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Northern Lights Auto

4 years ago
sf1000 Light Emitting Diodes/100W
sf1000 Light Emitting Diodes/100W
Cultilab Dual Purpose 75x75x160
Cultilab Dual Purpose 75x75x160
Room Type
weeks 3-7
weeks 7, 12
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
0.11 L
4 years ago
Nutrients 1
Cal Mag - Vitalink
Cal Mag 1.3 mll
SUMMARY: I decided to try planting the seed directly into the coco this time. I kept the coco surrounding the seed moist at all times giving roughly 60ml per day of rainwater mixed with calmag at a pH of 6.2 and it sprouted in just 4 days! I used a plastic single cup sprayed on the inside and kept over the seed to increase humidity. I removed this the second day after sprout to avoid any mold issues. Wednesday 30th December 14:00 I had a gallon fabric pot that was filled with coco/perlite . I made a small hole roughly 1.5cm deep and planted the Northern Lights auto at 14:05 and gave it 70 squirts (roughly 35ml) of rainwater/calmag at a pH of 6.2, 10 squirts below the seed, 60 squirts on top after lightly covering with coco. [30°C/60%] Wednesday 30th December 21:45 I checked in on the tent to ensure the NL coco hadn't dried up. It was still moist but as it was 8 hrs ago it had water and will be at least another 12hrs before it is watered again I gave the coco around the seed area another 50 squirts (roughly 20-30ml). [28°C/60%] Thursday 31st December 13:00 I gave 80 squirts of water/calmag at a pH of 6.2 to the coco directly above and around the seed. Thursday 31st December 21:30 I was already concerned that I might be giving insufficient water for optimal growth at this stage and after watching some vids on YouTube today I decided I should give more water to each pot. I gave the NL seed 60 sprays (25ml) directly on top of where the seed is planted and then gently poured water around the seed area to gently saturate it. Mr Canucks on YT advises not giving enough water during germination and seedling stage stunts root development and therefore stunts growth. Friday 1st January 13:45 Still not sprouted yet and was drying out so gave 80 squirts (roughly 35ml) directly on top of where seed is planted and then gently poured some around the seed area to saturate the area. [25°C/60%] Friday 1st January 21:00 The coco hadn't dried up but I think I'm best keeping the medium moist and not letting it dry out at all for germinating and so I gave 60 squirts (25ml) directly where the seed is planted. The humidity is very low considering the humidifier is set to full power. [25°C/40%] Saturday 2nd January 13:00 Still not sprouted so gave another 60 squirted directly on top of where seed is planted and then gently poured around the seed area to keep the surrounding coco nice and moist. [25°C/60%] Saturday 2nd January 20:40 The Northern Lights seed has sprouted! That's 3 days from planting direct into coco and keeping the area moist at all times. I gave the NL seedling 50 squirts just to ensure it doesn't dry out before tomorrow morning when I will give it a proper watering. [24°C/74%]
1 comment
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
55 %
19 °C
25 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.3 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.15 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.15 mll
SUMMARY: For this first week I have just been keeping the coco around the seedling moist, aiming to only give enough to last 24hours so that I am watering every day. I started nutes on day 6 from sprout and will start building up to watering the entire pot until 20-30% runoff. DAY 1 ------- Saturday 2nd January 20:40 She has sprouted! That's 3 days from planting direct into coco and keeping the area moist at all times. I gave the seedling 50 squirts (roughly 20ml) just to ensure it doesn't dry out before tomorrow morning when I will give it a proper watering. [24°C/74%] DAY 2 ------- Sunday 3rd January 13:00 I gave the seedling 500ml of water/calmag gently poured and have now removed the cup as it has fully sprouted now and the RH in the tent is around 74%. [24°C/74%] Sunday 3rd January 20:00 I gave the seedling another 200ml to ensure it does not dry out over night. The coco was still a bit damp. The seedling is yet to stand straight so hopefully it will look better tomorrow. [24°C/64%] DAY 3 ------- Monday 4th January 13:30 I gave the seedling 400ml of water/calmag in an effort to begin increasing the volume up to being able to saturate the entire pot with runoff. [25°C/53%] DAY 4 ------- Tuesday 5th January 14:00 The coco was drying out and so I gave it another 400ml of water/calmag. [25°C/50%] DAY 5 ------- Wednesday 6th January 15:00 The coco was drying out so gave it 550ml of rainwater/calmag increasing from yesterdays 400ml. I will start nutes tomorrow as its day 6 tomorrow and its had its first set of real leaves for a couple of days now. I'm struggling to keep the humidity high in my 2x2x4 tent even with the humidifier on 100% power cant seem to get it above 50% this week. [24°C/48%] DAY 6 ------- Thursday 7th January 14:20 I gave its first feed with 600ml of week 1 nutes as it was drying up. I gently poured around the area of the seedling. [30°C/40%] DAY 7 ------- Friday 8th January 20:45 I have decided to skip any plain waterings until I see a need for them as the GWE schedule is very mild and it makes sense to irrigate every feeding first before upping nutrient strength. I have also raised the light from 24" up to 42" (3.5ft) as my other plants are stacking too tightly. The top layer of coco was drying out and she was ready for irrigation again as she's looking a little on the pale side. I fed her 800ml of week 1 nutes at a pH of 6.1 increasing up from yesterdays 600ml. [25°C/52%]
