Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

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  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month March 2024

Shipped by Sponsors
94 Growers participating
a year ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners



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Zurban_Poisoncommenteda year ago
Question for the administration. You wrote that this competition will be improved to avoid fraud. What exactly did you do for this? since I didn't notice anything new. again in first place is some unknown dude who registered 11 days ago. This competition does not have any protection against elementary fraud. there is no point in taking part in it and wasting your time. It’s not clear who wins anyway and it’s not clear for what answers to what questions. This competition is a disgrace to this website. remove it altogether if you cannot control the fairness of this competition.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Dog, they did not, they just don't load right if you reply to a comment that is open in the weblink at the time eg sites broken, its the comment="number" thing that I find messes it up and makes all the replies borken and out of order. have to view it not highlighted or in the URL. then hit reply. even then not guaranteed to work if the other person did not do the same thing. I have to hit "load more" 3 times before I see your original one despite it saying (1) in the brackets. This was in the list of fixed issues I brought up to GD in that article and called them out for it saying it was not fixed. They prob did not see my comment as the error is still very much alive and this is a perfect example of how their admins are trash. Burn it all to ground, this sites a fucking hermi and its genetics"code" is retarded** *delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. "our progress was retarded by unforeseen difficulties"* Much like Donald Trump IRL and the tool who emulates him
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@Hashy, all good my friend. I was obviously not around when that was going on and I could imagine it being frustrating for everyone involved. I appreciate it.
Hashycommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, sorry I misread his comment and it does look like it's you he's referring to you. Try not to take offence to it. I hadn't noticed you do anything at all like the person who was scamming the site, the way you answer is nothing like how the scammer worked. He probably just presumed you was the scammer coming back again to win some free seeds.
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gottagrowsometimecommenteda year ago
Hey Guys So, I'm seen so many wrong/ bad advice answers to really simple questions (they're simple to growers as they experienced these issues by doing grows, not from Google or CHAT AI Bots) and ill explain y 90% of the time you'll get wrong answers. Or led down a wrong path, and its not the machine giving a wrong answer its just they giving out data based on the theory behind the Question that's been input for their responses As for this things (searches) to give reply to your question. Your question must be related to the answer u seeking. For example. If you type whats this white stuff on a leaf on my plant: Answers: Mold, WPM etc & panic over nothing essentially, if you didn't see or notice what could be the reason, you really shouldn't ask a bot that's given pre programed answer that falls in line with the parameters of the question But if you ask. I split my solution on my plant and there's white on it. Answer: This is most likely just a residue salts/nutrient solution drying in. Or it'll give u a definitive answer more in line with ur issue. My point you need to know the basis of your Question that fits in with your problem You can't just type in whats this without giving a reason or help what you're asking to filter out the 1000s of answers. We had this a while back wit some1 calling hermie or nanner everytime they seen a bracts/calyex I'm not going to say why or what led me to bring this up, as its not 1 single person/case its a common problem wit ppl and this contest. But the end of it. I see the answers aren't given in that way on purpose. My point is just if u don't know dont answer by guesses or worse Google or AI as they need exacting points to the question that can be linked with a proper answer.
00110001001001111Ocommented10 months ago
@BudXXXs, Your comment is aging well, lol.
FuzzySnoutcommenteda year ago
@gottagrowsometime, :-) Very true. The person who lacks the knowledge selects answer he thinks is right. It's the first site I ever encountered with that kind "issue". But growing doesn't seem to be an exact science... Internet is full of contradictory advices, articles describing nutrient issues have wrong pictures, there is no strict distinction between photo and auto strain advices...
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@BudXXXs, 🤯
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LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
Since I am NEW to this site and this is my first time ever taking part in any competition here, can you go backwards in points? Went to bed last night at 11 points, woke up at 10 points?
m0usecommenteda year ago
@CULTIVATORFROG, @Hashy, One way of tracking this is by copy and pasting all the links to the questions you answer and then tallying them up. This way you can find the one that went missing, I did this one month and could not find about 1/4rd of the answers a user was awarded for and could not find a few of mine. Its also why I feel only Questions asked in that month should count. Easier to track any sus behaviours. and much easier to review Any one can ask a bunch of questions linked to a fake diary a year old then answer them and get points. Its not hard to cheat the system but its dam near impossible to get GrowDairies to do anything about it.
