White hairs she is a girl, Lady, lol lol, yeahoooooooooo. Bloom Baby Bloom. Fed her with House and Gardens, very weak mix for a Month old plant, but I am so new to Auto's. I cut back the main A B mix 1 milly and boosted the nitrogen a smidge. I am liking the super dark green, they are getting healthier and balanced with the House and Gardens. I also move the Mars Hydro TSW2000 up a tad. I like what I see from the topped Ladies as I see multiple bud sites. The non topped Ladies are looking good too. The race is on, who can get the PHat'est buds and most weight, though I spect it will be a close race.
Well cluck me flying, lets turn it UUUPPP!!!
look at them Ladies dance
"I like smoke and lightnin"
"Heavy Metal Thunder"
"racing in the wind"
"and the feeling that I'm under"
Wheeeew Doggggy
I can FEEL it, it is so LOUD
2-11 Update
Dammnnnnnn These Ladies are HOT, stretching out nicely. I like the deep green House and Gardens brings. Nice power lighting with the Mars Hydro TSW2000. Gave these Ladies a good long drink of H2O completely soaked the roots so they have plenty of go juice for the stretch. I defoliated one non topped plants pretty heavy to get light in to the lower buds. I defole a lil on the topped plants. and on one I only took of dead fans. The topped plants are looking good with several pretty even colas developing. I will do more defole on them with exception to the one, I am going to leave it like nature, lol lol lol.
First run with Autos and these Ladies are doing much better then my Pineapple, which kind of started out sickly looking. Looking forward to the difference that topping is on the final weight.
Lets go Cluckers
find that
VOLUME knob and turn it the F&*$# UPPPPPPP
"like a true nature child
we were born
born to be WILD
we can climb so high
I never wanna die
born to be F*&^'ING
W I L D"
The cries of the carrots. For them it is . The Holocaust.
Track 69. !
Oh those girls are looking sticky! Going to be a great harvest if they looking this sweet now.
@DoDrugs420, Great strain I did not do so good with the first run Auto, so I will have to try again. My Outdoor Fem ZkittleZ should
with NO snafu's
Rock on.