Apologies for not updating last week. She is the last girl left in the tent so I decided to get some canes and spread her out to the extents of the tent.
She is progressing, the hairs are turning but have not gone very dark yet. Still some 'new' white hairs around. I have not even looked at the trichomes yet, the flowers look quite airy at this stage.
As there are no other diaries of this strain I'm flying by the seat of my pants here 😂 I'm thinking at least another 3 weeks left..
@wygorilla, Thats great!! I would seriously consider FIMing her to try and keep the height down! She is the tallest plant I've ever grown. If I grow it again I will for sure do it.
Also be prepared for a long wait. She is flowering very slowly for me.
@JerMeds, I am trying to get some Sativas in my life next time round so will look at the other seeds Doc has.
My meda is coco with a little bit of perlite in a 40 litre airpot.
Sorry to hear it dude... that said, it takes a grower with a stash to be able to give away a another stash lol. Chin up homie! A good yield regardless. 👍👊👍
@TheBudWhisperer, Thanks dude. I hadn't thought of it like that...... If it was my only strain I had in 'stock' then I guess I would be keeping it. It would be better than nothing 😂
BUT, had these colas been dense and a few more trichomes honestly it would have been an easy 8oz plant. I threw two colas away! One had wind burn, one had too many hairs 😂
The main thing is I learned something 😉 and will keep that in my memory bank for use in the future.
All the best buddy!! 👌👍
If you want some informed support for your hypothesis then here it is dude. When it comes to autos and their short life cycle, I’d go 20/4 vs. Anything else. I’ve tried it at 18/6 and results are good. 12/12 and the results were somewhat less. With autos I’ve found the more light the better for sure. Either way best of luck with the harvest! 👍👊👍
@Dunk_Junk, yeah dude, couldn’t agree more. Guess the only concern is prolonged light exposure and burning from that. Dealt with that a bit on an 18/6 cycle but it coulda also been nute burn. This is why I like growing photos more these days. Longer to harvest but generally easier on the plants. Good luck with the chop - watching for updates. 👍👊
@TheBudWhisperer, Thank you dude. I have grown autos for quite a long time now with the lights on 24h straight from seed. I've not had a problem before, grown a few different breeders' plants. This is the only one that's had problems with that light regime. I think doing autos 20/4 is a bit of an insurance policy against funny stuff happening 😋.
I am in agreement that the more light you give them the better the plant which led me to 24h, BUT I didn't factor in weak genetics......
Anyhow, as long as we're all still learning and sharing that knowledge for other people to benefit from it's all good.