She surprises me every time I look at her astonishing growth. Her largest stem is thicker and longer than that of the last week. Although the size of her leaves are almost the same as the last week, her flowers are apparently larger and more glamorous. Her roots are appearing on the soil bed, showing her surprising growth under the ground. She looks healthy as a whole.
Now I feed her as much nutrients as possible. To avoid nitrogen lockout, only phosphorus and micro elements are fed. Flushing chemicals will be started in two or three weeks.
"Plants and Animals require phosphorus for their survival."
In the city of New Leningrad, 2021-03-16.
Somehow I missed you started your second grow. I thought by being a follower it would notify me automatically.
Good luck!
I wish I had some advice to give with regards to the lighter color... but I am also new to this hobby and the knowledge that I have gained thus far is only with Coco and not with soil.