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
55 %
19 °C
25 °C
19 L
106.68 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.3 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.15 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.15 mll
SUMMARY: I gradually built the volume of feeds up by 200ml per day until I reached 1200ml on day 11. From the next feed on I then saturated the entire medium and I will be irrigating on a daily basis moving forward after reading up at cocoforcannabis.com. I'm sold on the idea of always keeping the coco wet as it can always breathe especially with the amount of perlite I use. DAY 8 ------- Saturday 9th January 20:30 I gave the plant 800ml of week 1 nutes keeping the surrounding coco nice and moist. [25°C/50%] DAY 9 ------- Sunday 10th January 20:40 The NL was drying out and so I gave it 1L today upping from yesterdays 800ml. I'm hoping she will drink this up in the next 24hrs. For comparison one of my other plants (Jesus) was receiving 500-700ml per day up until day 11 when she received 2300ml to try and produce runoff. I will keep upping the amount by 100-200ml per day until I can saturate the medium with 20-30% runoff. [24°C/55%] DAY 10 -------- Monday 11th January 20:40 The NL was drying out again which is great and so I gave her 1.2L of week 1 nutes upping from yesterdays 1L. I aim to continue to build up by 200ml per day until I can saturate with 20-30% runoff but will see how it goes as that will take 9 days to get to 3L and I don't really want to go through 2 weeks of irrigation with zero runoff as this risks a salt buildup which will cause pH issues. The environment was showing 38°C/33% on my small hydrometer however my Inkbird reported 23°C and my bluetooth hydrometer reported 24.7°C/52%. It seems the hydrometer was in the heat path from the electric fan heater. [25°C/45%] <-- guesstimate with the multiple different readings DAY 11 -------- Tuesday 12th January 20:20 I gave the NL 1200L as this was the last of my week 1 nutes. She is due for week 2 on Thursday and so I will let her dry out a bit tomorrow then give her 1500ml of week 2 nutes on Thursday. DAY 12 -------- Wednesday 13th January I let the plants dry out today due to the green perlite I'm seeing. DAY 13 -------- Thursday 14th January 20:45 The NL had dried right up and was very light. I slowly fed it 3L of week 3 nutes ensuring to saturate the entire medium. This produced no runoff and so I gave her another 1L and still couldnt see a drop so gave a further 1L totalling 5L. I fucked up though as I accidentally gave her 1L of week 3 nutes though I dont think this slip up will cause any issues. I will be irrigating on a daily basis moving forward after reading up at cocoforcannabis.com. I'm sold on the idea of always keeping the coco wet as it can always breathe especially with the amount of perlite I use. DAY 14 -------- Friday 15th January 18:00 I made 5L of week 2 nutes (pH 5.9) and collected 500ml runoff (10%) from NL from yesterdays 5L feeding which is not enough. Friday 15th January 20:30 I fed her 2L of week 2 nutes as I didnt see a drip of runoff after 1L. I checked on it 1hour later and collected 200ml of runoff (10%). [28°C/60%] DAY 15 -------- Saturday 16th January 20:45 I gave the NL 3L of week 2 nutes as I didnt see any runoff after the first 2L. I collected 1.6L runoff (53%). [21°C/70%]
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
55 %
19 °C
25 °C
19 L
106.68 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.3 mll
SUMMARY: Ive been feeding her 2L per day which tends to produce 20-30% runoff. Shes very small and so I'm a little bit concerned as I've got high hopes for this one (pun not even intended). I've not run into any issues albeit a brief cold period (but only 16°C) and I've kept her happy so not sure why shes so small. DAY 16 --------- Sunday 17th January 17:30 I fed the NL 2L of week 2 nutes after not seeing a drop of runoff from 1L. I left it a couple of hours and then collected 1.1L (55%). I lowered the dehumidifier to 75% power as the RH has been very high this wknd [24°C/77%] DAY 17 -------- Monday 18th January 18:15 I fed NL 2L after not seeing any runoff after 1L. She looks great with no signs of any issues. [25°C/47%] Monday 18th January 20:30 I collected 520ml (26%) from the NL so 2L per day looks to be the sweet spot. I turned the humidifier back up to 100% as the hygrometer was reading so high seemingly due to being sat on the coco. Moving onto a dry surface it is now showing 54% RH. DAY 18 -------- Tuesday 19th January 18:30 I fed NL 2L of week 2 nutes which produced 1120ml (56%) and so perhaps 1.5L may do the NL tomorrow. [27°C/59%] DAY 19 -------- Wednesday 20th