--day 33 sexpot under VIPARSPECTRA XS1000+2000 combo ,most of them i defoliated because of the huuuge fan leafs (almost as big as the XS1000 board) they are starting to drink crazy ammounts of water
plants are hungry AF and started to canibalize a bit but i will up the BERKANA a bit and they will not have any problems,they have all the time they need to veg and for me to train them acordingly 💪
got a chance to get a TEMPSTICK and test it out in my tent and i can say this gives me less worries having a history of VPD readings ,kudos!
follow the links bellow 👇
use discount code : BlacklistedGD for 5% off your purchaes
www.druidnutrients.com -- for BERKANA all-in-one component
https://tempstick.com/ -- for WIFI monitoring system