Planted seed directly in substrate on 12/30/2020. No nutrients were used from 12/30/2020 thru 1/3/2021. No measurements taken. All water was rested to let chlorine evaporate. Used spray bottle to spritz the coco until top was moist. Watered 4-6 times a day, ~6 sprays per watering.
1/3/21 - Added humidifier to the room. It's on the lowest setting. Maintains ~68% humidity in the tent. Turned on the exhaust fan to keep moisture from building up. Will turn on the circulating fan once the plants have stronger main stem.
1/4/21 - Added a small amount of nutrients. I am using a 16 oz spray bottle, so I divided the manufacturer recommendations by 8 and added that to the spray bottle (.625ml Kelp and Cal-Mag, 1.875 ml of big bloom).
1/5/21 - Increased humidifier output due to humidity being around 45% in the morning (tent was closed for ~7hrs). Plants grew about half inch each in 15 hrs. Added a small circulating fan to the tent, lowest setting.
1/6/21 - Added in General Organics BioThrive Grow to the feed water. Chempie is measuring at 2.25 inches. Main branch is sturdy.
1/8/21 - Growth is still good and steady. Not much has changed otherwise.
1/11/21 - Still not much change. New growth is more visible today than last two. Hopefully I see some action this week and move this into veg.
Lessons Learned/Things to avoid next time:
1A - Don’t transplant too early. Shocked the seedling too much and stalled growth for 1.5 weeks. Let roots get more established next time.
1B - Plant seed directly in substrate in 7 gallon grow bag or move from solo cup to slightly larger container (maybe 1 gallon), then transplant again. Multiple transplants may add a week into veg overall if transplant timing is right.
@noshoesguy, she starts week 9 of flower tomorrow. I gave my spare phone away and I was using that for photos. I only have pics through week 5 or 6 of flower. I need to update a lot