January 19:00 Fed the NL 2.2L as it was the last of the week 2 nutes before starting week 3 nutes tomorrow. It produced 1.4L runoff (64%). DAY 20 -------- Thursday 21st January 11:00 The tent temp is a bit low at 16°C as its been snowing here last night. I thought the heater had broken as it was not on even though the ink bird was showing that it was heating. But I switched the heater off and on and it's now heating. Will have to keep my eye on this as it's an old heater. I've got a new one I bought ready to replace it so might just do that this weekend and avoid the risk as i understand one night of cold temps could kill these girls. [16°C/60%] Thursday 21st January 20:00 The heater had broken and so the tent was down 16°C. My bluetooth hygrometer battery also died and so I cant see exactly when it died but it seems that one of the coils had gone and so it just couldn't keep the space heated. I put a new fan heater in that i had on standby and were back up to 24-25°C. I fed the NL her first lot of week 3 nutes. I gave her 2L which produced 1.6L runoff (80%). Clearly not drank as much due to the low temps, which have possibly stunted her growth too a little. DAY 21 -------- Friday 22 January 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of week 3 nutes which produced 750ml runoff (37%). Shes very small and so I'm a bit concerned. I've not run into any issues albeit a brief cold period (but only 16°C) and I've kept her happy so not sure why shes so small. [23°C/50%] DAY 22 -------- Saturday 23rd January 18:30 I fed NL 2L of week 3 nutes which produced 600ml runoff (30%). I also decided to start LST today as she is just about tall enough. I am trying a lighter approach this time and not bending her as much right away. I have anchored the base from one side of the pot then very gently bent the the top at a 45° angle in the opposite direction secured in place with wire.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
55 %
19 °C
23 °C
19 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.3 mll
SUMMARY: Still feeding once every 24hours producing at least 20% runoff as I have done since she was large enough for me to saturate the 5 gallons of medium. No signs of ill health though a little on the pale side and growing very slowly. I think I can say at this point now that I am very disappointed in this pheno. At 29 days from seed she is very small and growing painfully slow. I think its the genetics and not my care as whilst she may appear a little on the pale side I wouldn't expect this much of an impact to the plants development, not to mention I've ran a pheno on very low nutes for weeks and it was pale yet it developed at twice the speed of this plant... DAY 23 -------- Sunday 24th January 14:00 I made 10L of week 3 nutes, 5L at a pH of 6.1 and 5L at a pH of 5.8. I gently adjusted the wire on the NL bending her about 25° more. [27°C/35%] Sunday 24th January 18:00 I fed the NL 2.5L of week 3 nutes which produced 1.1L runoff (44%). I gave her 2.5L by accident instead of 2L. DAY 24 -------- Monday 25th January 19:00 I fed NL 2L of week 3 nutes which produced 700ml runoff (35%). I tried to bend the stem more but it's difficult to hold in place firmly as its tied to a fabric pot which is very flexible. [24°C/50%] DAY 25 -------- Tuesday 26th January 19:00 I fed the NL 2L which produced 700ml runoff (35%). Not much growth in the last 48hrs and so theres no adjustment required for the LST. DAY 26 -------- Wednesday 28th January 18:30 I made 5L of week 3 nutes with rainwater at a pH of 6.3. I fed the NL 2L of week 3 nutes which produced 850ml runoff (42%). Shes really taking her time growing and I wonder if i have stunted her somehow as the vertical growth is almost none existent - I haven't even had to adjust the first LST as the main stem hasn't grown at all since. [23°C/65%] I LOWERED THE LIGHT TO 16" above canopy after reading 12" is recommended but some advise 16" as 12" burnt their plants. I TURNED OFF THE HUMIDIFIER as the tent was at 74% at 20:00 and Jesus is now flowering. Down to 60% by 20:30 just 30mins after switching humidifier off. DAY 27 -------- Thursday 28th January 10:30 I made 5L of week 3 nutes at a pH of 6.2. The RH was at 42% and so I have put the humidifier on at 50% power see how that changes the RH. Thursday 28th January 20:00 I fed the NL 2.2L as it's what I had left of the week 3 nutes. This produced 900ml runoff (41%). Still not ready for even an adjustment let alone more ties. [25.5°C/62%] I LOWERED THE TEMP FROM 26°C to 22°C as I feel 26°C is unnecessary. DAY 28 -------- Friday 29th January 15:00 I TURNED THE HUMIDIFER OFF COMPLETELY AS RH IS AT 55-60% AT 25% POWER. Friday 29th January 18:20 I fed the NL 2L of week 3 nutes which produced 1L of runoff (50%). I adjusted the 2 ties moving the base anchor up a node or 2 to just below the halfway point and moved the upper tie to the top node and gently pulled the top down as much as possible. [23°C/57%] DAY 29 ------ Saturday 30th January 12:00 I made 5L of transition nutes with rainwater at a pH of 5.9. I made 5L of increased strength week 3 nutes (0.5ml extra of each) with rainwater at a pH of 5.9. Saturday 30th January 19:00 I fed the NL a total of 2L, 1L of normal strength week 3 nutes (the last of what I had made) and 1L of the increased strength week 3 nutes. This gave 600ml runoff (30%). Shes grown a little and so I have moved the upper tie higher and gently bent the main stem more. [23°C/50%]
