Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

-Summer themed photos only, beach, pool, BBQ, etc.
-Photos must include your Fast Buds plant or Buds (joints don't count)
-If it doesn’t represent summer in some way, it doesn’t qualify!
-Fast Buds Strains Only 3 photos per strain

Summer Buds 2022

Shipped by Sponsors
70 Photos participating
2 years ago

This summer has been HOT! Let’s cool down or turn up the heat even more with this year’s summer buds contest! We want to see your Fast Buds together with a summer theme, whether that means grabbing your bikini or swim trunks and posing with your babes, or creating a summer-style environment for them alone, the choice is yours!

Have fun and be creative, We will choose the top 3 winners at the end of summer!

Disclaimer: We will be moderating and removing any photos which do not follow the rules and/or are deemed inappropriate to the rules. Fast Buds also reserves the right to use any entries on Social Media Platforms, giving full credit to the creator.



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m0usecommented3 years ago
Lets see some sock stuffed speedo's gentlemen. If there going to be tits and ass I want some bulge and stache as well! Good Luck To Everyone!
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m0usecommented3 years ago
Lets see some sock stuffed speedo's gentlemen. If there going to be tits and ass I want some bulge and stache as well! Good Luck To Everyone!
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Drgreen13, glad someone found it funny like I did. :D
Drgreen13commented3 years ago
@m0use,had me in stitches this did bro.
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented3 years ago
@m0use, ahahahaha i hope not! please noooooo!!
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
Hello everyone, I have contacted everyone in a group chat, but in case you've missed it, your entries will need to be re uploaded as the contest was created incorrectly. The photo MUST be from a Fast Buds diary, of a Fast Buds strain. Please re enter your entries, there is plenty of time!
Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds,merci pour les cadeaux que je viens de recevoir mais par contre je n ai pas eu les chaussettes, le mug, les feuilles à rouler ni le stasch jar mais merci quand meme
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
Hey y'all! Please have another look at the rules before joining the contest, we have removed all photos which did not comply. A summer theme needs to be very clear in your photos to be entered =) Good luck!
Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
@m0use, tous le monde pouvais mettre 3 photos (lire les règles sa aide souvent;)
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, thanks its added in, how does one user add two photos while I am limited to 1??
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@m0use, Sure thing! Would love to see your entry =)
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Zurban_Poisoncommented3 years ago
It seems to me that people do not read the rules and conditions of the competition at all. and then they are indignant that they did not win. Summer theme! summer summer summer!!!
Kmikaz420commented3 years ago
@Zurban_Poison,temp mieux pour nous^^
Se7en616commented3 years ago
Can’t wait for this one!! Good luck everyone 😎 better get my creative hat on 🎩
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
LOL. So funny. I think the whole thing about it been themed was taken to a whole new level, and when ppl were thinking about it. They forgot to add some fadtbud plants, really, a pic of a BBQ and some random of a ring in the sea 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the laugh guys. Good look!! Let's hope we see some summer pics with FB or something relating to cannabis, like a bud or a leaf, something fgs. @Fast_Buds are pics like that counte??? Pics with no cannabis related products, or does it have to be FB product related with a summer theme?
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, @awfulbuddy @geomattic Yes, your Fast Buds Plants must be present in some way. We won't be counting the entries that do not include their plant, and will have them removed on a regular basis in order to make it clear the type of photos we are looking for. I have also updated the rules just to make it extra clear =)
GeOMaTTiCcommented3 years ago
@AwfulBuddy, "We want to see your Fast Buds together with a summer theme, whether that means grabbing your bikini or swim trunks and posing with your babes, or creating a summer-style environment for them alone, the choice is yours!" They literally mention they want plants included
