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Zkitllez Auto Crop King

4 years ago
4 years ago
Seeds just came in the mail today soaking with the Pineapple Auto. 1-3 update Germ method. Seeds in glass of spring water for 15 hours, then in wet (spring water) paper towel folded a few times to make it thick and hold the moisture. At this point the seeds HAVE to have Oxygen so NOT too much water to cover or soak/submerge, still dark though. Once I got me a lil Tail about ¾ inch showing, (woooo hooo) in the Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil in the Fabric 3 Gal pot. AND therrrrr off to the Races, the clock is ticking on the Auto’s. 1-5 4 out of 5 seed grew some tail. Planted directly in the 3 gallon fabric pot with FF Ocean Forest. TSW2000 on 50% 1-8 All 4 girls popped up and look fairly normal 10 fingers 10 toes, lololol. I will give them a few days for the roots to take on then I will give them a full over the bucket warm water soaking. 1-9 1 Day old and they all popped up. I had one seed that did not germinate and 4 that are nice and strong. I ordered a ceramic heat light to boost up the night time temps a wee bit. The light go's off at 2 am and back on at 6 am. At 6 am I start the Mr Heater in the main grow room which is 12x12 and the 3 grow tents are inside. I run the heater for 20 minutes or so and that jacks up the co2 to over 1200 PPM, which is what I understand that max that plants can assimilate. Per my calculations I need to run the heater for 8 minutes to raise the co2 to 1200 PPM as there are 300 PPM in the air normally. Running the heater also warms the room up. My grow set up is pretty much in an outer building and it is Winter here with temps 20F at night and as cold as -10F. I just have a lil electric oil heater that keeps the main room at min 55 then the lights give off some heat to keep the tent nice and cozy, Girls are planted in FF Ocean Forest and I will not feed right away, prolly feed when I top/fim. From my research, the Autos do not need as much feed, so I plan to cut my normal feeding in half to start and see how they do. The first part of this diary and the Pineapple diary are the same until I split the girls into their own tents. No need at this point for 2 tents, but I DO want them separate for the main grow. 1-12 Update Progressing nicely 4 days old. Hitting them with c02 from mr heater in the morning and evening filling the room to over 1500 ppm. Rock on 1-14 Update Last new pics for this week. Gave a drink and will give them an over the bucket watering later today.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
64 %
18 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
800 PPM
1-15 Looking like I got this tent a lil too hot with the mr heater co2 implementation from the looks of the leaves. Other then that they look like they are ok. Gave them a full over the bucket watering soaking and will feed this next water cycle on 1-17 1-19 Update Well it is looking like my over the bucket watering was over the top too much. The girls look to me like they are over watered, not so much over heated. I have never had over watering issue before as I have a pretty good system, (I thought) but everything I am using is new to me, fabric pots, FF soil, LED Light and grow tent. It seems these pots do not drain the same and I thought that they would have drained better. Planning to place some thing under them for better drainage, I purposely did not place them in a tray. They have not had any nute, just what is in the FF soil, so from what I can tell I have over watered, if there is a difference of opinion please do share. Some of the leaf signs are the same as nute burn and over watering. I just plan to let them dry out and do their thing, I will meter the water in the pots from now on until I am familiar with my new components. Hoping I have not stunted them or slowed them down too much as I still want to top/fim a couple of them. Rock on 1-21 Update Well I ding dang done diddly doo did it, I topped/fim 2 of them. The 3rd node was just sitting there so perfect to whack. I do not believe that the topping slows the growth very much, usually I see new sprouts the next day or 2, so that tell me the plant is not slowing down much, yes I am sure some. Again that is more with regular plants, this is my first go round with the Auto's, been reading A LOT, from the growers here, totally flipp Rock N Roll SOLID group of Folks. This grow is as much of a test for me as anything and ALL new style, great challenge. Keep your Rock Loud N Proud 1-22 Update New growth from topping looking as good as the no topped plants, or close. The pots are getting a bit light, so maybe feed water on 1-24. Got rushed on the pics sorry, will get better pics of branching and new growth.