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
55 %
19 °C
18 °C
19 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.6 mll
SUMMARY: Started flowering this week at Day 31 and she's taking about 2L per day which gives around 30-40% runoff. DAY 30 ------ Sunday 31st January 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of increased strength week 3 nutes which produced 780ml runoff (39%) and so it's slow going with this one. She is slowly starting to fill the pot out now. DAY 31 <--- STARTED TO FLOWER ------ Monday 1st February 11:00 I made 5L of trans nutes at a pH of 6.1 and 5L of increased strength week 3 nutes (extra 0.4ml of each nute) at a pH of 6.1. Monday 1st February 18:00 I fed the NL 3L of increased strength week 3 nutes because she is showing pistils and so this is its last lot of week 3 nutes. This produced 1.46L of runoff (49%). Shes started to flower already and shes still small so this isnt good unless she now has a stupidly big growth spurt this is going to be a low yielder and I'm very disappointed with these genetics so far. Especially in comparison to my Barneys Farm wedding cake which is sat next to her and receiving the same care and is more than twice her size (albeit 2 weeks older but still). [23°C/49%] DAY 32 -------- Tuesday 2nd February 11:40 I made 10L of transition nutes with rainwater at a pH of 6.0. Tuesday 2nd February 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of transition nutes which produced 720ml runoff (36%). Still hardly any new growth yet she is healthy and growing just VERY slowly. I haven't even had to do any further LST yet! [22°C/59%] DAY 33 -------- Wednesday 3rd February 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of transition nutes which produced 860ml runoff (43%). I think that shes just a small plant due to poor genetics and doesn't require much water. I removed one leaf that was blocking a bud site and couldnt be tucked. [23°C/54%] DAY 34 -------- Thursday 4th February 12:15 I made 10L of transition nutes with rainwater, 5L at 6.0 and 5L at 6.2. Thursday 4th February 18:00 I fed the NL 1.5L of transition nutes which produced 310ml of runoff (21%). I tied down all shoots purely just to position them for spacing and light penetration though I think they are done with vegetative growth. [23°C/56%] DAY 35 -------- Friday 5th February 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of transition nutes which produced 660ml runoff (33%). More shoots are popping up and so I'm tying them down filling out the pot more. [23°C/60%] DAY 36 -------- Saturday 6th February 12:00 I made 5L of transition nutes at a pH of 6.1 and 5L of early bloom nutes at a pH of 6.2, both made with rainwater. I made the inkbird temperature control more accessible and so I will begin experimenting with dropping the night time temp tonight. Saturday 6th February 19:00 I fed the NL 1.8L which produced 540ml runoff (30%). I amended the ties and can see more shoots popping up...perhaps she may not turn out so bad. I dropped the tent from 22°C to 17°C at 21:35
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
55 %
19 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.6 mll
SUMMARY: Started her on early bloom nutes towards the end of this week as I think she's done stretching now...she's a small one - hopefully her buds will be fat. Continuing with dropping the heat from 24°C down to 18°C between the hours of 21:00-09:00. She's taking in 2L of water per day (with nutes) and giving off anywhere between 18-40% runoff. pH between 6-6.3 DAY 37 -------- Sunday 7th February 10:00 I turned the heat from 17°C up to 24°C (12hrs of low temps). Sunday 7th February 18:00 I fed the NL 2L which produced 420ml runoff (21%). I turned the heat from 24°C down to 18°C at 21:00. DAY 38 -------- Monday 8th February 12:30 I turned the heat up from 18° to 23° at 09:00am (12hr period). I made 5L of transition nutes at 6.2 and 5L of early bloom nutes both at 6.1 both made with rainwater. Monday 8th February 18:00 I fed the NL 2.4L of transition nutes which produced 850ml runoff (35%). [22°C/52%] DAY 39 -------- Tuesday 9th February 10:30 I made 5L of transition nutes at a pH of 6.3 and 5L of early bloom nutes at a pH of 6.3. Both made with rainwater. Tuesday 9th February 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of transition nutes which produced 350ml runoff (18%). [24°C/45%] DAY 40 -------- Wednesday 10th February 18:30 I fed the NL 2.4L of transition nutes which produced 880ml runoff (37%). [24°C/42%] DAY 41 -------- Thursday 11th February 11:30 I made 10L of early bloom nutes with rainwater at a pH of 5.8. Thursday 11th February 18:30 I fed the NL 2.2L of transition nutes which produced 950ml runoff (43%). [24°C/42%] DAY 42 -------- Friday 12th February 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of early bloom nutes which produced 640ml runoff (32%). DAY 43 -------- Saturday 13th February 18:00 I fed the NL 1.8L of early bloom nutes which produced 230ml runoff (13%).
