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4x Northern Lights #5 x Haze

4 years ago
4 years ago
Time to get back on the first strain I ever grew indoors! And also the first diary here. The first time I grew this one, it was the most successful one I ever did. Now with my fresh new LED lights and some experience growing indoors, I'm exited and expecting to have a spectacular grow. All seeds germinated well, although they looked a bit grey. I moved the sprouts into the watering system approx. in a week after wrapping the seeds into a wet paper towel. I didn't take photos from that period, so the photo from the seedbox will do for this one.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
3 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
50 %
19 °C
25 °C
25 L
138 cm
400 PPM
The sprouts gained another pair of leaves during their first night under lights in the watering system. I let them have just plain water for a couple days and then gave 25ml of each Remo's nutrients. It's a lot less than what they advice on the charts, but the water EC is now at 0.6 so this is perfect for me. Just before I was about to add the first nutrients, I noticed the water EC was for some reason at 1.4 even though I never added anything. This was confusing to me especially because the tank was filled with about 50l of water so that means there had to be a substantial amount of something affecting the EC. I have no idea what had affected this. Only thing that I did that was irregular was that I had some other seedlings in the tank before this, but decided on the last minute that I'm not going to grow them and just took them out. Still no explanation why the EC had gone to such levels. I had cleaned the tank very carefully beforehand. I decided to drain the tank and fill it with pure tap water and then add the nutrients and PH balancer. I think this means I have to monitor the EC super carefully. I also had only the other light operating at minimum = 60watts and today I put the other light also on minimum, so thats 120watts of light. Im going to use the dimmer to add light daily or every other day just a little bit until they grow a little more. I have two large Co2 Exhale mushroom bags sitting on the pots, and i switch the pots they are on to give them equally the most direct Co2. Later I will add two alcohol brewing buckets to really boost the Co2 levels. I also buried the seedlings a bit more today to get the root game started most efficiently.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
5 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
50 %
19 °C
25 °C
25 L
136 cm
450 PPM
This week I got a humidifier for the little ones, because I have a dehumidifier outside the tent to keep my home safe from moisture. Now I can have the tent moist and only the tent. It's a low-mid-tier humidifier from sale, but with the maxed out settings it keeps the tent at a stable 50%, tops 60%. It has a 5l tank and I have to refill it once a day since I keep it running 24/7. And it has a touch screen. The seedlings have gained another pair of leaves and look healthy. On a note, surprisingly for the first time ever, the one in the corner where the carbon filter located is a little bit bigger than the others! To this time it's always been vice versa. Let's see if the others can keep up with it. I'm eager to dose them with a little bit more nutrients but I think I'll do it when it feels right. Also, I will soon start spraying them small amounts of Carbon Kick Power Potion.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
8.5 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
400 PPM
50 %
19 °C
25 °C
25 L
132.5 cm
700 PPM
The smallest one is now 6cm in height and the tallest one is 11. The smallest one seems like it's a week behind the others, it's also tiny in width compared to others. This week I added Co2 supplement by making a yeast-sugar-water-brew in a 30l container. It's placed inside the tent. I'm starting to have problems again with heat, and I'm trying to explore options to tackle that. The lamps are now operating under half of their capacity, approximately 400 watts of power is now consumed by them in total. I tried to amp them up but the temp rocketed to 32C at worst when I closed the room door to maximize the Co2 levels. By estimation, I will have to keep them in vegetative mode for at least another two weeks. I'm also starting to plan what kind of training I will apply to them. I'm thinking to FIM them first in about five days, then start to LST them around the grow pot, and later SCROG 'em. What I've learned from the past, I'm gonna set the scrog really low compared to before. I really don't need long legged plants and especially I don't want to take the recommendations too lightly on how long the distance should be from plants to lamps.
