High GD community,
Week 11,
All seemed to go well, but this week, what looked like a few leafs curling up with brown tips. Now all plants show similar leafs from bottom up. Top leafs show black dots and are allready in reddish tones while its only 4 week of bloom.
All 3 strains got the same symptomes, so it has to be a growersproblem, not a plantproblem.
Feeding 2 times, rest of the week ph water.
Thats it for this week boys and girls,
Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top!
Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks!
Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏
LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!!
Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽
Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
I had some severe blockage, thats why they look that way, 😔, but they seem to recover. Its in the back of the tent and i cant get to it easely to time some if those awefull leafs.