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
45 %
19 °C
18 °C
19 L
2 L
48.26 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.3 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.6 mll
SUMMARY: Still continuing with early bloom nutes this week. I ran out of rainwater this week for a few days and had to make a batch with tap water. Had some issues with humidity and temps now that the RH has naturally increased due to the size and bushiness of the plants and so I have had to turn the dehumdifier on however this raises the temps and so its about finding a good balance. I did a heavy defoliation on day 44 stripping almost all fan leaves and any lower small shoots which wont ever get enough light. I also raised the light again so that it is 16" above the canopy of my tallest plant which is a few inches taller than the NL. To mitigate this I raised the NL up by a couple inches or so. DAY 44 -------- Sunday 14th February 11:45 I made 10L of early bloom nutes with dechlorinated tap water (no rain water left), 5L at a pH of 5.7 and 5L at a pH of 5.6. Sunday 14th February 18:00 I did a heavy defoliation on the NL stripping almost all fan leaves and any lower small shoots which wont ever get enough light. I also raised the light again so that it is 16" above the canopy of my tallest plant which is a few inches taller than the NL. To mitigate this I raised the NL up by a couple inches or so. I fed the NL 2L of early bloom nutes which produced 550ml runoff (28%). [24°C/46%] DAY 45 -------- Monday 15th February 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of early bloom nutes which produced roughly 800ml runoff (40%) I THINK, as I spilt a bit in the tent. DAY 46 -------- Tuesday 16th February 11:30 I made 10L of early bloom nutes with rainwater, 5L at a pH of 5.8 and 5L at a pH of 5.9. I forgot to turn the heat down over night and the humidity is at 56% currently. [22°C/56%] Tuesday 16th February 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of early bloom nutes which produced roughly 1L runoff (50%). Shes still not back to her normal intake before the defoliation which was only 2 days ago. I turned the dehumidifier on and set it to 45% as the RH had climbed to 62%. [22°C/62%] DAY 47 -------- Wednesday 17th February 12:00 I made 10L of early bloom nutes with dechlorinated tap water, 5L at a pH of 5.7 and 5L at a pH of 5.6. Wednesday 17th February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.7L of early bloom nutes which produced roughly 820ml runoff (48%). DAY 48 -------- Thursday 18th February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.2L of early bloom nutes which produced roughly 670ml runoff (56%). Shes still hardly drinking much so I will dial this down to 1L tomorrow. I adjusted a couple of ties to expose more bud sites. I had to move the light up again by 2 inches to accommodate for growth as it was sitting at 14" above the canopy. [24°C/52%] DAY 49 -------- Friday 19th February 18:30 I found the tent at 28% RH. No idea how that's occurred but I did notice it was hotter then usual this morning. I turned the dehumidifier of for a couple of hours and it jumped back up to 61% and so I will just set it to 55% RH. I fed the NL 1.5L of early bloom nutes which produced roughly 500ml runoff (33%) so it's looks like she may finally be bouncing back after the defol last sunday. [24°C/52%] DAY 50 ------ Saturday 20th February 11:30 The tent temp has been sat at around 23°C overnight somehow. The dehumidifier keeping the humidity around 45-50% seems to also keep the temps between 23-27°C. Saturday 20th February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.5L of early bloom nutes which produced roughly 600ml runoff (40%). Looks like i have a humidity problem and so ive reluctantly removed some more leaves from Jesus as she is bushy again after a week or perhaps I didnt defol enough. If I have the dehumidifier off the humidity is in the low 60s but if I lower it to like 45-50% then the temps stays too high between 24°C-33°C. [22°C/64%]
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
22 °C
55 %
19 °C
15 °C
19 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 5
Meridian Organic Blackstrap Molasses 3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.3 mll
SUMMARY: Switched up to Mid Bloom strength nutes this week. I have also started adding 1 tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses per every 5L. Though some argue this is purely for use in soil to feed the bacteria there is argument that it also acts as a bloom booster due to its active ingredients. She is fattening up nicely though not many tops and so I need density from these. DAY 51 ------ Sunday 21st February 11:30 I made 5L of early bloom nutes at a pH of 5.8 and 5L of mid bloom nutes at a pH of 5.6, both made with tap water. Sunday 21st February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.2L of early bloom nutes which produced roughly 300ml runoff (25%). DAY 52 ------ Monday 22nd February 11:45 I made 5L of mid bloom nutes with rain water at a pH of 5.9. I am adding half a tablespoon of molasses to every 5L now by adding just enough boiling water to liquify the molasses and then pour it into the feed. Monday 22nd February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.4L of early bloom nutes with molasses which produced roughly 335ml runoff (24%). [22°C/55%] DAY 53 ------ Tuesday 23rd February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.4L of early bloom nutes which produced roughly 400ml runoff (29%). With the dehumidifier set to 50% RH it seems to keep it at around 50% RH though the temps between 25-30°C. If I turn the dehumidifier off the RH climbs to 60-64%. Removing more leaves will lower the humidity and I do pluck the odd one every day that is blocking light (I rotate the plants daily 25° per day to ensure all sides get a fair share of light). [25°C/50%] DAY 54 ------ Wednesday 24th February 18:30 I fed her 1.4L of early bloom nutes with molasses which produced 200ml runoff (10%). The temps have risen to 30°C due to the dehumidifier. It is currently set to 50% RH which keeps the temps around 28-30°C and the RH at around 38-40%. I have increased the setting to 65% to see if that helps lower the temp and increase the RH up to 45-50%. [30°C/40%] DAY 55 ------ Thursday 25th February 11:30 I made 10L of mid bloom nutes with rainwater and molasses (level tablespoon per 5L). 