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@AwfulBuddy, yeah, but I'm nearly sure they are asking for summer themed cannabis pics. Not pics of BBQs with no relation to weed AT ALL. But yeah, we'll c at the end. Your 2cents more than welcome. I just found it funny is all.
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Fast_Budscommented2 years ago
Congrats to the following winners! This was a fun contest. While all the entries were great, these are the ones that most showed a summer theme in our opinion! 1st: @nickeluring 2nd: @kmikaz420 3rd: @chitowncannachica
ChitownCannaChicacommented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, hit me up fast buds—- need that hoody for the cold chicago days! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😂😂😂
Fast_Budscommented2 years ago
@Kmikaz420, Congrats! We will be contacting you once Grow Diaries sends over your info!
Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds,hey trop classe félicitation au premier et la 3eme place ;) ainsi qu au gagnant de l autre concours
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m0usecommented3 years ago
Summer deck photo added, all my fast buds blackberry plants are beside the tumbling composters. If that's not summer then IDK what is. It even has a mini "pool" if you count my big ass red bucket I mix things in and store water with. Maybe I could have added a hotdog and some other shit to the picture but it has so much going on already.
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@m0use, Good luck!
Kitties_and_Colascommented3 years ago
That's so awesome! I love the other buildings in the shot 😻
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Kitties_and_Colas, thank you, it is one of my favourite things to do in the summer. each year I try out a few plants and see what does well, make notes and pick favourites. going to try and get in some milkweed for the monarchs next year. debating between swamp/rose and butterfly/orange as the varieties, both could work.
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battousainewbiecommented3 years ago
@SensimillaP Good Luck! in my opinion the creative one!
SensimillaPcommented3 years ago
@battousainewbie, Thank you🙏
Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
Aller encore 2 jours pour celui la ;) Et ensuite la torture commence encore 15 jours de plus ...noooonnn c est trop long j en fais des cheveux gris et des feuilles jaunes 😀
Drgreen13commented2 years ago
Come on people, read the god damn rules will ya.
Drgreen13commented3 years ago
Good luck all, that cover photo is what I imagine heaven to be like 💯🔥🤣😂
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented3 years ago
Time for sexy growers in boxers! lol. peeing my pants. 😂😂 If any of my growmies would ask me to pose in a fckn bikini i'd literally kill them. 😂😅 Excited to see what this is gonna be!! :plantsinbikinis:
Kmikaz420commented3 years ago
Va falloir j trouve quelque copine pour tenir mes filles ^^ je veux le hoodie fast bud et casquette !!!
OrganicNature420commented3 years ago
🤣 I bet you canna's hating that competition pic of that hit chick 🤣
OrganicNature420commented2 years ago
@MrHightimes, it's been a while bro 💚
OrganicNature420commented2 years ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud,yes bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented2 years ago
@OrganicNature420, oh I wouldn't mind a hit cock for a change! 😜 No hate whatsoever! 💚
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Drgreen13commented2 years ago
Wow, some people just don't read instructions at all do they.
Drgreen13commented2 years ago
@Chow_13, lmfaooo 💯
Chow_13commented2 years ago
@Drgreen13, nope, and they still win the contest.
NatureSolutionscommented3 years ago
🥁🥁🥁 And the winner is: The advert picture lol Halleluja let me test that specimen fastbuds
MrHightimescommented3 years ago
@NatureSolutions, lol she is fine!!!!!
MrHightimescommented3 years ago
♨️♨️♨️HOT SUMMER DAYS with FASTBUDS!♨️♨️♨️
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented3 years ago
@MrHightimes, cannot wait to see your bikini, bro! 😍
Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
Il y a vraiment quelque belles photos dans se concours je vous souhaite bonne chance à tous et mr fast bud les hivers sont rude de mon côté un hoodie serais bien venu 😀 et j attend toujours que vous rentrez des base cap histoire de me transformer en publicité vivante !!!! MERCI ENCORE A MOLLY DE FAST BUD GRACE A QUI J AI EU LES GRAINES DE SE GROW MAGNIFIQUE !!! J AI HATE DE TRAVAILLER AVEC VOUS A NOUVEAU
Legiongrowercommented3 years ago