The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Multiple entries allowed
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

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57 Photos participating
7 months ago

Happy July! The summer is hot, let's make this month's meme contest even hotter!



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m0usecommented8 months ago
Just a FYI: I asked my friends to vote for me and it did jack all last moth. I don't think anyone asking their friends to vote for them will alter the totals in the slightest unless your friend group is hundreds to thousands of users large. I think about 10-30 people helped me out and it did not alter the score by even 1% and I need aorund 15% to tip the scales I think. FastBuds has many followers on their insta page, around 23,300 users, even if only 30% of them voted, and its likely larger then 30% but that's 6,990 votes. If the vote totals where 50/50 that's 3,495 votes for each meme. 1% is aorund 34.95 or 35 votes. So to influence the vote by just 5% you would need an estimated 175 users to vote for you based off of 30% voter turn out. This statistic has a few massive flaws, voter turnout could be much higher then 30% and its not limited to users who follow their account. So in short if your in the top 8 end of month. Ask your friends to vote for you. Its not likely to impact anything at all. Unless you have a massive following then maybe don't lol.
Nicogreencommented7 months ago
@Hashy, du kan få lov til følge mig for 79mil.dollar. Om året så stemmer jeg på dig
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Nicogreencommented7 months ago
@m0use, præcis jeg stemmer på en hver gang der stemmer på mig hver gang. Det gør jo heller ikke en skid forskel. Stop med at hate. Og ryg en freds pibe godt med auto opium i og så en ordentlig glat ren nytrukket nol af gorilla glue x4, og lige lidt ryst fra en Black Libanon. 😉 Så vi alle sammen kan være her og hjælpe hinanden som siden er skabt til og for. 😉 👍🏼 Happy vins happy life. 😉 Best regarts Nicogreen 💚 😇 good summer out there. 😉
Hashycommented8 months ago
@Cameltoe, I was thinking more along the lines of 33% for you the rest for me. As if I'd win it. 🤣
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m0usecommented7 months ago
Memes are up for vote. @KushClicks vs @ChitownCannaChica @PenguPoop vs @Mo_Powers @m0use vs @BudBeezy @SmokingTiki vs @Fizwig Be sure to check out their Instagram too vote & see vote totals 2nd round will be the winners from the first round against each other. 2v2 3rd round will be two winners from 2nd round for 1st and 2nd place, both losing memes fight for 3rd Their seems to be some comical relief in the voting system, Last month the one user I was calling out for having a bunch of fakes diaries turned out to be me vs them in the voting, and this month the one user who bumped heads with another last month is also 1 vs 1. BAHAHA I do like how they do this, can't just be random. Gold!! Good Luck!
Nicogreencommented7 months ago
@m0use, No No No more me crap! ❤️ 1000 💚
BudBeezycommented7 months ago
@m0use, I wish you the best of luck 🍀May the better one win🙏
00110001001001111Ocommented8 months ago
Fast bud flowers may follow the sun, but michael jackson leans toward any child under 10.
m0usecommented8 months ago
@00110001001001111O, bahhahaha is he really a "Bad" & "Dangerous" person? I think of him as a "Smooth Criminal" "In The Closet" where "Love Never Felt So Good" kinda guy, guess he could just "beat it" to the "Man In The Mirror" about the same diffrence.
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Fizwigcommented8 months ago
Good luck folks! 🙏
m0usecommented8 months ago
@fast_buds, a month or so ago you said money can be transferred via PayPal. In the email from last contest it said wire transfer was the only option at this time. Was their a reason papal was removed as a payment? Or what other options exist for calming the prize money? Posted here for everyone else if they have the same question so it can be referenced later.
Fast_Budscommented7 months ago
@Cameltoe, Unfortunately we aren't offering PayPal anymore. It's a longer process and often gets delayed for far too long, so we decided to limit transfers to bank transfers only for the time being.
m0usecommented8 months ago
@Cameltoe, Yea i have heard it is an option but the most resent email from them said it is only bank transfer at this time. and no official word from them yet, wonder if its a way to cut back on trolls. It made it into my partners account just fine, Had a small wire transfer fee for whatever reasion. apparently my banks a cunt and does not want me to get "something for nothing". Starcraft throwback.
Fizwigcommented8 months ago
Still havent gotten prize from previous contest 😥 (won shared 3rd)
m0usecommented7 months ago
@Fizwig, they should have reached out via email. and asked for your banking information. I got mine 2nd place. Maybe send them a DM or email the info contact on their main webpage. If you gave them your info and no deposit it might not have worked or the wrong info was sent.
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Mikeydon_11commented8 months ago
What if we have a mix pack
Fast_Budscommented8 months ago
@Mikeydon_11, The create a diary under 'Mix Pack Auto'
PenguPoopcommented7 months ago
Good luck everyone "May the force be with you"