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
13.5 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
600 PPM
50 %
22 °C
22 °C
25 L
123 cm
1000 PPM
Nutrients 5
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 0.625 mll
Nature’s Candy - Remo Nutrients
Nature’s Candy 0.625 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 0.625 mll
Hey again! I decided to write this on a monday instead of the regular thursday. It's because of two reasons; the cycle really started on a monday and also because alot happened yesterday and today. So from now on I will do updates on mondays. So, first of all the magnificent looking plants got FIMmed yesterday, I put before and after photos from 3 plants and from one plant I only put the afterphoto since I realized this would be interesting to document and to get feedback on it if something doesn't look optimal to someone. I also took one photo to demonstrate where I would usually try to do the cut. Then also another major and a nerve wrecks reducing update to the setup! I installed an air intake channel and a small to get fresh outside air and most importantly COOLING air to counter the heat emitted from the lights making life for these plants reasonable. Don't know yet how low will it get the temperature, but I will update the exact numbers when it stops dropping. The plants were getting a bit of lighter colored camouflage type of thing on them, so I thought maybe they might be thirsty for more nutrients, and since they haven't shown any more signs of overdose since two weeks and are growing fast, I gave them a little bit more. And one more question type thing. . I noticed when the lights were off when I visited the tent last night, that the lights weren't 100% off, they seemed to be on a standby mode instead of being all the way shut. I suspect this might have something to do with the timers they are connected to, but don't really know. I would appreciate if someone would know something about this and perhaps enlighten me. I have two HLG 600 RSPEC's and they both did this. I will also post this to the questions section with a pic. ----Edit : Solved.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
arkhivestarted grow question 4 years ago
Lights seem to go on a "standby mode" instead of being all the way shut when timers switch them off. Should I buy some other timers? These were brand new, cheap ones though and both the same. Lights are HLG 600 RSPEC and both did this.
Setup. Lighting
arkhiveanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi @Weezy90 ! If I plugged the lights completely, they actually shut off completely, immediately. Probably the extension cord leaked a little bit of power even the timer was on off-mode. I solved this problem by setting a timer before the extension cord, and I switched to a better timer. Anyway it wasn't about power consumption. The problem was that there was any light at all at night time, which is a big no no for the plants, from what I've learned. Thanks for the answer though!
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
900 PPM
50 %
22 °C
22 °C
25 L
114 cm
2000 PPM
Nutrients 5
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 1.25 mll
Nature’s Candy - Remo Nutrients
Nature’s Candy 1.25 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 1.25 mll
So! Apparently I'm destined to make updates on thursdays. :D Let's start on a little update on hardware. I got two more 30litre buckets to brew more alcohol for Co2. I'm using some super turbo yeasts so it will be brewed trough in 5 days. This means 100 litres of approximately 15-17% bad tasting alcohol every week which I don't yet have an use so i just dispose it. It would be nice tho to some day understand the alchemy of brewing good tasty drinks so i wouldn't have to make so much waste. I tubed already two of the water locks on the bucket lids, so that the Co2 will go straight for the plant. This is important because now that I'm using the air intake to reduce heat, the Co2 will blow out almost instantly. My Co2 meter only reaches 5000ppm, so I can only estimate, but I think when I have lights and the air intake fan off, the tent will reach 5000ppm in less than two hours. So in 4 hours of darkness it might raise over 10k ppm when the brewing is in the early period. Sadly, it will be all gone in an hour of lights on, and with four buckets I managed to get the daytime volume in 1500ppm, but it will stay in this godlike state only for a day or two, and then the amount of Co2 will start to drop. Now that all the buckets are pretty much gone and after writing this I will go and put another batch to ferment, the ppm rate is something like 200-400. The FIM:ming was successful on only one of the plants, and that also resulted in only two main stems. I was a bit disappointed in this but it's okay, this is far from the worst case scenario yet so no problem. The ones that didn't FIM, I just decided to Top. I've taken some of the biggest leaves off, they seemed unnecessary. We started the low stress training on the plants. Either one of the plants was not so strong than the others, or then I was just too brutal against her, but I managed to make 3 snaps altogether and all in the one plant. Others bent very nicely, tho I think I could have been a little gentler. It's already been a few days for her to recover and nothing bad hasn't appeared yet. I amped up the nutrients towards 2EC. Anyway they look really bushy and healthy,and I'm planning to go flowering soon, just need to stretch them a little bit more. I'm planning towards achieving a wild jungle. ;)
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
850 PPM
50 %
22 °C
22 °C
25 L
114 cm
2000 PPM
Nutrients 5
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 1.25 mll
Nature’s Candy - Remo Nutrients
Nature’s Candy 1.25 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 1.25 mll
Trained them a little bit more. They are starting to have a serious load of new stem tops. Trying to think what's the limit the 150x150 tent can hold and how much are they going to stretch during flowering. I think I'm still gonna wait for a week and then go bloom. We'll see how this goes. Also they seemed to recover perfectly from my minor accidental excessive use of force a couple of weeks ago training them. Before and after training photos added.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
25 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
700 PPM
50 %
22 °C
22 °C
25 L
103 cm
2000 PPM
Nutrients 5
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 1.25 mll
Nature’s Candy - Remo Nutrients
Nature’s Candy 1.25 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.25 mll
Now it's on!! Today I set them on flowering, I've LST'd them a lot during the week. They are so bushy!! And 1,5 months of vegetation is the most I've ever done. It's gonna be so wild. I also installed the screen today. Two of them are a little bit bigger than the other two. Gonna have to start defoliating soon. It's gonna be a challenge to work on them since they are so bushy. But I'm just glad that they look so so healthy. <3 The lighting on 4 of the close up pics are a little overexposed so they look lighter green than they really are. Sorry for the sloppy pics!