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
64 %
18 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 7
Soil A - House & Garden
Soil A 0.793 mll
Soil B - House & Garden
Soil B 0.793 mll
Multi Zen - House & Garden
Multi Zen 0.528 mll
Start of new week and first feeding with House and Gardens. I used a weak mix about half strength to see how they respond. I have been reading a lot of diaries from all the super kick azz growers here and trying what "I" think is best, lol lol lol. Dumb Jr. Woodchuck, lol lol. This style of micro grow is all new with all new components and I am enjoying myself. Will update pics later on. My girls like it Hard and Loud not so sure about the neighbors, lol lol, What flippin neighbors their aint any, cept a half mile away and trust me they can HEAR ME ROCK. "Head out on the Highway" Rock on. 1-26 Update Holysmokerdoodles, looks like I hit the fim tops, what, are you kidding me, REALLY. We will wait and see, but it looks like 4 shoots. It will be interesting to see how they compare with the no top/fim. Hell yeah I HIT the fim, woooooo hooooo. Seems the girls handled the House and Gardens nutes very well at half strength, so I will bump it up a lil each week till full strength for the s t r e t c h. Hopefully not until day 40 or so will I see lil girly hairs. mmmmmmmmmmn candy Z. VOLUME 10 ROCK ME. Can you Hear it??????????? "looking for adventure"
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
20.32 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
64 %
18 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
300 PPM
Nutrients 7
Soil A - House & Garden
Soil A 1.057 mll
Soil B - House & Garden
Soil B 1.057 mll
Multi Zen - House & Garden
Multi Zen 0.528 mll
1-31 Coming along. I like the vigorous growth and lower branching. Fed with House and Gardens about half strength again and see how they respond. I also water H2O spray the leaves to help keep them clean and to add weight strengthening the stock and plant for GIANT Sticky Gooey Nasty Buds. I am very pleased with the new Mars Hydro TSW2000 and really compliments the House and Gardens nutes. The growth from the topped/fimmed plants are noticeably different, I believe better, so far. The lower branches are Rocking it hard to see who has the Fastest riff, look at them go. So far I like what I have seen from the topping. AND just could not seem to resist doing it again, ARE you kidding me right now, are you serious, lol lol lol. Well on the one topped plant she has/had 4 nice even shoots and 2 of them were just sooooo ready for a nipping that I could not help myself, my hand was shaking as I reached for the nippers, lol lol. So I nipped off 2 and left 2. I want to see the difference and the other 2 branch tops were a little bit more developed for nipping. So, TEST is on. LOUDER "Fire all of your GUNS at once" AND 2-3 Update These girls liked the nutes a lil better then my Pine did, lol. The results are ok and will not boost up the feed as I believe I am right at the edge, ("livi'n on the edge") lil tip burning and leaf disfiguring. To me it looks like the 2 topped fimmed plants are doing a lil better and have nice branching I do not notice any slow down in growth for the topping. Gave a good drink of H2O and moved the light up a smidgy. come on lets ROCK this cluck'n place. AND "explode into space." "I like smoke and lightning"
Used techniques
Week 4. Flowering
4 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
64 %
18 °C
11 L
76.2 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 7
Soil A - House & Garden
Soil A 0.793 mll
Soil B - House & Garden
Soil B 0.793 mll
Multi Zen - House & Garden
Multi Zen 0.528 mll
2-7 White hairs she is a girl, Lady, lol lol, yeahoooooooooo. Bloom Baby Bloom. Fed her with House and Gardens, very weak mix for a Month old plant, but I am so new to Auto's. I cut back the main A B mix 1 milly and boosted the nitrogen a smidge. I am liking the super dark green, they are getting healthier and balanced with the House and Gardens. I also move the Mars Hydro TSW2000 up a tad. I like what I see from the topped Ladies as I see multiple bud sites. The non topped Ladies are looking good too. The race is on, who can get the PHat'est buds and most weight, though I spect it will be a close race. Well cluck me flying, lets turn it UUUPPP!!! LOUDER look at them Ladies dance "I like smoke and lightnin" "Heavy Metal Thunder" "racing in the wind" "and the feeling that I'm under" Wheeeew Doggggy I can FEEL it, it is so LOUD 2-11 Update Dammnnnnnn These Ladies are HOT, stretching out nicely. I like the deep green House and Gardens brings. Nice power lighting with the Mars Hydro TSW2000. Gave these Ladies a good long drink of H2O completely soaked the roots so they have plenty of go juice for the stretch. I defoliated one non topped plants pretty heavy to get light in to the lower buds. I defole a lil on the topped plants. and on one I only took of dead fans. The topped plants are looking good with several pretty even colas developing. I will do more defole on them with exception to the one, I am going to leave it like nature, lol lol lol. First run with Autos and these Ladies are doing much better then my Pineapple, which kind of started out sickly looking. Looking forward to the difference that topping is on the final weight. Lets go Cluckers find that VOLUME knob and turn it the F&*$# UPPPPPPP "like a true nature child we were born born to be WILD we can climb so high I never wanna die born to be F*&^'ING W I L D"
