The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
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  • start actively answering Grow Questions
  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month May 2022

Shipped by Sponsors
43 Growers participating
3 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners



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Hashycommented3 years ago
No way @dissnoof, and @herbaledu, are above me in the rankings. I cry cheats, cheats I say, bloody cheaters. Only messing guys, comment section is quiet so thought I'd have a laugh.
m0usecommented3 years ago
@SeedlockHolmes, lol yea "moderators" Best of Luck if you decide to compete, its not hard to place top three on a fastbuds month, so many ppl have stock piles of their seeds as they sponsor so may contests, less competition.
SeedlockHolmescommented3 years ago
@m0use, Oh I see... it's social network "tracking" xD Guess that's why there's moderators. Thanks for the reply growmie ;).
m0usecommented3 years ago
@SeedlockHolmes, What @Hashy said is bang on. There is also the rare case where a troll will only pick one user as their answers and then make it look like that person owns the fake account. Or they also change the answer to mislead the contestants who are running for 1-3rd. I can't track them fully. I can only look at whats made available to me. Their activity feed, and the things they post. Most of them mess up and cross link their accounts and that's what makes it sus. The main turd in Jan GOTM was someone using an old profile made for cheating, but they delete the diaries every time and all the questions associated with them. You may think, how do I know if they are deleted, but some users write on the walls of the profile saying things like, "Hey I answered your questions, let me know if you need anything else" and that comment will be dated months to years ago. but the account has nothing on it. Its also sus when you call someone out on it and they start changing their name and photos. This also happened in Jan GTOM. The site says they scrub the metadata off photos and videos, but i think its smart to also remove them from your end as well. In Canada, its not illegal so I do not need to be as cautions but the servers are located outside of USA if I understood it correctly. Their laws of privacy do not exist. don't upload anything you care about, I water mark all my photos now and use fake names and multiple addresses of friends so they never know who I am when I'm shipping prizes. VPN is smart. using a forwarding address is also smart, or renting a mailbox in cash. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Kangaroo / @Nascar24 Not subtle Not fucking subtle at all.
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
“I don’t even want the seeds, I’m doing this just to help growers guys” 😒
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, Well, I am here for free seeds, but I don't grow autos. Even if they had a good seed supplier for this contest., I don't think I would spend more than half hour in the morning answering questions. I do that in my private messages, and that usually takes up my half hour.. Not all get free seeds, so I see why they answer so many question... The price they charge for seeds is highway robbery. Hundreds of dollars for pennies worth of seeds....
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, and you are one of the few I believe this is actually true... I can tell after 2 years who’s trying for points and who’s trying to help. Shit, anyone with half a brain can scroll thru the last day worth of questions and tell who’s in it for points and who’s not.
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, I hear you there bro...Autos aren't worth my time. But I do try to help out, when I have the time..
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GanjaReapercommented3 years ago
@M0use @Hashy @Dissnoof Attantion, account @Kangaroo tries to cheat his/her way into the top 3 with another account @Nascar24. Lucky i made screenshots before this has happend and meanwhile it happend. When the contest ended: After it ended @Nascar24 started spamming questions
PremiumBudsEUcommented3 years ago
@GanjaReaper, This is really sad guys, I feel you, it takes a lot of effort and time to answer everything, and we really try to help . I'm participating for the first time, just for fun, I want to test my knowledge myself and of course help the growers. I solved 6 questions today and I only have 3 points ?!
HerbalEducommented3 years ago
@m0use, /facepalm /wtf /wut
m0usecommented3 years ago
@GanjaReaper, it does seem like this person is trying to actively take 3rd place away from you. best thing to do it hit report on all the questions and answers then on their profiles and diaries. @fast_buds @growdiaries please look into this. its clearly a manufactured win with no effort put into the contest or a weirdly gross error of the same question and answer populated over and over to the point they hit 3rd place.... prob the first cheating method but you know, keep all doors open lol. Keep an eye on your DM inbox "green arrow bottom right hand corner" for updates from them, they like to send direct messages sometimes vs replying here, but still tend not to respond to most things and just fix them. also equally good.
Hashycommented3 years ago
Wtf. I checked this contest with an hour to go and ganjareaper was in 3rd. This is just so fucked up that someone can literally not be on the board with an hour to go and then get 27answers in that hour to take 3rd.
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Hashy, no incubator no problem DasBoofTek 2023 🚀
Hashycommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, how many seeds do you do at once with the boof method. @dissnoof, told me he once did 2000 at once and had 100% germination rate.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, that was my thoughts also. I forgot, how do you germinate seeds. Lol
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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
Damn!!!! @CRiSPrGrow @Hashy. My 2 pals in the lead and I don't even have the time to harass you guys. Hash must be chauffeuring you around on his spazzed up tricycle....🛵⚡
m0usecommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, GD has me stuck in this jar for 3 months...😂 had to update the link.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, even without the hair his head has swelled that much from people selecting his answers. A helmet that would fit a silverback gorilla probably still wouldn't fit him.
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Hashy, Ahhh! Now I see why he cut the big green hair....😎
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Chow_13commented3 years ago
Congratulations @Hashy @Dissnoof and @GanjaReaper.
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, haha. And the muppet chow saying I wonder will (me) me throwing out any false accusations. No wonder y he made that comment. Probably thought I'd out him. Congrats guys.
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, i do it for the trolls 😅
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Did @doctorgreenthumb cheat? I still don't see any proof. I only took your side because I was sick of seeing his obsession with tossing salads.