1 like
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
25 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
800 PPM
50 %
24 °C
22 °C
25 L
103 cm
2000 PPM
Nutrients 8
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 1.25 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 1.25 mll
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 1.25 mll
Well, didn't see this coming but should have. I cornered myself in a pretty nasty situation. I had LSTrained the plants way too low , thus not allowing the baseline get any air circulation... Also I suspect that the alcohol I'm brewing might have spat a few sugary-yeasty-liquid containing bubbles trough the funnels while brewing intensely.. Might not be ideal... Every single plant has starter level root rot.. I picked most of it out.. dead roots and even some mold grown in the intersection of the plant stem and root's bark... I threw in a proper ventilation to the underzone of the plants.. I ran into the internet to find out if there's a possible cure.. Bought silicate to hopefully get rid of this situation.. Bought AN Sensizym since they advertise it to break up the dead roots into nutrients.. Bought AN Piranha as a symbolic milestone for myself to start paying attention in the root zone in general from now on.. We'll see how this goes.. The roots didn't seem to be that deeply rot yet.. But they have kept going deeper into the shits as we are a few days in on the actualization of the situation.. Send your healing energy vibes now or never.. I'm learning so much again..
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
25 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
40 %
24 °C
22 °C
25 L
103 cm
1000 PPM
Nutrients 10
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 1.25 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 1.25 mll
Liquid Oxygen - Growth Technology
Liquid Oxygen 1.88 mll
Walking on a thin line here.. Four days ago I checked the roots and they still seemed going in the wrong direction. Fed them hydrogen peroxide from the top of the roots so that the most contaminated parts would be the most exposed to the peroxide. Then I checked yesterday, and it still didn't look too good. I fired up the solution to get rid of this situation asap.. I put about 150ml of 12% hydrogen peroxide to 10 litres of water and watered them evenly. Got a burn scratch from the peroxide in my forehead, looked like a soldier for a moment and thought this is what the plants are going trough also.. The plants still look great on the surface. They ingest a lot of nutrients. Top left plant has a million branches, I counted. During this root rot thing I didn't realize how leafy the plants had gotten so I did a big defoliation operation. I also had read from many places that with LEDs you wouldn't need to manifold so much because the light from them penetrate the plants more.. I sure did fell for that hype.. The branches under the top ones are so bright green, but not for long.. I think they have a good chance to grow old and I'm doing my best trying to eliminate every possibility for the rot to take over.. Stressful sure, but I have a feeling we will pull this off.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
25 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1000 PPM
45 %
24 °C
22 °C
25 L
103 cm
100 PPM
Nutrients 10
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 1.25 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 1.25 mll
Liquid Oxygen - Growth Technology
Liquid Oxygen 1.88 mll
Tying, defoliating, replacing old solution with a fresh one, spraying stronger mixtures of hydrogen peroxide to the rootsite, watching otherwise healthy looking and fast growth with awe.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1100 PPM
45 %
22 °C
22 °C
25 L
75 cm
100 PPM
Nutrients 9
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 1.25 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 1.25 mll
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 1.25 mll
Hey there! Been so busy that I had to skip week 11. So this will be a summary of weeks 11 and 12. The plants have employed me alot. We are talking about operation defoliation. I defoliated half of the plants in 10 hours. First I was a little bit scared that I may have taken off too many leaves, but when I finally got the whole job done (about 1 week), the first ones had already started bushing again so I'm not worried anymore. Root rot seems to have been dealt of, which is a relief. Unfortunately tho, I'm paying a price for fucking up in the first place, in the form of some seeds emerging. This doesn't move me much tho, even I know what a pain in the ass it will be in the post trimming phase. I'm glad we got over the root rot and a couple of seeds here and there can't stress me out right now. I mean look at these BEAUTIEZ!! There's a couple of mid defoliation photos, they look harsh especially when tied up so I really can get in there. The hairs have gone very brown from all the touching I had to do defoliating. Even tho I used gloves, they got so brown, but I noticed also new white hairs growing after one week
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1100 PPM
45 %
22 °C
22 °C
25 L
75 cm
100 PPM
Nutrients 9
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 1.25 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 1.25 mll
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 1.25 mll
Right now I'm just enjoying watching them grow, I don't think there's much to report. Almost starting to feel paranoid since everything seems fine finally.. 👽
Used techniques


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Ferenccommentedweek 24 years ago
Good Luck @arkhive
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Aww man! thanks! I'm so glad that someone is cheking this out! Feel free to comment on anything about this grow!