CULTIVATORFROGcommenteda year ago
@Hashy, la solución fue volver a participar mes siguiente. Esperando que no vuelva a suceder. Desde ese momento aprendí a no poner toda mis energías en los puntos, si no en tratar de ayudar a las personas.
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Hashycommenteda year ago
@CULTIVATORFROG, shit did it not get resolved when it happened to you, I presumed they would have sorted it out for you. Damn this contest its so messed up.
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LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
No winners? Lol
Hashycommented10 months ago
@LSchnabel, you should be able to choose. Fastbuds got notified last week for February winners and sent out emails then. So it's just a waiting game for GD to pick the winners then inform the sponsors.
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
@Hashy, I see. I got my wish list made of FastBud Strains if we can choose so hopefully this finializes soon.
Hashycommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, it takes time, sometimes it takes longer to choose the winners.
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gottagrowsometimecommented10 months ago
Have a look at their t&cs @LSchnabel, if I'm right. Any new accounts or profiles must be created before the contest month or & a completed diary.. (this is pure conjecture, not fact or I haven't heard. I just know so many ppl complain about new accounts. This contest is flooded with trolls etc. Not saying that's you. But you may fall the new rules GD rarely reply. With so many random messages. Sorry
gottagrowsometimecommented10 months ago
@Hashy, Maybe mate. He played fair. So really could be the only reason..
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
@gottagrowsometime, I did not know about this either and it was not in the rules for this contest. I guess I’ll have to try to get another month then. Thanks for all the input guys.
Hashycommented10 months ago
@gottagrowsometime, I never thought about the user signing up during a contest. I have seen the odd contest state that a user has to be signed up for a minimum of one month and have a diary through to harvest. Perhaps the contest parameters have been changed to that but they haven't stated it in the rules. But dotm for the same month has 2 winners with incomplete diaries so there is something strange going on with the selection process. @Growdiaries, there is something not right with march Gotm and Dotm winners, I think you need to have a look at it, @Lschnabel, was definitely in 1st place in Gotm.
m0usecommenteda year ago
Getting some 🍿🍿🍿 up in here :D
m0usecommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, This is mild compared to some months. @Hashy, I like all that is in the description of the contest yet in no way or form is that how anyone is chosen. its kinda like lipstick on a pig or fondant on a giant turd with a candle in it lol ... I really though they would have updated the contest rule set when they took it down for the month. I do enjoy some of the drama and how it unfolds, just gives me more insight into it all, if they took this offline for 3 months and just replaced it with a better version it would be good. But they need to put thought into it, and then also apply the win once every 3 months on all the reoccurring monthly contests. @CULTIVATORFROG, keep at it. who knows you might come in 3rd, you got Roberts and Grey_Wolf as competition. Hard to say how it will go, will be a very tight call, and then the users going head to head for 1st and 2nd will be trying to eat up any available answers as well. Don't work yourself up over it though. Easter weekend could be filled with opportunities or dead slow.
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@m0use, 👀👀. Always fun.
Hashycommenteda year ago
@m0use, Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills. Very loose rules them. People asking the questions don't even know they are voting.
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Newt_Loopcommenteda year ago
So you're not considered entered until at least 1 person picks your answer as a solution? Hopefully members come back and pick members for the solution, I see open questions from 6 years ago that the member never picked anyone for lol.
FuzzySnoutcommenteda year ago
@Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Dog, sometimes none of the answers makes sense. Once I have chosen an answer that seemed less "wrong" to me.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@Newt_Loop, Yea, sometimes a lot of the same information is tossed aorund. I try and answer it before looking at others replies then if I see any information that seems off in the replies I try and address it. Its not a perfect system, but sometimes having the same answer gives the user conformation of what the problem is. assuming it is the problem as lots of echo chamber goes on, Hell even I have been misinformed. One of the best things they could do is let the user know their is a contest linked to the question or prevent them from closing it out until 48-72 hours have past, gives others a chance to provide input. lots of googling and chat AI assisted answers. Can sometimes spot them a bit better then others.
Hashycommenteda year ago
@Newt_Loop, so many problems with this comp, that's why I always withdraw when I get points on the board. I'm not a fan of it really.
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LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
What the hell? How did I not win this? I had the most answered questions on this???