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m0usecommented3 years ago
I'm expecting nothing but the best with @CRiSPrGrow competing this month.
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@AsNoriu, 😅 you fucking made me smile brother 👊
AsNoriucommented3 years ago
@m0use, he always cries in DM to choose him ;))))) But quality of few answers I saw - improved ;)))))))))
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Hashy,so it begins...🍿
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Hashycommented3 years ago
Awesome I'm in the top 3 of next months and I haven't answered a question since yesterday. Don't worry guys I'll withdraw I'm just leaving it there incase them points need adding to this months contest.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, not had my smoke yet. Got one rolled ready for when I finish work.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I know. I'm being kind, can't have everyone having stress attacks.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I'm expecting someone to complain I have points in next month's that's why I said on here I'll remove them once this months has been finalised. It will most likely cause some peoples veins in their temple to explode if I didn't.
Hashycommented3 years ago
Let's keep this competition clean this month.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@AsNoriu, thought I'd start the day off on positive vibes.
AsNoriucommented3 years ago
@Hashy, thanks, that cheered me for whole morning ;)))) Guess NOT 😑😑😑😑😑😑
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
Lol awww man GD.. killing it
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
Congrats to all the winners!
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
#believekarla , trust in @doctorgreenthumb ... accept idiocy as your guide, become weak minded lmfao (links in bio)
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
this contest should be called "DM a grower" and everytime someone asks a question they get told to ask a grower directly , 6 months later we can meet up for a festival 👍 really looking forward to meeting my growmies this year and next 👏🚀
Jobbiecommented3 years ago
I say this often enough in my Journal; Best Community Ever! All of my questions have been answered super fast, and let's be honest, no Karen freaks out more than a grower with a plant issue.
GanjaReapercommented3 years ago
Hello everyone :) Nice to see myself being into the top 5 for now. I have read some stuff in this topic and it saddens me to see that people are trying to cheat this by using other accounts. When reading about it i thought about this: What if people use other accounts to steal solutions away from those heading into the top? What about people anser the same solutions as you later on and get the solution by the grower? happend to me sometimes LOL or what about people adding questions without wanting a solution but just say; Look at my beautifull plants, who likes them as well? Some of you respond to that with like: yeah awesome plants and get a solution point as well haha. Overal í'm glad i found this page month's ago an recently made my own legal diary and to be honnest because of this contest, more active on GD. Goodluck everyone :)
Hashycommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, don't forget the whale tale on the back.
SeedlockHolmescommented3 years ago
@GanjaReaper, Hi friend, I've had the same questions...I just figured to nevermind the contests and take advantage when I can for participating in this community as there's no particular parameters for an answer to be selected and no safeguard for scammers, empty accounts, etc. Anyone can create an account make a question and never enter the community again and their selected answer will still count. Nevermind the competition, it's more of a raffle just enjoy helping others and be helped ;)
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, With training wheels on the front...😎
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m0usecommented3 years ago
This is a tight race for 3rd place!
Fayah_Burncommented3 years ago
@HerbalEdu, good luck guy's 🍀 Im not in the 🏁 race anymore, havn't got enought time for this..
m0usecommented3 years ago
HerbalEducommented3 years ago
@m0use, should i feel guilty ? 😅😂 good luck guys @ganjareaper @greenorganicgermany @doctorgreenthumb @seedlockholmes @fayah_burn few days remaining ✊
AsNoriucommented3 years ago
Go HhhhhhhH.....erbal !!! Not today @Hashy !!!!!! ;)))))
HerbalEducommented3 years ago
@AsNoriu, :3 yeah i need to poke my ego with a grower of the month badge on my profil 😹
Hashycommented3 years ago
@AsNoriu, cheers mate.
GanjaReapercommented3 years ago
HOW DID GREENORGANICGERMANY WIN THE 3TH PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE WAS WAY BEHIND ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Growdiaries @Dissnoof @Hashy @NoBodysbuds @Gottagrowsometime @M0use
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GanjaReaper, during May especially during the last 2 weeks I noticed what I class as potential dodgy questions that didn't seem legit, I passed on these and didn't answer. What could have happened is someone/sometwat had baited some questions you may have answered and then waited for the comp to close before de selecting your answers which could drop you down the board. For example sometwat may have had 20 fake questions, gave you the point then took it away from you at last possible moment. I'm staying away from this comp from now on, not worth the hassle.
GanjaReapercommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, Thanks for understanding
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@GanjaReaper, I know you are legit bro. I'm just trying to point out what might be the reason behind there choices. I hope you get a reply back from GD. again brother. No need to even try defend yourself. There really is no need. I get you. It doesn't say that, you are right. But you weren't here for last month. It was an absolute joke. The top 3 were all cheating. 1 guy actually made an account called GROWEROFTHEMONTH and the other 2 were just as bad. Lots of fighting, mainly from me complaining and calling the wrong ppl out. And I wasn't even in it for that month I just couldn't believe the level of cheating. So I'm just trying to help a lil by giving you bit of info as to y it might have gone down like that. Hope they fix it.
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GanjaReapercommented3 years ago
I WANT TO SKYPE YOU @Growdiaries or call your whatever! I got the 3th place!!!!!!!!!
GanjaReapercommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, Trolls or not i had 12 more points. Even thought there where some trolls. It would not been 13 points of trolls. I try to be polite, but i have the right to be angry about this.