5L at a pH of 5.9 and 5L at a pH of 5.8 Thursday 25th February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.6L of mid bloom nutes which produced roughly 610ml runoff (38%%). [22°C/55%] DAY 56 ------ Friday 26th February 11:30 I made 10L of mid bloom nutes with rainwater and molasses (level tablespoon per 5L). 5L at a pH of 6.0 and 5L at a pH of 5.6. Friday 26th February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.4L of mid bloom nutes which produced roughly 420ml runoff (30%). [22°C/55%] DAY 57 ------ Saturday 27th February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.4L of mid bloom nutes which produced roughly 410ml runoff (29%). [22°C/55%]
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
28 °C
50 %
19 °C
20 °C
19 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 5
Meridian Organic Blackstrap Molasses 3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.3 mll
SUMMARY: Still on Mid Bloom strength nutes this week (+ 1 tablespoon molasses per 5L). I've decided to raise the temps up a little to 28°C for the day and 20°C for the night after seeing some monstrous plants that were grown at constant temps of 25-28°C. It also makes sense to me that the plants will flourish more in higher temps. DAY 58 ------ Sunday 28th February 18:30 I fed the NL 1.4L of mid bloom nutes which produced roughly 440ml runoff (32%). [22°C/55%] DAY 59 ------ Monday 1st March 11:00 I made 10L of mid bloom nutes with rainwater and molasses (level tablespoon per 5L). 5L at a pH of 6.1 and 5L at a pH of 5.8. Monday 1st March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.4L of mid bloom nutes which produced roughly 400ml runoff (29%). [22°C/50%] DAY 60 ------ Tuesday 2nd March 11:45 I turned the heat up from 22°C to 25°C as I'm going to raise the temps a little moving forward. [25°C/42%] Tuesday 2nd March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.4L of mid bloom nutes which produced roughly 130ml runoff (9%). Seems shes drinking more today after turning the heat up, go figure. [22°C/50%] DAY 61 ------ Wednesday 3rd March 12:15 I forgot to turn the heat down last night and so I'd left it at 28°C all day yesterday and overnight meaning the girls have been thirsty. [28°C/38%] I made 10L of mid bloom nutes with molasses and rainwater, 5L pH'd to 5.9 and 5L pH'd to 6.1. Wednesday 3rd March 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of mid bloom nutes which produced roughly 350ml runoff (17%). I will drop the day temps to 25°C and the evening temps to 20°C but will need to increase the intake up to 2.2L tomorrow. DAY 62 ------ Thursday 4th March 18:00 I fed the NL 2.2L of mid bloom nutes which produced 800ml runoff (36%). [25°C/50%] DAY 63 ------ Friday 5th March 12:00 I made 5L of late bloom nutes with rainwater and molasses at a pH of 5.9. I made 5L of mid bloom nutes with rainwater and molasses at a pH of 5.6. Friday 5th March 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of mid bloom nutes which produced 900ml runoff (45%). [25°C/48%] DAY 64 ------ Saturday 6th March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.8L of mid bloom nutes which produced 400ml runoff (25%). [25°C/45%]
1 like
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
28 °C
49 %
19 °C
28 °C
19 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 4
Meridian Organic Blackstrap Molasses 3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.9 mll
SUMMARY: Started late bloom nutes this week on day 69. Still no issues with her and she's taking 1.8-2L per day and giving around 30% runoff on average. Just hoping all the buds fatten up as there aren't many. DAY 65 ----------- Sunday 7th March 10:45 I made 5L of mid bloom nutes with tap water and molasses at a pH of 5.8. I made 5L of late bloom nutes with tap water and molasses at a pH of 5.7. Sunday 7th March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.8L of mid bloom nutes which produced 300ml runoff (17%). [27°C/49%] DAY 66 ----------- Monday 8th March 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of mid bloom nutes which produced 710ml runoff (36%). [25°C/47%] DAY 67 ----------- Tuesday 9th March 10:45 I made 5L of mid bloom nutes with tap water and molasses at a pH of 5.8. I made 5L of late bloom nutes with tap water and molasses at a pH of 5.8. Tuesday 9th March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.8L of mid bloom nutes which produced 700ml runoff (39%). [25°C/51%] DAY 68 ----------- Wednesday 10th March 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of mid bloom nutes which produced 600ml runoff (30%). [27°C/54%] DAY 69 ----------- Thursday 11th March 11:00 I made 20L of late bloom nutes with rain water and molasses. 5L at 5.7, 5L at 5.8, 5L at 5.9, and 5L at 6.2. Thursday 11th March 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of late bloom nutes which produced 700ml runoff (35%). [26°C/47%] DAY 70 ----------- Friday 12th March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.8L of late bloom nutes which produced 250ml runoff (14%). [26°C/48%] DAY 71 ----------- Saturday 13th March 19:00 I fed the NL 2L of late bloom nutes which produced 350ml runoff (18%). [26°C/48%]
