I've decided to come back to the site, so here's my current grow. All works out, since this is a pretty new grow, but I'm not trying for any contests or anything. As such, this will be written for my information and thoughts, as I will be working on a grow tracking app within the next few weeks.
Transplanted the plants from solo cups into final containers: 7 gallon fabric pots. So far, there is no sign of transplant shock. I was very careful to avoid it, but we'll see if any of them are unhappy later on. And even though there is not really a place to put this, but my medium is Bush Doctor's Coco Loco. I've had great results with this mix. Normally, I amend it with Plant Success Mycorrhizae granules, but my local shop was out of stock, so I'm trying the soluble mixture. Just the one application should inoculate the medium I hope.
Raspberry Cough:
These are the strongest plants in the tent so far. They both came up the same day, and are both growing quickly.
Sour Diesel:
I was a little worried, because when Lunasa was only in her Solo cup a few days, she was knocked over and out of the cup. Thankfully I was able to react quickly and gently, and she didn't die from the stress. Still the smaller of the two, since the shock just had her freeze a few days.
Lemon Cheese:
Starting to speed up in growth. Those thin Sativa leaves right away are a refreshing change, and completely unsurprising. I got this as a freebie, but I'm definitely excited.
Looking sooo good. I also want to transplant to my AutoPotXL but don´t know if it is too early..
At which day or week did you do the transplanting?
Thanks for any help..