Chopped on Saturday 10/04/2021 (Day 99 from seed) and went into the tent for drying at 22°C 55-60% RH. I removed any fan leaves that I could and gave her a light trim before hanging her in the tent stem by stem.
Dried for 7 days total (until smaller stems snapped but didn't break) before a rough trim and then into jars for the cure. I've over-dried her which I'm surprised by considering the temp and humidity and I checked her almost daily although I removed all leaves which I have never done before and it seems that sped the process up more than I thought it would. She's stable at 48% in the jars so I stuck a boveda 62 pack to the lid to try and raise it. She smells nice though I just hope I haven't ruined her completely.
Harvest details and smoke report will be up as soon as I've sampled her which will be after a 3 week cure minimum.
@Mevon, thanks man I'm really pleased with their density as all my other grows have produced quite airy/larfy buds. They're currently on their 6th day of drying and it feels like an eternity haha