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
28 °C
49 %
19 °C
28 °C
19 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 4
Meridian Organic Blackstrap Molasses 3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.9 mll
SUMMARY: She's starting to take a little less now, down to about 1.6L per day now with her giving around 30% runoff. She smells really strong and her buds are fattening up. DAY 72 ----------- Sunday 14th March 11:00 I made 15L of late bloom nutes with rainwater and molasses. 5L at 5.8, 5L at 6.0, and 5L at 6.2. Sunday 14th March 18:30 I fed the NL 2.4L of late bloom nutes which produced 900ml runoff (38%). [26°C/48%] DAY 73 ----------- Monday 15th March 11:00 I made 5L of late bloom nutes with rainwater and molasses at a pH of 6.3. Monday 15th March 18:00 I fed the NL 2.2L of late bloom nutes which produced 840ml runoff (38%). [26°C/51%] DAY 74 ----------- Tuesday 16th March 18:00 I fed the NL 2L of late bloom nutes which produced 720ml runoff (36%). [26°C/51%] DAY 75 ----------- Wednesday 17th March 18:00 I made 15L of late bloom nutes with molasses and rainwater. 5L at 5.6, 5L at 5.8, and 5L at 6.0. I fed the NL 1.8L of late bloom nutes which produced 580ml runoff (32%). [26°C/50%] DAY 76 ----------- Thursday 18th March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.6L of late bloom nutes which produced 460ml runoff (29%). [26°C/50%] DAY 77 ----------- Friday 19th March 11:15 I made 10L of late bloom nutes with molasses and rainwater. 5L at 5.8 and 5L at 6.0. Friday 19th March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.6L of late bloom nutes which produced 500ml runoff (31%). DAY 78 ----------- Saturday 20th March 20:20 I fed the NL 1.6L of late bloom nutes which produced 305ml runoff (19%). [26°C/49%]
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
46 %
19 °C
26 °C
19 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 4
Meridian Organic Blackstrap Molasses 3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.9 mll
SUMMARY: I did one last defoliation this week on day 79 removing all remaining fan leaves and any sugar leaves that were blocking any light or facing inwards. She's still on around 1.6L daily intake of late boom nutes with molasses giving around 20-30% runoff per feeding, one feeding per 24hrs. DAY 79 -------- Sunday 21st March 13:00 I defoliated her removing all remaining fan leaves and any sugar leaves that were blocking any light or facing inwards. My aim here is to expose the buds to as much direct light as possible and to remove any excess foliage to help with the flush (less stored nutrients to burn through during flush). Sunday 21st March 18:45 I fed the NL 1.6L of late bloom nutes which produced 400ml runoff (22%). [26°C/49%] DAY 80 ----------- Monday 22nd March 11:15 I made 15L of late bloom nutes with molasses and rainwater. 5L at 5.8, 5L at 6.0, and 5L at 6.2. Monday 22nd March 18:00 I fed the NL 1.6L of late bloom nutes which produced 500ml runoff (31%). [26°C/48%] DAY 81 ----------- Tuesday 23rd March 11:00 I made 15L of late bloom nutes with molasses and rainwater. 5L at 5.7, 5L at 5.8, and 5L at 6.0. Tuesday 23rd March 18:30 I fed the NL 1.6L of late bloom nutes which produced 300ml runoff (19%). DAY 82 ----------- Wednesday 24th March 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of late bloom nutes which produced 820ml runoff (41%). [26°C/48%] DAY 83 ----------- Thursday 25th March 09:30 I made 15L of late bloom nutes with molasses and rainwater. 5L at 5.7, 5L at 5.8, and 5L at 6.0. Thursday 25th March 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of late bloom nutes which produced 790ml runoff (40%). [26°C/48%] DAY 84 ----------- Friday 26th March 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of late bloom nutes which produced 790ml runoff (40%). [26°C/48%] DAY 85 ----------- Saturday 27th March 18:30 I fed the NL 2L of late bloom nutes which produced 350ml runoff (18%). [26°C/48%]
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Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
46 %
19 °C
26 °C
19 L
1 L
43.18 cm
SUMMARY: I flushed the NL with tap water straight from the hose. I’ve heard you’re supposed to flush with 3x the container volume, however that would be around 57 litres for a 5 gallon pot which seems absurd. I didn’t record the amount but I took my time and flushed with at least 30 litres. I will now continue to flush until harvest on 10th April by which point she should have faded nicely and used up any residual nutes. I read that the each time you water/irrigate you draw oxygen into the root zone and this promotes growth and in turn helps to increase yield and so I will endeavor to water her twice per day now until harvest. DAY 86 ----------- Sunday 28th March I flushed the NL with tap water straight from the hose. I’ve heard you’re supposed to flush with 3x the container volume, however that would be around 57 litres for a 5 gallon pot which seems absurd. I didn’t record the amount but I took my time and flushed with at least 30 litres.
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
46 %
19 °C
26 °C
19 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Second and final week of flush this week before she gets the chop on Saturday 10th April (Day 99 from seed and Day 69 of flower - nicccce!) She has roughly 20-25% amber trichs though hard to say. I took more macroshots but the app deleted them somehow when I was exporting them so only have 5 which don't show too many amber trichs but she's ready. She's a small chunky girl and she smells divine, loving the purple tints too.
