Well, my next experiment in veg is a very lazy scrog setup. I have plans for a better one and was thinking about setting it up - no grand plans or anything, just a nice enough basic one - but then I got lazy and remembered that I had some spring clamps. So, I guess I'll see if that actually holds up. My extremely slow veg is finally wearing on me. I'm just gonna let the screen fill up if it will and if not, whatever.
The plants look nice. I don't think I'd recreate too much about what I did in veg on this grow, but it's been fun and I think I learned some things about working with the plants for training. Definitely feel back in the swing of growing at this point.
I still need to figure out how much water these monster 7 gal pots take. I gave them about 4-5 gal total, which is less than expected. They're definitely kinda small for the pots still, so I'll have to be patient with that. At least I don't have water very often right now.