 48%-72%
Day 13 12/28:
Played Slipknot Radio. 65.3-75.6 45%-64%
Day 14 12/29:
Played Slipknot Radio. 66.6-74.8 47%-63%
Final Weekly Notes:
So far so good. Looking happy healthy and strong. Not much yet to post about but soon the training begins. Thanks for checking my grow out. Please hit the like button, leave a comment and or give me a follow. Always learning something new everyday.
@Ferenc, Thanks for checking out my grows Ferenc. Always a pleasure seeing you stop by. I wish it grows to be super happy healthy and strong like yours. Keep up your amazing progress! Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
@Syrunz,Thank you so much for checking out my grows. This is 1 of 2 and this one is taking its sweet time but gonna be a really nice final yield I hope. A super stretcher for sure. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!