Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

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121 Photos participating
2 years ago

April brings lots of new life, let's see if it brings some funny fresh memes as well!

We would like to request that you enter new content each month. While we're sure you put some thought into your memes, it's best if you don't re enter them in consecutive contests. get creative and see what else you can come up with!

We will be moderating entries to eliminate any memes which we consider inappropriate or hateful to any group. We reserve the right to use all content posted to this content on our Social Media Platforms while giving full credit to the creator.



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Anonymous_2022commented2 years ago
Good luck Growmies 🤞
Professor_Chaoscommented2 years ago
I recently deactivated facebook.. ive got quite the meme collection still.. most of them would probably get taken down.. but these were the best I could come up with 🤣😂 good luck, everybody!
Professor_Chaoscommented2 years ago
@Mining_green, Thank you! 🙏 the work one is my favorite. And the makin out one, of course. It took me forever to come up with the lines for that one cuz I kept getting distracted 🤣😂
Mining_greencommented2 years ago
@Professor_Chaos you have some funny ones
Professor_Chaoscommented2 years ago
@MrHightimes, Thank you! I knew holding onto the old memes would come in handy 🤣 glad I didn't dump them yet.
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m0usecommented2 years ago
If you are all experiencing weird bans this seems to help.... The bans are not a true 7hrs but seem to be part of the new anti-spam filters Growdiaries initiated giving the trolls in the GOTM contest. Start off by refreshing the page or reloading your chat that ban triggered in. Do not post any links or URL's in full if they contain a . com suffix, space things out to avoid the filter, eg, "www. something. com" .co .ca and .org or .net do not seem to be affected?? Do not post any numbers and letter with a decimal/period with out spacing it out, eg "2. 0EC" Do not post any swears or racist slang, not always enforced. Use of special charters like { * & % } can trigger it sometimes, use them as little as possible and separate them by spaces if next to numbers or letters. Workarounds: use commas and colons in place of decimal points/periods. [ : , ] not likely to flag the anti-spam filter. Good Luck!
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@m0use, this antispam doesn't work very well if they ban who using special charters or so 😥 Thanks for this clarification, I didn't understand why it was blocking me some messages
MrHightimescommented2 years ago
i love the creative process!!! 🤔
Professor_Chaoscommented2 years ago
@MrHightimes, The DK one is awesome! 🤣😂
Bougacommented2 years ago
☺️ Good luck everyone ! 🍀🤟🏽
Reydencommented2 years ago
Ehi quanti meme interessanti 😏 questo mese ci sono anche io! 😎🙏😆💚👌
BarneyRumble420commented2 years ago
Good luck to everyone 🤙🙌🙌 some good ones already 😂
m0usecommented2 years ago
One of them is funny...
m0usecommented2 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, voters have no idea how many other options there are and they could have been in the top 8 if they where given then chance. legit just show em in groups of 3 per story or 5-10 memes in a group every Sunday at noon on the hour and repeat till you show em all, one win in every group, make finals from the winners, most votes and highest ratio determines 1st 2nd 3rd, multiple entries under the same profile all go into the same group. max 2 memes per user, any and all alt accounts will cause the main account to be banned from any contest for 1yr and all prizes forfeit. Done, just solved it.
GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@m0use, One more than I found. At least the meme that's literally just a question and answer, not even a funny one, didn't make it into placing. However, losing to that absolute drivel shows how unintelligent the voters clearly are.
Growyourownathome2x2commented2 years ago
What’s up can anyone tell me is there a 420 fastbuds meme contest every month ?
Growyourownathome2x2commented2 years ago
@Mining_green,sound man I just noticed it there, thanks 🍁
Mining_greencommented2 years ago
@Growyourownathome2x2, only been here since nov but so far yes. may has one started in contest page
Mining_greencommented2 years ago
Can you remove just one meme or will all disapear and can you rejoin if you do i accidentally added 1 or 2 accidentally
m0usecommented2 years ago
@Mining_green, just remove the image "meme" from the diary it is in. and it will remove it from this contest. don't hit withdraw on this page or all the memes will be gone.
GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@Mining_green, I believe it will be removed entirely, and yes you can repost them. At least, you should be able to. I have in other contests when I've selected the wrong photo, and I don't think they would have changed that.
IQuSXcommented2 years ago
Work in progress (c)
Selkotcommented2 years ago
GL buddies 🙂