Mooncatcommentedweek 104 years ago
Love this Strain ! 😋
Mooncatcommented4 years ago
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@Mooncat, Ayy thanks for the link :)
HarryTheHeadcommentedweek 134 years ago
Oooooh looking good. This is a really nice strain to run. Great yields, finishes quickly, nice to trim, quality old skool genetics, smooth smoke with a clear uplifting high and Super sticky buds that smell amazing. Keep a look out for the really stinky pheno. My friend had it and thought there was something wrong with the the plant as it was such a foul smell. lol. he hated it but I thought it was amazing. Not the best yielding of the other phenos but the smell was sooooo strong and offensive. We lost the pheno unfortunately because we are useless at labelling things but I want to hunt for it again. I really like your canopy spread, great looking grow, bigups.
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@HarryTheHead, Thx for a comprehensive and interesting comment! Yeah, I totally noticed some variation on the smell on different plants. Now cured the smell is amazing.. I'm trying to become more organized when it comes to labeling and keeping track of whats happening.. Also one of the reasons I started this journal.. I took clones but messed up and had to buy new seeds. I appreciate your note on the spread, thats a feature I see as very important and I try my best on it.. I mean.. It really does look good.. but... there's still lots of unused space... I'm going for round 2 on NLH#5.. we'll see if I can top this.. I gotta upload soon the harvest page on my diary.. I got lazy..
AlienTechecommentedweek 134 years ago
Geez that is Big I know it's 5 plants though ha. Nice scog looks like a sea og.
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@AlienTeche, Hahah it’s four. Thanks dude
power88commentedweek 124 years ago
Hermoso grow y parece la genética perfecta!
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@power88, Ayo! Thanks! Great strain and I've done my best :)
grzesiekkuzniakcommentedweek 84 years ago
this stuff on your pebbles r salts from your nutrients
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@grzesiekkuzniak, yeah i know, but thats not the problem.. there is root rot when i dig deeper and even some mold in there.. i just started dosing light amounts of hydrogen peroxide.. wack but they have alot of roots already so i hope they will be able to recover from that..
DreamITcommentedweek 64 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 👊🍀🤠
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@DreamIT, I do and will! Thanks for passing by
Regenwurmcommentedweek 64 years ago
Good Luck.... NL XHaze was the last Strain i growed and it was awesome..... A great Strain ....
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@Regenwurm, Yo! Thanks! It is! I actually checked your diary earlier.. I gotta, and I will read that thing thoroughly.. I might get some ideas. Bless!
Dr_Boomcommentedweek 44 years ago
Great diary. Thanks for the info.
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@Dr_Boom, Yo! Thanks! Glad to hear you got something out of it!
Smokwiricommentedweek 34 years ago
hey, plant looks good mate 💪
arkhivecommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, Yo! Thanks alot!
Regenwurmcommentedweek 13a year ago
Best Strain on earth 😁good job
DoDrugs420commentedweek 134 years ago
You rock that Northern Lights #5 x Haze Fem i love it.
Spunkieecommentedweek 134 years ago
DonSchmoekern88commentedweek 134 years ago
Dreh mal den Stecker in der Leiste anders herum Dann sollte es schon erledigt sein 😬 Frag mich aber bitte nicht warum das so sein soll
spydercommentedweek 134 years ago
lookin good,,,,,good luck with the grow....enjoy
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