Well on day six leading into day 7 I took down the braces because they seemed sturdy and they were too short for their current height. Just added the VS1000. Started them both at 100% 24 inches away assuming it would be way too much. Came back to a fallen lady and even more stretched plant to kick off a full week. Put braces back up, watering with dechlorinated/oxygenated water ph to 6.5. Called a much more experienced friend I should have asked for help with originally. He believes they weren't getting enough blue light, also recommended SLF-100, Primordial Solutions Sea Green and Rootamentary. Was able to get the slf-100 asap. The rest will have to wait until week 2. Absolute amazing gains with the slf-100. Don't ask me how it works. It just does. At this point I have the light down to 18" cranked. Vertical growth slowed down at that point. Also got the inkbird for rh and decent temp/rh sensors. Watering just enough to wet the tops every other day and a full watering till run off with the slf-100. Temps and RH dialed decent now. 75-77ish during the day, pegged at 65 at night.
@HashCakes, also teas are more fast acting top dress still has to works it's way to the roots I've learned the hard way but I was in 2 gal with kind soil