As my 1st attempt with these 10 bulldog seeds the only trouble I had was my light timer and I found heat forced me to get a dehumidifier due to a crazy few weeks of hot hot 🔥 weather but she stayed strong and my learning curve is not to dry as quickly as I did
Again couldn't see what this essentially important nute brought until it can to emptying the pots but shit did this give my ladies a root network that a sat nav couldn't guide you through 🤣
This harvest was a head scratch at the beginning from when the ladies should have flipped anyway u all know I had timer probs so I'm not gonna beat down bout that but shit when my ladies flipped I had them all at the same stage which left me short of space for the cut but I managed and things were good as an end result
Trimming took a long time but was worth every second
18/6 for 49 weeks with water, water ,feed not really any cal/mag issues I kept an eye on my E.C levels and with these being my 1st grow I was extra careful and took notes the whole way through
Realising that these ladies are not hard to grow and are very resistant and resilience was fantastic which made me see I didn't need to be overly fussy with them
Went down to 12/12 with my lights and they just kept on giving and kept up the bulking
Onto flower and I worried that leaving too long I would get nothing and cutting too soon would give me nothing so patience was the key and I'm very happy with high I'm experiencing I'm not couch locked when just having a puff which meant I could carry on with my job and to get that extra high in the evenings I just smoked as normal
I must admit that the high from this reminds me of when bud took over from the old solid and that haze feeling brought back many memories
All in all a grow I enjoyed and my only difficulty was the timers problem solved outcome a happy green fingered learner onto their next adventure 😀
Any advice much appreciated please fellow G.D 1st grow this is in soil and things look fine but to myself should this how they should be at this stage with autos thanks again 😀
Wow! I really enjoyed visiting ur journals! Great work, I hope you’ll get a healthy grow with the best results and some delicious buds at the end. Keep on doing ur thing.
I will drop by some times to see your progress on ur grows! Happy growing and feel free to drop by anytime to say hello! Have a good day 😁🥦