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
35.56 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
64 %
18 °C
11 L
76.2 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 7
Soil A - House & Garden
Soil A 1.057 mll
Soil B - House & Garden
Soil B 1.057 mll
Multi Zen - House & Garden
Multi Zen 0.793 mll
2-15 Wheeeeeewwww Dogggy. Look at them Ladies bloom. I added 1 milly to the House and Gardens base A B and upped the Nitrogen a smidgy, as the leaves looked like they could take it. Turned the Mars Hydro up to 100%. Time to kick some azz. I defoled the topped plants in two stages and have them pretty cleaned up, will do one more round. The other 2 plants that I did not top I also did not defole. The topped plants side shoots really took off to see who was first, the branches right at the topping fimming were are slower, but flowering. The one topped plant I only topped at the 3rd node, the other topped plant I also topped at the 3rd and out of the 4 new shoots I topped 2 of them. Wheeeeeed ding dang dog gone doggy, try that math. I really like the extra bud sites from the topped ones, even tho it did slow them down a tad. To me it all happens during the stretch, more bud sites the better, just learning the Autos, and I am still F'n power shifting with no clutch. Can you Hear it?? Can you Feel it?? Well turn it the F&%@ UPPPPPPPP "Wild thing, you make my heart sing you make everything groovy WILD THING Wild thing, I think I love you But I wanna know for sure Come on hold me tight, I LOVE YOU" Wheeeeeew Doggggy 2-18 Snow day, so defoled them thar Ladies. Defoled 1 of the non topped, left the other all Natural, defoled both of the topped. Lots of nice bud sites on the topped plants and the usual branching on the non topped with the side shoots growing rapidly. Hairs are starting to come on and a smidgy of smell. LOUDER come on Cluckers turn it up "Wild thing I think you move me But I wanna know for sure So come on and hold me tight You move me" "Wild thing, you make my heart sing you make everything groovy WILD THING" Love them wild things
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
50.8 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
64 %
18 °C
11 L
76.2 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 7
Soil A - House & Garden
Soil A 1.585 mll
Soil B - House & Garden
Soil B 1.585 mll
Multi Zen - House & Garden
Multi Zen 0.793 mll
2-22 Day 44 and progressing very nicely under the Mars Hydro TSW2000. Fed House and Gardens and upped the main A B 2 milly, as these girls were taking the nutes ok. I did more defole to get the light in, love what I see so far from all 4. Each are a wee lil bit different. I only took the big dying fan leaves off of the non topped non defoled plant. I will trim off the dead leaves on her, the rest I will shave close. the topped plants did ok with the branching and should produce a few really nice colas. mmmmmmmmmm smells soo good. You know what to do Grab the VOLUME and F*&%$'n CRANK IT UP "In a gadda da vida, Honey Don't you know that I'm lovin you In a gadda da vida, Baby Don't you know that I'll always be TRUE. Oh Helll yeah Wheeeeeew Dogggggggy were ROCKIN now
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
58.42 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
64 %
18 °C
11 L
76.2 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 7
Soil A - House & Garden
Soil A 2.113 mll
Soil B - House & Garden
Soil B 2.113 mll
Multi Zen - House & Garden
Multi Zen 0.793 mll
