Week two day15 light watering ro 6.5 ph 356ppm
Day16 a little spray leaves are a little droppy from the new hot mist humidifier plant was used to cool mist. Experiment on cool and hot mist. All I know is cool mist leaves a white residue all over from mist...
Day17 transplant into solo cup from seedling pot holes on bottom for drainage gave a watering 6.5ph w/ calmag and humboldt secret emyzines
Days 18 thought it was time for LST no water today..
Day19 little spray not much water she not light yet.
Day 20 solo cup still half heavy nothing to do this day
Day21 gave just straight ro water ppm0 ph 6.66
@GuerrillaNo_4, wish i did now this was just an experiment and I topped it and it turned out to be a auto what luck. Topped stressed plant for a week. Going to be a small yield because of stress to plant.