Hey Everyone 👋 thanks for stopping by and showing my Monster Mash Auto by @Exotic_Seed.
Well another week has come and gone, this little Monsta is starting to pick up the pace real quick!
As you can see in the pictures that this girl is Happy and took to her transplant very well. Now I have went and bought a 1.5 litres water and transformed it into a nice growing pot for this girl. The outlet stands about a foot high and skinny like a torpedo. Im hoping this will work well for the roots being on the taller side. I have also rapped the bottle in Aluminum tape to hide the roots from getting any sunlight 🌞
So far so good with the Monster Mash Auto 👹 another 3 weeks and this girl will be in full Flower Power Mode regardless of light schedule. I will be keeping her at 18-6 for the rest of her cycle! Having read these times are best for the production of this girl! Well I hope all goes well and I grow a beauty for my growmies to see and then hopefully you can enjoy for yourselves! 💯 thats my main goal with @Exotic_Seed, to show the rest of the world that we have Top Notch Genetics and take Pride in what we do!
Well tha ks for stopping by again and showing my Monster Mash Auto Grow support! I truly love this community and it keeps getting better by the day! Until next week growmies! Stay Safe and Lit! 🌱🔥🤤
I'm still experimenting with photoperiods😏
but I love my autos😍, just pulled 105grams (3.7 oz) dry in 70 days
from my auto U.K cheese #1, biggest weight so far, previously
I pulled 3.4 oz from a lambs breath auto and 3 oz from a candy cane💪
U.K cheese #2 is still growing and I think I might surpass 4 oz😝
Yeah, now I got it, but I think the germination rate might very close to the Ziplock with a paper towel.
I really want to see this genetics growing by someone that knows what is doing tho. Would you say she is your ´´best´´ auto genetic?
Peace man ✌️
Very nice keep up the amazing progress. I use organic soil also and i'm totally with you. Keep up the amazing progress. Thanks again for everything. I see your grand master now congrats.