Day 67 temp 78 humidity 45% plants are budding fast.
Day 68 notice nutrient burn leafs droppy and getting a color change I added to much nutrients in reservoirs had to add plan ro water to reservoirs now it's at 800ppm I give advice don't go over 1000ppm in these octopots next grow veg will be 400ppm flower 700ppm. If you get nutrient burn just add plan ro water to dilute nuts. Then top feed the 6gal air pot just once to get bad nuts out of dirt to balance everything.
Day 69 Know in 24hrs she has perked up and doing better.
Day 70 looking better been taking off bad leafs on bottom and any yellow leafs.
Day 71 added water to dilute ppm went up because I added nuts because ph went up to 7.0 from 6.6 so I'm adjusting water again.when your ph goes up that means your nutrients in water is getting low .
Day 72 ph and ppm are holding today ph 6.7 now that just means it's eating the nutes I gave her. Right one is drinking more then left one. It ph went to 6.78
Day 73 replaced resivor water on right Rhino plant kept Fluctuating up. New ro water ph 6.5 ppm 900 not fluctuatein anymore.