Hashycommented10 months ago
@LSchnabel, send GD a message explaining you was in 1st. Gotm is such a cursed contest which is why I always withdraw nowadays. With a bit of luck GD should sort it out.
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
@Hashy, this is not cool. I spent so much time and energy helping people that month. Even my wife was starting to get pissed and my excuse was I won’t have to spend more money on seeds if I keep going. Disappointed
Hashycommented10 months ago
@LSchnabel, I was thinking the same thing, also this months Dotm has 2 winners with incomplete diaries, I'm wondering if there has been some mistake.
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
Am I missing something with this? Just today I had three or four of my answers picked by people who have diaries… they don’t count? Then you have people going from 1 to 8 in three days when it took all month for me to get to 10? I had no clue what I was getting myself into but after reading all the comments though this it is very displeasing if people are indeed cheating the site.
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@m0use, it was edited.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, The quote as of now states the following ....I'm prepared to assist primarily with questions related to diaries.... it does not say "DESIGNED" it says "prepared" unless this was edited I don't see it, Or are you maybe using a translator and its mixing up the words?
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@iLoveGoodWeed, nice to hear. Simply put, I’ve read a lot of negative things about these contests. Having no experience in them and now knowing they have been severely abused in the past by cheaters made me suspicious when you came from out of left field and got 9 points in one day. Then your reply was I quote: My capabilities are somewhat limited in that regard. I'm DESIGNED to assist primarily with questions related to diaries because that's where I have access to the necessary information to provide accurate and helpful responses.” That phrase stated like that sounds a lot like a bot, and since everyone keeps talking about abuse of the system a bot auto generating broad answers on a site is not out of the realm of possibility. Likewise I do not know you, nor do you know me but giving the aforementioned statements, it made me wonder.
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m0usecommenteda year ago
Here's something funny. 99.9% of all new users are using the same aviator. Organize by sign up date and scroll. they all the same avatar, light blue background, red top and white collar popping out, white face and brown hair with frizzy hair at the neckline. IDK if its trolls or what. but when I try and sign up it gives me random ones not that one. Somethings Off.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, it only counts answers to questions that have diaries linked. If a user hides their diary it removes it from your accumulated total. IDK if the whole GOTM thing is fixed yet. was broken before. I also have about 10 answers but as I placed in Dec I can't compete again till April. 3 months after winning.
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@m0use, I’m new to this site and I think this whole thing is kind of off. It says I have 6 on the board and I know for a fact I have way more. I’m putting too much time into getting on here for it to be messed up.
Tmasmcommenteda year ago
Boas pessoal. Espero que esteja tudo bem por aqui. Bem na minha opinião todos deviam poder seleccionar uma resposta, pergunta só finalizada quando seleccionada por usuário. Mas todo podíamos seleccionar resposta, assim até quem precisa de ajuda tinha já uma visão da resposta mais votada.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@Tmasm, O so a vote based system in the answers on the question that was asked. Its interesting but I feel it would be exploited all the same and would needlessly complicate things with how its currently run. I think this could have purpose but with the current infrastructure its a no go.
TheUk420Showcommenteda year ago
Good luck people if i place I will withdraw before the end as I won in feb but wish the best to the other growers :)
GanjaReapercommenteda year ago
Seems like nothing changed in here. Is it worth to read it all? @m0use @gottagrowsometime @Hashy @AsNoriu
m0usecommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, Fastbuds is one of the better hosts on this platform they always have a contest running its the ones that are new and have no credibility that are questionable. With my host from Dec most of the other users have gotten their prices but I think all the ones they shipped overseas. They are pricks about it though, kinda useless TBH. but fastbuds better.
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LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@GanjaReaper, @m0use, well this isn’t what I want to hear. I’m looking forward to running two batches of these FastBud Seeds if I ever get them.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@GanjaReaper, prob not, I'm still waiting on my package from Dec GOTM, they say its stuck in the mail but its been like that for a month+ now... like it is lost and they only shipped it out in march. just a shit show.
