Mazar is an interesting lady, her form is beautiful but we do hope to see her bulk up in the next few weeks and we pray for a nice fall. Once again we gave a treatment of the Epsom salts as well as the flavonator, rock hard, Mbx and some seaweed. The garden has had some more heavy rains to deal with but so far Mazar is hanging on. We will have to give this girl a good treatment with peroxide, natural dish soap and water with a high Ph to try and rid her of the powdery mildew that is starting, followed by a very good rinse. For now that is our only issue besides the many dainty leaves that seem to wilt and hide in her blossoms which are both important issues to manage. For us, if we see a certain problem with a plants susceptibility we will not grow it again. At least not outdoors because Mother Nature is unpredictable and she is in charge.
@CannabisCultivate, although in theory Kush's strains should be extremely resilient plants in real life these plant for one reason or another they always have some small problems, even though the grower is good experienced. Keep it up