FatCobracommentedweek 14 years ago
Just to give a bit more info here:
I am using FoxFarms Happy Frog soil.
I had tried several other plants before this and none of them made it out of the seedling stage. With those failures I was using FoxFarms Ocean Forest soil and so I swapped out the soil just in case that was it and put a ceram wrap covering over the pot to trap moisture in.
I don’t know what to do about the humidity when I get out of this propagation stage.
So far it’s going great this time around, I will take any tips you got. When to top it, when to start training it, humidity solutions, as you may see in the photo I have some cups and bowls in the tent I fill them with water to try and evaporate some moisture in their, I spray down the walls. Nothings working.
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