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LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
What happens with a Tie for top spots?
m0usecommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, it will go to whoever got the last point I think? or whoever got the first point. if they are both at 6 and one user had 1 point for a day or so longer maybe them?? Its not known how they pick it. As of right now it looks like Frog is getting 3rd but yesterday it looks like wolf was getting 3rd... so it might flipflop around again. Only time will tell. Remember it will take fastbuds a good month or so before they reachout for the winnings on this.
gottagrowsometimecommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, Theres no tie If you're even. The person with the most answered Q (diary or not) is given the top
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@CULTIVATORFROG, I think I will bow out on answering for you two to have at it. Good luck
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SkunkleDamocommenteda year ago
Does anyone know what happened to February gotm? January and march up but no feb
m0usecommenteda year ago
@gottagrowsometime, Yea, I blame how the sites setup, the "update" is alive and well still, dumbasses.... It should have a big button that says link diary when ever you ask any question and a pop saying are you sure you don't want to link your diary it will help other understand you, outside of this contest its something that should happen, but the kicker is that even if they link a Diary to the Q, the stupid site does not show the diary linked to the Q and then you have to go thought their profile and find it if you want to problem solve the issue and need to reference their diary for inputs and shit. I don;t see this place getting fixed anytime soon. they going to need a whole new update to make it function well again. I only hope w/e they where trying to do in the backend is working for them as the entire roll-out has been a shit show. clearly no one has ever told them how to sandbox something in beta b4 going live.
gottagrowsometimecommenteda year ago
@m0use, The whole system is messed up. 90% of the Q use to come from new users and about 50% or so had linked Diaries. But now its maybe 1 out of every 50 asked Q has a linked diary.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@SkunkleDamo, They took a break in Feb to work on the contest. fixing stuff in the back-end I think. It looks to be doing ok from what I can tell. Some questions about it but over all ok?? They made a note about it in Feb DOTM. why not on GOTM jan IDK. this is what it consisted of. GrowDiaries wrote: Considering the remaining number of technical errors in the Grow Question section, it was decided to suspend the "Grower of the Month" contest during February. It is planned to completely resolve the problems by March, at which time the competition is scheduled to resume. If you encounter problems with the questions, please use the feedback form at the top of the webpage. We will also look at how this pause will affect the quality of answers. Depending on how this will turn out, the GotM contest may be reworked.
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Grey_Wolfcommenteda year ago
looks like I lost a point? @growdiaries care to explain anyway I withdrew this contest is bullshit
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@Grey_Wolf, oh shit here we go. Idk how you can lose a point if the contest is over. Do they go back though and confirm the questions and answers or something? No idea.
Hashycommenteda year ago
@Grey_Wolf, you was 3rd with 6 points after the comp ended so your points should have been safe unless growdiaries removed a point.
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
I’m guessing something is mixed up because Roberts was 4th and then cultivatorfrog was 3rd and somehow Roberts jumped into second over cultivatorfrog. ???
Astroboycommented10 months ago
@LSchnabel, did you contact growdiaires
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LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
Anyone know what the countdown timer is on this contest now that it is already over?
Hashycommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, it's always there, it's incase anyone was dodgy. I think anything reported during the month gets checked out during the countdown. Your points are locked in at this point and no one can be shady by deselect any of your answers to alter the outcome. Iv seen people loose loads of points in the final hour of the comp when they have been stitched up. Your 16 points are safe and after the timer runs out your the winner. Well done.
Newt_Loopcommenteda year ago
Couldn't they just easily make it so you have to be here at least a month to enter or have at least 1 completed diary or something? Other contests do it, I don't see why this one can't be the same. Should be a rule like that for every single contest. Someone just needs to look at the questions and answers and award points accordingly. The person asking the question shouldn't have all the power to pick a solution, especially if they just picked someone that typed a longer message and used fancier words to say the same thing someone said before them. I've seen lots of bad answers that were selected as solutions just because the person who answered typed a long message or used fancy words. Feel bad for the people who are asking for help and getting advice that's going to hurt their crop.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@Newt_Loop, They could and this has been suggested with many other helpful suggestions but it goes unnoticed. Maybe they want the Drama of GTOM to bring in site traffic and people to come and read all about it. Prob brings it more hits then the blog portion of the site and we are not getting paid by them like that blogger is lol, win win in their eyes. But you know. just have a good ad-blocker and script filter and it stops a lot of their money making garbage in their tracks. :D Last time I wrote on how to do that my comment got deleted.... mysteriously
gottagrowsometimecommenteda year ago
iLoveGoodWeedcommenteda year ago