This plant is doing well. I am pretty happy with it. It has gotten tall which is because I did no LST... the stalk got hard really early. I did not feel comfortable trying to bend her over. Lol
This plant is doing well. I am pretty happy with it. It has gotten tall which is because I did no LST... the stalk got hard really early. I did not feel comfortable trying to bend her over. Lol
Also, if you use garden sand and layer the top of the soil with it, it stops green fly and other gnats as they lay their eggs in the soil and hate the sandy soil. Solved the problem on two different grows for me.
In my last grow my wife had a sick house plant that we thought need more light... turned out that her plant had gnats. I ended up tossing some plants. I sprinkle soil with diatomaceous earth and spray the soil here and there with neem oil. No problems with pests on this grow. Outside of my one gnat problem, no other issues in prior grows. I use a pricey super soil called Kryptonite, would definitely recommend.
I did the plant organically. Only used molasses and worm castings but yes, nothing was added other than water for the last couple weeks.