This time start was pretty bad. See photos above.
First of all, as I live in a country with super small apartments I had to switch from 80cm box to 60. and new brand soil (not a popular one). previously I used only CANNA terra - zero problems.
I have also changed lights from 5 years old Chinese LEd to custom quantum boards + I bought flower booster pannel.
The first plant looked super weak and on the third day, it just stopped to grow and become "sad" (second photo).
Apparently, this is too hot for them, cause as soon as I fixed the temperature it looked ok. more or less.
So, all in all, today is the 10th day.
i give big girl around 200-300ml per day water around the pot. + PFF PFF water before sleep. others are still under caps with PFF PFF water)))
ps probably I will need a web later. scrog might be good here.
@yokotasan, well it's only the beginning, there's still plenty of time to fix the issues.
Hopefully someone more experienced than me might be able to help you in the comments ✊