Lots of work this week on keeping up on training this week, buts it’s going well!
I split a fork when tying her down but the duct tape fix worked great and she didn’t exhibit any stress from it surprisingly :)
Each day I tighten the bindings and then defoliate about every other or 3rd day.
I keep doing 2 feeds to 1 yucca flush. She now uses 3 gallons to get my saturation and 20% runoff, about every 3 days.
When I yucca flush I also foliar feed her to keep things flowing, roughly 1/8-1/4 strength of my food dosage. Foliar feed mix is yucca, kelp, fulvic acid, 1-0-0 Calmag+, and a 14-0-0 ominA. And I fed that every day for 3 days until I watered her again :)
Interestingly, 3 days in a row just barely began to give her N toxicity by causing a slight clawing of the mature fan leaves, but no burn in the tip, and day 4 she was flat out again :) so it was right at the edge of useable nutrients IMO.
The netting is coming along nicely, lots of weaving going on, refilling the center and spreading the mains out to the corners of the tent.
Tried 2 different cloning techniques, one placing them into the peat pellets from Walmart with rooting powder, and the other is a Tupperware container filled with a PH’d weak nutrient solution, and sticking the stalks through the lid into the water.
Both techniques have produced roots, peat took longer but are stronger specimens. Tupperware seemed to shock them less but roots are tiny little nodules.
Thanks for stopping by and checking things out :)
@TheCode, I am working on that! I would have been able to cut 2 weeks off this one at a minimum but I had to leave town for 2 weeks right here at the end :(
I do believe I can get that much spread in much less time tho :) gonna put the net on sooner. I made this one and procrastinated a lot lol
Thanks for the motivation!