DAY 15: When I pulled the plugs out of the tray I couldn't believe how long the roots were. They had crawled so far through the hole in the bottom of the plug tray, that I had to take a step away from it with the plant in my hand to fully get it all out. Like twice the length of a spaghetti noodle. Perhaps a sign that they've been ready to be transplanted for some time. We'll see how they like their new homes.
DAY 19: Growth has slowed-down noticeably after transplanting. But they seem to be adjusting fine-- no signs of any deficiencies. Having gotten used to how quickly my other plants consume water, it took me by surprise to see the dirt still wet when I went to water them. Like having to remember how to handle a baby once your first kid becomes a toddler. (I have no kids btw). I'm about to transplant my experiment plants into 5-gallon pots, so I can totally fuck that up, learn from the mistakes, and allow these little babies a fighting chance against my not-so-green-thumb lol
DAY 21: Whelp this is getting a bit repetitive-- Things are going well. I am going to start only updating once a week, or mid-week if something interesting happens. But for now; steady as she goes.
@EeyoreTheHomie,. I'm glad to see it man!! Very exciting, glad you took the clone. I think that's probably you're best route.
Good to know that it can take most of what's thrown at it now lol. The clone should have a great very excited to see how it turns out for you!!
@avid_grow, You were right! It's a girl. I can't believe it, I've been hating on this plant for months haha.
Rather than reverting to veg, I'm trying to clone it, and give that plant a better life lol. Either way, we shall see how this bud comes out!
@EeyoreTheHomie, from the pics and video I think you might have a girl...but I'd give it another couple of days to see for sure. I'd say about half way into your second week you should know for certain and can take the appropriate measures.
It's possible you've got a herm but another couple of days and you should know for certain.