So, if you've followed the other journal I started, you'll know I recently discovered that my soil was way to compact for the plant's roots, and I basically repotted both of my girls in a much better (looser) soil. For this gal, I made sure to get it right from the beginning. I setup my 5gal pot in 3 layers:
1) Bottom 3rd - 1 part each: FFOF, EWC & Perlite, heavily amended with Dr. Earth All Purpose 4-4-4 and some Mycorrhizae
2) Middle 3rd - 1 part of the mix above, and 1 part FFLW (Light Warrior - their seed starting mix)
3) Top 3rd - FFLW w/ a light sprinkling of Mycorrhizae and some clover seed I bought at the hydro store
Unfortunately, this week was not without incident (of course)... On day 3 or 4, I was about to put the seedling into my prepared pot, I was pulling off the netting from the Jiffy Pellet (not sure if this is necessary, but I figured it wouldn't hurt), and I dropped the mother fcker plant-side down onto my concrete balcony T-T
I could see the stem was bent and she got floppy AF immediately, so I finished removing the net, dropped her in the soil and propped her up with my trusty binder clip/skewer combo, and brought the pot into my closet under my cheapo blurple Amazon LED light. To my surprise, she seems to be recovering - her first leaves (after the petiole) had appeared almost immediately on Day 1 or 2 after popping, and they seem to have about doubled in size since then, and her stem seems to be strengthening as well. Hopefully she'll survive my butter fingers without issue. Stay tuned for more!