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
4 hrs
10 °C
46 %
10 °C
10 °C
0 L
0 L
10.16 cm
Chopped on Saturday 10/04/2021 (Day 99 from seed) and went into the tent for drying at 22°C 55-60% RH. I removed any fan leaves that I could and gave her a light trim before hanging her in the tent stem by stem. Dried for 7 days total (until smaller stems snapped but didn't break) before a rough trim and then into jars for the cure. I've over-dried her which I'm surprised by considering the temp and humidity and I checked her almost daily although I removed all leaves which I have never done before and it seems that sped the process up more than I thought it would. She's stable at 48% in the jars so I stuck a boveda 62 pack to the lid to try and raise it. She smells nice though I just hope I haven't ruined her completely. Harvest details and smoke report will be up as soon as I've sampled her which will be after a 3 week cure minimum.
Week 15. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
She smells beautiful and the buds are nice and fat (though could be harder/more dense). The taste is still not too great though even after a 6 week cure but perhaps I'm expecting too much I don't know. The high is nice and quite mellow, she's not a heavy hitter at all though which is disappointing as I thought she'd be my prize bud from this grow.
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Spent 107 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
47 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Earthy, Pine, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
* 99 days from sprout to harvest (77 days of flower) * Started flowering on day 31 * 4 days germination (from planting seed to breaking soil) This run I fed her twice per day which was a change from my 1st grow in 5 gallon pots that I fed once every 48 hours. She started flowering early on at just day 31 and she was very small and stout though she ended up fattening up and producing some nice large buds. The buds weren't rocks but they were nice and dense. She had a strong, almost fruity smell throughout all of flower and the purples towards the end were beautiful. The yield was quite disappointing in the end as I had hoped for at least 56g and whilsty she smells great she's not very frosty and the high is not the strongest so she is a bit of a let down overall. I tried supplementing with Molasses as a bloom booster after reading somethings online but it did not seem to make any difference and it does seem that molasses is only beneficial in soil for the microorganisms. I also gave her a proper 2 week flush this time though it may have been for nothing as I have spoilt her somewhat by overdrying her. I dried her for 7 days at 22°C and 55-60% RH until the smaller branches snapped but not clean in half as per all online advice. It seems that 22°C is too hot for optimal drying and I would have done better had I dropped it to 18-20°C. Things I've learnt from this grow:- - You get out of coco what you put in, if you treat it like soil and irrigate once per 24/48hrs you'll do just fine...but if you treat it like hydro and feed as many times per day as possible you will get better results (fresh oxygen is brought to the roots every time you water) - 22°C is too high a temp for drying. Next time I will dry for only 5-7 days at 18°C and 60% RH and then jar (I have no idea how people are still managing 60% RH in the jar after a 2 week dry period! must be very low temps) - Whilst I do see see some slight nute burn (burnt leaf tips) from irrigating every watering as opposed to giving plain water every other watering, it definitely is optimal to irrigate every watering and makes no sense to me to give plain water ever unless flushing. - Molasses does not work as a bloom booster in coco - Dropping the evening temperature seems to add no benefit whatsoever - Better to saturate coco and just top it up regularly (I think of it like a battery and its just best to keep it charged above 70% at all times)


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Ferenccommentedweek 84 years ago
Great progress.... your garden is in bloom 😍 @rockbo47
Ferenccommented4 years ago
@rockbo47, I wish you could share it lol :)
rockbo47commented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you, exciting times! The smell when I open the tent is beautiful 🙏
homerjgangiacommentedweek 44 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Ferenccommentedweek 04 years ago
Good Luck! @rockbo47
ThePassionForWeed420commentedweek 154 years ago
Buona coltivazione e felice crescita amico 👏 👏
rockbo47commented4 years ago
@@ThePassionForWeed420, Thank you friend, its such a beautiful and fulfilling hobby
livetogrowgrowtolivecommentedweek 24 years ago
Amazing genetics, good luck!🌵👌
rockbo47commented4 years ago
@livetogrowgrowtolive, oh sweet, I'm even more excited now! thanks man
DreamITcommentedweek 64 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 👊🍀🤠
Mevoncommentedweek 144 years ago
Those buds looks so good 😍
Mevoncommented4 years ago
@rockbo47, nice. Can't wait to see the end results
rockbo47commented4 years ago
@Mevon, thanks man I'm really pleased with their density as all my other grows have produced quite airy/larfy buds. They're currently on their 6th day of drying and it feels like an eternity haha
OrganicNature420commentedweek 154 years ago
Looking good 👍🏻🌱🍁❤️
Cannabeast40commentedweek 154 years ago
Happy harvest & good smoking 🙏😎
rockbo47commented4 years ago
@Cannabeast40, Thank you friend
Fast_Budscommentedweek 144 years ago
Hey there, Well done on your grow. We hope you have enjoyed growing our genetics !! Keep up the good work! Happy harvest!!!🌾
ZoobZoob_farmZcommentedweek 154 years ago
beau travail!!!!hésite pas si ta 5 min a jeter un coup d'œil a mes journaux et si tu le veux laisser ton commentaire ? bon jardinage a toi peace
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