1. One week to go before the flip!
2. AK is still the shortest in the group. I've defoliated all the inner nodes and leaves in order to open up the plant. I've had to do this once a week as she grows like crazy.
3. I started using these cool little LST devices. They have limited functionality, but they work perfectly for my 2 top nodes. I don't want to train those branches all that much, so these clips bend the branches just enough to create my canopy.
3. The day after these pictures were taken, I completely defoliated all the sugar leaves that were blocking bud sites, or facing inward. I also lollipopped the plant to create a better canopy.
4. I'm thinking of flipping the tent on Friday. I usually defoliate heavily, wait for 3 nodes to grow on the bud sites then flip to flower.