really explosive growth for week two . I was away at the start but I could see the camera and take pictures . little to humid under the dome leaves all yellowed but dam did this girl photoperiod Citrus Skunk shoot up . I have been experimenting to find a good way to grow roots on my autos and not start in a large pot . why the coco pot DWC and Clonex and Vitathrive . the thought was that the water would soften the coco pot . letting more roots out easier , I had tried them before and found they restricted the root growth of my Autos to much . this time I have really good roots out the side and bottom . on day 10 I replaced the water with a full expert regime of General Hydroponics as well as a lot of additives not from GH listed above . I used a week one GH chart mixed at 25 % to not hurt the Autos in with it . on day 12 I used a mix of Diamond Nectar , Floralicous plus , Clonex and Vitathrive as transplant food PH was 6 naturally so did not adjust . I live in Canada so can not purchase Armor Si so I use Other Silica this grow is Rhino Skin so far . other then the very start and start of bud I substitute Clonex for Rapid Start as it is the same thing just better , if read ingredients . I do like to mix the two at the start of Veg , or just use Rapid Start for start of budding phase as it is a little different barley and cost 100 x more .