3-1 Day 51 Phat'ning up nice, wheeeewwww Dogggy. Starting to really smell especially right after watering. Upped the House and Gardens 2 milly on the main A B, took out Nitrogen and added Bud XL. Mars Hydro TSW2000 is really doing a great job, no complaints about the light at all. Though they need a better sticker that stays stuck on the light for years so EVERYBODY can see who makes it. Really getting stinky and frosty. I have been thinking they are close, but not even, still have a Month to go for 8 weeks and I have not even hit them with House and Gardens Shooting Powder. Once I use that, the trichs pop out, you get trichs on trichs on trichs, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew F'n Doooogggggy, that is allot of TRICHS. Time will tell. Nice looking strain to grow. Speaking of. I found out a lil more about the FF soil and that is can be a wee bit hot for starts, hence the slow start and thinking of over water, which now I believe did not happen, just the over hot soil. NOTE to dumb azz jr woodchuck. So I was wondering about the Crop King genetics and I will have to back track on my thinking as the fault is more my own. Guess I can not be to worried, just bout a few more strains for Mommys and some more Autos for outdoor, and I cannot wait to see how they do as we have such a short fall. LOUD and HARD LETS CRANK IT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP "Oh, won't you come with me And take my hand Oh, won't you come with me And walk this land Pleaseeee Take my Hand" Come on Clukers here is how it is. In the Garden Of Eden so drunk it came out In-A-Gadda-Davida Now turn it the FLIP UPPPPPPPP LOUD n PROUD
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
58.42 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
64 %
18 °C
11 L
76.2 cm
300 PPM
3-10 Looking nice. I did not feed any House and Gardens nutes as I am way behind on the feed schedule and really do not know where to start, these Autos ore deff diff with nutes. So just water from here on out, early flush, maybe, maybe not, maybe just right. I really like the smell and gooooooooey, damnnn, I did not have my hair in a Rooster tail and if flopped over right on a bud, and got stuck there, had a hell of a time getting it out. lol lol. Dumb Jr Woodchuck. Turn it UPPPPPP lets ROCK it HARD Lets BURN "The sky is red, I don't understand Past midnight I still see the land People are saying the Woman is dammed She makes you BURN with a wave of her hand The city's a blaze, the town's on FIRE The woman's flames are reaching HIGHER We were FOOLS, we called her Liar All I hear is BURN" Ritchie Hugh BLACKMORE Shredd'n it cluk'n UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
58.42 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
45 %
10 °C
11 L
76.2 cm
300 PPM
3-17 Happy St Patty's Day. Hope all you Clukers are GREEN today. Wheeeeew Dogggggggy. 3-19 sorry for the short post got sidetracked. No nutes again and these Ladies are just about Amber. Gave them all a very good drink. Sugar leaves and small fans are dried up and krisp, lol, one reason I usually defole really heavy, that way, to me, the leaves seem to come off better and less touching on the trichs. They have a really nice smell, I have tasted a lil. I am thinking tomorrow I will start the dark period, to burn off the chlorophyll then whack em down. Keep it LOUD Rock on
Week 9. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Crop King delivered great seeds super fast and super easy to purchase and receive. My first run with the Auto's was not the best it could have been, I am happy with the seeds, have purchase a few sets and have always had great germ. Jut purchase 3 new strains to see how I do.
Show more
Spent 65 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
135.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
49 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Euphoric, Happy
Positive effects
Berries, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance


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TastyBudzzcommentedweek 74 years ago
The cries of the carrots. For them it is . The Holocaust. Track 69. ! Oh those girls are looking sticky! Going to be a great harvest if they looking this sweet now.
TastyBudzzcommented4 years ago
@Roosterdoo, oh man you are good! I'm cropping in a couple of weeks. I may have to crank up that song.
Roosterdoocommented4 years ago
@TastyBudzz, TOOL, but not harvesting tomorrow. lol Hell yeah ROCK ON
NugLife420commentedweek 94 years ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😎👍
Roosterdoocommented4 years ago
@NugLife420, Thanks Rock on
Smokwiricommentedweek 44 years ago
Plant looks great, good job and good luck👌
Roosterdoocommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, Thanks, she is coming right along, can't wait to see her full bloom. Rock on.
CyanideWrexxcommentedweek 94 years ago
Enjoy the fruits of your labor fam!
DreamITcommentedweek 74 years ago
Enjoy the rest of the flowering mate 🦄👍🍀
DoDrugs420commentedweek 94 years ago
Zkitllez Autoflower is exactly what my momma would've wanted me to have.
Roosterdoocommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, Great strain I did not do so good with the first run Auto, so I will have to try again. My Outdoor Fem ZkittleZ should ROCK the PLANET, with NO snafu's Rock on.
the end.
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