Like cannabis plants, she has four jagged leaves, whose length would be about five centimeters. Her leaves look green and healthy. Her stem does not look thicker than that of the last week. No fertilizer is employed. The tent temperature is kept 20 degrees. Watering is performed once every 48 hours.
I plan to feed some fertilizer next week. In the last grow fertilizers does not seem effective for it is too dense, so I try to keep the amount much smaller. I think of Dutch Formula series, but your suggestion for another option will be appreciated.
These days I enjoy eating edibles. They are really tasty with a cannabis-infused cooking oil. They make my body and heart warmer even in a cold day. Cooking with the oil is a greatest entertainment in my life under the lockdown since it makes me feel like feeding my mind and curing depression.
"Cuisine is when things taste like themselves."
In the city of New Leningrad, 2021-01-24.
Somehow I missed you started your second grow. I thought by being a follower it would notify me automatically.
Good luck!
I wish I had some advice to give with regards to the lighter color... but I am also new to this hobby and the knowledge that I have gained thus far is only with Coco and not with soil.